giuliomoro@64: # BeagleRT giuliomoro@64: # Low-latency, real-time audio and sensor processing on BeagleBone Black giuliomoro@64: # (c) 2015 Andrew McPherson, Victor Zappi, Giulio Moro giuliomoro@64: # Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # This Makefile is intended for use on the BeagleBone Black itself giuliomoro@64: # and not for cross-compiling giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: RM := rm -rf giuliomoro@64: STATIC_LIBS := ./libprussdrv.a ./libNE10.a giuliomoro@64: LIBS := -lrt -lnative -lxenomai giuliomoro@64: andrewm@68: INCLUDES := -I/usr/include/ne10 -I/usr/xenomai/include -I/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/include/xenomai/include -I/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/include/ne10 andrewm@68: andrewm@68: giuliomoro@64: ASM_SRCS := $(wildcard source/*.S) giuliomoro@64: ASM_OBJS := $(addprefix build/source/,$(notdir $(ASM_SRCS:.S=.o))) giuliomoro@64: ASM_DEPS := $(addprefix build/source/,$(notdir $(ASM_SRCS:.S=.d))) giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: C_SRCS := $(wildcard source/*.c) giuliomoro@64: C_OBJS := $(addprefix build/source/,$(notdir $(C_SRCS:.c=.o))) giuliomoro@64: C_DEPS := $(addprefix build/source/,$(notdir $(C_SRCS:.c=.d))) giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: CPP_SRCS := $(wildcard source/*.cpp) giuliomoro@64: CPP_OBJS := $(addprefix build/source/,$(notdir $(CPP_SRCS:.cpp=.o))) giuliomoro@64: CPP_DEPS := $(addprefix build/source/,$(notdir $(CPP_SRCS:.cpp=.d))) giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # Core BeagleRT sources giuliomoro@64: CORE_CPP_SRCS := \ giuliomoro@64: ./core/GPIOcontrol.cpp \ giuliomoro@64: ./core/I2c_Codec.cpp \ giuliomoro@64: ./core/PRU.cpp \ giuliomoro@64: ./core/RTAudio.cpp \ giuliomoro@64: ./core/RTAudioCommandLine.cpp \ giuliomoro@64: ./core/Utilities.cpp \ giuliomoro@105: ./core/UdpClient.cpp giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: CORE_OBJS := \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/GPIOcontrol.o \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/I2c_Codec.o \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/PRU.o \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/RTAudio.o \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/RTAudioCommandLine.o \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/Utilities.o \ giuliomoro@105: ./build/core/UdpClient.o giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: CORE_CPP_DEPS := \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/GPIOcontrol.d \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/I2c_Codec.d \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/PRU.d \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/RTAudio.d \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/RTAudioCommandLine.d \ giuliomoro@64: ./build/core/Utilities.d \ giuliomoro@105: ./build/core/UdpClient.d giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # Objects for a system-supplied default main() file, if the user giuliomoro@64: # only wants to provide the render functions. giuliomoro@64: DEFAULT_MAIN_CPP_SRCS := ./core/default_main.cpp giuliomoro@64: DEFAULT_MAIN_OBJS := ./build/core/default_main.o giuliomoro@64: DEFAULT_MAIN_CPP_DEPS := ./build/core/default_main.d andrewm@68: giuliomoro@64: # All = build BeagleRT andrewm@69: all: SYNTAX_FLAG := giuliomoro@64: all: BeagleRT andrewm@68: andrewm@69: # syntax = check syntax andrewm@69: syntax: SYNTAX_FLAG := -fsyntax-only andrewm@69: syntax: BeagleRT andrewm@69: giuliomoro@64: # Rule for BeagleRT core C++ files giuliomoro@64: build/core/%.o: ./core/%.cpp giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Building file: $<' giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Invoking: GCC C++ Compiler' andrewm@69: g++ $(SYNTAX_FLAG) $(INCLUDES) -O2 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<" giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Finished building: $<' giuliomoro@64: @echo ' ' andrewm@68: giuliomoro@64: # Rule for user-supplied C++ files giuliomoro@64: build/source/%.o: ./source/%.cpp giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Building file: $<' giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Invoking: GCC C++ Compiler' andrewm@69: g++ $(SYNTAX_FLAG) -I./include $(INCLUDES) -O2 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<" giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Finished building: $<' giuliomoro@64: @echo ' ' andrewm@68: giuliomoro@64: # Rule for