giuliomoro@301: #include <Bela.h> 
giuliomoro@157: #include <cmath>
giuliomoro@157: #include <WriteFile.h>
giuliomoro@157: WriteFile file1;
giuliomoro@157: WriteFile file2;
giuliomoro@301: bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
giuliomoro@157: {
giuliomoro@157: 	file1.init("out.bin"); //set the file name to write to
giuliomoro@157: 	file1.setEchoInterval(1000);
giuliomoro@157: 	file1.setFileType(kBinary);
giuliomoro@157: 	file1.setFormat("%.4f %.4f\n"); // set the format that you want to use for your output. Please use %f only (with modifiers). When in binary mode, this is used only for echoing to console
giuliomoro@157: 	file2.init("out.m"); //set the file name to write to
giuliomoro@157: 	file2.setHeader("myvar=[\n"); //set one or more lines to be printed at the beginning of the file
giuliomoro@157: 	file2.setFooter("];\n"); //set one or more lines to be printed at the end of the file
giuliomoro@157: 	file2.setFormat("%.4f\n"); // set the format that you want to use for your output. Please use %f only (with modifiers)
giuliomoro@157: 	file2.setFileType(kText);
giuliomoro@157: 	file2.setEchoInterval(10000); // only print to the console 1 line every other 10000
giuliomoro@157: 	return true; 
giuliomoro@157: }
giuliomoro@301: void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
giuliomoro@157: {
giuliomoro@157: 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; n++) {
giuliomoro@157: 			file1.log(&(context->analogIn[n*context->analogFrames]), 2); // log an array of values
giuliomoro@157: 			file2.log(context->analogIn[n*context->analogFrames]); // log a single value
giuliomoro@157: 	}
giuliomoro@157: }
giuliomoro@157: // cleanup_render() is called once at the end, after the audio has stopped.
giuliomoro@157: // Release any resources that were allocated in initialise_render().
giuliomoro@301: void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
giuliomoro@157: {
giuliomoro@157: }