chris@531: #N canvas 1035 935 404 295 10; chris@543: #X obj 136 235 dac~ 27 28 29 30; chris@543: #X obj 66 201 osc~ 2321; chris@531: #X obj 143 201 osc~ 12; chris@543: #X obj 288 201 noise~; chris@543: #X obj 207 201 phasor~ 10; giuliomoro@474: #X text 16 15 Bela Scope; chris@531: #X text 16 25 ==========; chris@531: #X text 16 81 If you're running this example in the Bela IDE \, simply chris@531: click; chris@531: #X text 16 95 the scope icon to see the signals being visualised.; chris@531: #X text 16 43 You can log any signal to the scope by using the DAC~ chris@531: ; chris@531: #X text 16 57 outputs 27-30; chris@531: #X text 17 117 If using the build scripts or compiled using Heavy \, chris@531: make; chris@531: #X text 16 146 up the scope in your browser chris@531: ; chris@531: #X text 17 132 sure the IDE is running ( ./ start ) and then chris@531: bring; chris@531: #X connect 1 0 0 0; chris@531: #X connect 2 0 0 1; chris@531: #X connect 3 0 0 3; chris@531: #X connect 4 0 0 2;