user-supplied C files giuliomoro@64: build/source/%.o: ./source/%.c giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Building file: $<' giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Invoking: GCC C Compiler' chris@164: gcc $(SYNTAX_FLAG) -I./include $(INCLUDES) -O2 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<" -std=c99 giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Finished building: $<' giuliomoro@64: @echo ' ' andrewm@68: giuliomoro@64: # Rule for user-supplied assembly files giuliomoro@64: build/source/%.o: ./source/%.S giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Building file: $<' giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Invoking: GCC Assembler' giuliomoro@64: as -o "$@" "$<" giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Finished building: $<' giuliomoro@64: @echo ' ' giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # This is a nasty kludge: we want to be able to optionally link in a default giuliomoro@64: # main file if the user hasn't supplied one. We check for the presence of the main() giuliomoro@64: # function, and conditionally call one of two recursive make targets depending on whether giuliomoro@64: # we want to link in the default main file or not. The kludge is the mess of a shell script giuliomoro@64: # line below. Surely there's a better way to do this? giuliomoro@64: BeagleRT: $(CORE_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) $(C_OBJS) $(CPP_OBJS) $(STATIC_LIBS) giuliomoro@64: $(eval NEXT_TARGET := $(shell bash -c 'if [ `nm build/source/*.o | grep -w T | grep -w main | wc -l` == '0' ]; then echo "BeagleRT_with_main"; else echo "BeagleRT_without_main"; fi')) giuliomoro@64: $(MAKE) $(NEXT_TARGET) giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Finished building target: $@' giuliomoro@64: @echo ' ' giuliomoro@64: # $(MAKE) --no-print-directory post-build andrewm@68: giuliomoro@64: # Rule for building BeagleRT including the default main file (no user-supplied main()) giuliomoro@64: BeagleRT_with_main: $(CORE_OBJS) $(DEFAULT_MAIN_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) $(C_OBJS) $(CPP_OBJS) $(STATIC_LIBS) giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Building target: $@' giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Invoking: GCC C++ Linker' andrewm@69: g++ $(SYNTAX_FLAG) -L/usr/xenomai/lib -L/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib -L/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/xenomai -L/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf -pthread -Wpointer-arith -o "BeagleRT" $(CORE_OBJS) $(DEFAULT_MAIN_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) $(C_OBJS) $(CPP_OBJS) $(STATIC_LIBS) $(LIBS) giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # Rule for building BeagleRT without the default main file (user-supplied main()) giuliomoro@64: BeagleRT_without_main: $(CORE_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) $(C_OBJS) $(CPP_OBJS) $(STATIC_LIBS) giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Building target: $@' giuliomoro@64: @echo 'Invoking: GCC C++ Linker' andrewm@69: g++ $(SYNTAX_FLAG) -L/usr/xenomai/lib -L/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib -L/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/xenomai -L/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf -pthread -Wpointer-arith -o "BeagleRT" $(CORE_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) $(C_OBJS) $(CPP_OBJS) $(STATIC_LIBS) $(LIBS) giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # Other Targets: giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # Remove the temporary user-supplied source, plus the objects built from them giuliomoro@64: sourceclean: giuliomoro@64: -$(RM) source/* build/source/* BeagleRT giuliomoro@64: -@echo ' ' giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # Remove all the built objects, including the core BeagleRT objects giuliomoro@64: distclean: giuliomoro@64: -$(RM) build/source/* $(CORE_OBJS) $(CORE_CPP_DEPS) $(DEFAULT_MAIN_OBJS) $(DEFAULT_MAIN_CPP_DEPS) BeagleRT giuliomoro@64: -@echo ' ' giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: # Remove only the user-generated objects giuliomoro@64: clean: giuliomoro@64: -$(RM) build/source/* BeagleRT giuliomoro@64: -@echo ' ' giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: post-build: giuliomoro@64: # Nothing to do here (for now) giuliomoro@64: giuliomoro@64: .PHONY: all clean distclean sourceclean dependents giuliomoro@64: .SECONDARY: post-build