giuliomoro@425: #!/bin/sh
andrewm@58: #
giuliomoro@377: # This script copies the core Bela files to the BeagleBone Black
andrewm@58: # in preparation for building projects. It will remove any existing
giuliomoro@377: # Bela directory before copying the files over
giuliomoro@461: # Find location of this script so we can locate the rest of the files
giuliomoro@461: SCRIPTDIR=$(dirname "$0")
giuliomoro@461: [ -z $SCRIPTDIR ] && SCRIPTDIR="./" || SCRIPTDIR=$SCRIPTDIR/ 
giuliomoro@461: . $SCRIPTDIR.bela_common || { echo "You must be in Bela/scripts to run these scripts" | exit 1; }  
giuliomoro@461: [ -z "$IDE_FOLDER" ] && IDE_FOLDER=$SCRIPTDIR/../../bela-ide/
giuliomoro@413: FILES_TO_COPY="core include Makefile libNE10.a libprussdrv.a examples Doxyfile"
giuliomoro@413: # The following variables are manually copied from the Makefile.
giuliomoro@413: # It is a bit nasty, but here we need to handle the case that the board may be 
giuliomoro@413: # in any arbitrarily (bad) condition and try to handle it the best we can
giuliomoro@413: BELA_IDE_SCREEN_NAME=IDE-Bela
giuliomoro@413: SCREEN_NAME=Bela
giuliomoro@428: usage ()
andrewm@58: {
andrewm@58:     THIS_SCRIPT=`basename "$0"`
giuliomoro@452:     echo "Usage: $THIS_SCRIPT [--clean] [--no-frills] [-dy ] [-i user@ip] [-b /path/to/remote/Bela]"
andrewm@58:     echo "
giuliomoro@413:     This script updates the core Bela files on the BeagleBone, bringing it up
giuliomoro@415:     to date with the files in the folder on the host computer.
giuliomoro@413:     The script must be run once to initialize the board before running any of
giuliomoro@413:     the other scripts in this directory. It must also be run every time you
giuliomoro@413:     wish to update the core code.
giuliomoro@413:     Running this script will discard all changes to the core code on the remote
giuliomoro@413:     end.
giuliomoro@413: Command line options:    
giuliomoro@413:     -i arg : allows to set the username and IP address of the remote end (default: $BBB_ADDRESS)
giuliomoro@413:     -b arg : allows to set the path to the Bela folder on the remote end. Use quotes if you use the \"~\" symbol (default: $BBB_BELA_HOME)
giuliomoro@413:     --clean : removes all the files in the $BBB_BELA_HOME folder, INCLUDING any source code you may have in the $BBB_BELA_HOME/projects/ subdirectory.
giuliomoro@452:     -d : skips re-generating Doxygen documentation on the board.
giuliomoro@484:     -n : do not try to update the IDE.
giuliomoro@452:     --no-frills : skips some optional commands.
giuliomoro@413:     -y : does not prompt the user before deleting the remote files.
giuliomoro@413:     "
andrewm@58: }
giuliomoro@428: signal_handler ()
giuliomoro@428: {
giuliomoro@428:   echo
giuliomoro@428:   exit
giuliomoro@428: }
giuliomoro@432: trap signal_handler 2 
giuliomoro@428: error_handler () {
giuliomoro@412:  [ $1 -eq 0 ] && printf "done\n" || { [ -z "$2" ] && printf "\nAn error occurred. Is the board connected?\n" || printf "$2"; exit 1; }
giuliomoro@412: }
giuliomoro@452: FULL=1
andrewm@58: OPTIND=1
giuliomoro@412: ALWAYS_YES=0
giuliomoro@413: RESET_BOARD=0
giuliomoro@452: DOXYGEN=1
giuliomoro@484: UPDATE_IDE=1
giuliomoro@413: while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
giuliomoro@413:   case $1 in
giuliomoro@413:     -b)           
giuliomoro@413:       shift
giuliomoro@413:       BBB_BELA_HOME=$1
giuliomoro@413:     ;;
giuliomoro@413:     -i)
giuliomoro@413:       shift
giuliomoro@413:       BBB_ADDRESS=$1
giuliomoro@413:     ;;
giuliomoro@413:     --clean)
giuliomoro@413:       RESET_BOARD=1
giuliomoro@413:     ;;
giuliomoro@452:     -d)
giuliomoro@452:       DOXYGEN=0
giuliomoro@452:     ;;
giuliomoro@484:     -n)
giuliomoro@484:       UPDATE_IDE=0
giuliomoro@484:     ;;
giuliomoro@452:     --no-frills)
giuliomoro@452:       FULL=0
giuliomoro@452:     ;;
giuliomoro@413:     -y)          
giuliomoro@413:        ALWAYS_YES=1
giuliomoro@413:     ;;
giuliomoro@413:     *)            
giuliomoro@413:       usage
giuliomoro@413:       exit 1
giuliomoro@413:     ;;
giuliomoro@412:   esac
giuliomoro@413:   shift
andrewm@58: done
giuliomoro@454: # Check if destination folder exists
giuliomoro@454: # the StrictHostKeyChecking no should prevent the unkown host prompt
giuliomoro@454: ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" $BBB_ADDRESS stat $BBB_BELA_HOME &>/dev/null && DESTINATION_EMPTY=0 || DESTINATION_EMPTY=1
giuliomoro@452: # Set the date on the board
giuliomoro@452: [ $FULL -eq 1 ] && set_date 
giuliomoro@413: if [ $DESTINATION_EMPTY -eq 0 ];
andrewm@58: then
giuliomoro@413:   echo "Updating the Bela core code in $BBB_ADDRESS:$BBB_BELA_HOME"
giuliomoro@413:   if [ $RESET_BOARD -eq 1 ];
giuliomoro@413:   then
giuliomoro@413:     printf "DANGER: you are about to perform a HARD RESET, which will DELETE all the  existing files from the folder $BBB_BELA_HOME on the BeagleBone Black.\nAre you sure you want to continue? (y/N) "
giuliomoro@413:   else
giuliomoro@413:     printf "All the changes to the CORE files in the remote folder $BBB_BELA_HOME will be LOST. The content of these files/folders will be lost:\n  $FILES_TO_COPY \nYour projects stored in $BBB_BELA_HOME/projects should be safe (and surely you have already backed them up somewhere safe, haven't you?).\nAre you sure you want to continue? (y/N) "
giuliomoro@413:   fi;
giuliomoro@413:   if [ $ALWAYS_YES -eq 1 ];
giuliomoro@413:   then
giuliomoro@413:     printf "y\n"
giuliomoro@413:   else 
giuliomoro@413:     read REPLY;
giuliomoro@439:     [ -z "$REPLY" ] || { [ "$REPLY" !=  y ]  && [ "$REPLY" != Y ]; } && { echo "Aborting..."; exit 1; }
giuliomoro@413:   fi
giuliomoro@413: else
giuliomoro@413:   echo "Installing Bela core code in $BBB_ADDRESS:$BBB_BELA_HOME"
giuliomoro@413: fi
giuliomoro@452: echo "Updating Bela core files to remote folder $BBB_BELA_HOME"
giuliomoro@377: # Stop Bela if running and remove all files
giuliomoro@454: if [ $FULL -eq 1 ]
giuliomoro@454: then
giuliomoro@454:   printf "Stopping Bela..." 
giuliomoro@454:   ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME idestop stop &>/dev/null; screen -X -S Bela quit &>/dev/null; screen -X -S IDE-Bela quit &>/dev/null; true";
giuliomoro@454:   error_handler $?
giuliomoro@454: fi
giuliomoro@413: if [ $RESET_BOARD -eq 1 ];
giuliomoro@413: then
giuliomoro@413:   printf "Removing old files..."
giuliomoro@413:   ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "rm -rf $BBB_BELA_HOME";
giuliomoro@413:   error_handler $?
giuliomoro@413: fi
giuliomoro@413: #Check if rsync is available
giuliomoro@413: [ -z `which rsync` ] && RSYNC_AVAILABLE=0 || RSYNC_AVAILABLE=1
giuliomoro@420: # cd to the home of the project to make the following lines less verbose
giuliomoro@420: RUN_FOLDER=`pwd`
giuliomoro@413: cd $SCRIPTDIR/../
giuliomoro@413: printf "Updating files..."
andrewm@58: # Copy relevant files to BeagleBone Black
giuliomoro@413: if [ $RSYNC_AVAILABLE -eq 1 ];
giuliomoro@413: then
giuliomoro@413:   [ -z `which sed` ] && FILTER=cat || FILTER="sed s/\\n// | sed s/^.*:/Updated\ files:\/g | tr \"\n\" \" \""
giuliomoro@461:   rsync -ac --no-t --delete-after --stats $FILES_TO_COPY $BBB_ADDRESS:$BBB_BELA_HOME 2>/dev/null |grep -i "Number" | grep -i "files" | grep -i "transferred" | eval $FILTER &&\
giuliomoro@477:   printf "..." && rsync -ac --no-t $BBB_ADDRESS:/usr/lib
giuliomoro@413: else
giuliomoro@413:   # if rsync is not available, then clean the folders before copying the files
giuliomoro@413:   ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "rm -rf $FILES_TO_COPY; mkdir -p $BBB_BELA_HOME" &&\
giuliomoro@413:   scp -r -q $FILES_TO_COPY $BBB_ADDRESS:$BBB_BELA_HOME &&\
giuliomoro@413:   scp -q $BBB_ADDRESS:/usr/lib
giuliomoro@413: fi
giuliomoro@412: error_handler $?
giuliomoro@420: # cd back to the original folder.
giuliomoro@420: cd "$RUN_FOLDER"
giuliomoro@402: # Create remaining directories needed for building
giuliomoro@412: printf "Creating directory structure on BeagleBone..."
giuliomoro@415: ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "mkdir -p $BBB_BELA_HOME/build/core $BBB_BELA_HOME/projects"
giuliomoro@412: error_handler $?
giuliomoro@452: if [ $DOXYGEN -eq 1 ] 
giuliomoro@452: then 
giuliomoro@452:   printf "Generating on-board documentation..."
giuliomoro@452:   ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "cd $BBB_BELA_HOME; doxygen &> /dev/null"
giuliomoro@452:   error_handler $? "\nError while generating Doxygen documentation\n"
giuliomoro@452: fi
l@451: printf "Cleaning build environment..."
giuliomoro@477: ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME --no-print-directory coreclean &>/dev/null"
l@451: error_handler $? "\nError cleaning core\n"
giuliomoro@402: #-------------
giuliomoro@402: #Installing IDE
giuliomoro@484: if [ $UPDATE_IDE -eq 1 ]
giuliomoro@402: then
giuliomoro@484: 	[ $ALWAYS_YES -eq 0 ] && ALWAYS_YES_FLAG= || ALWAYS_YES_FLAG="-y"
giuliomoro@484: 	[ $FULL -eq 1 ] && NO_FRILLS_FLAG= || NO_FRILLS_FLAG="--no-frills"
giuliomoro@484: 	ls $IDE_FOLDER/scripts/update_IDE >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
giuliomoro@484: 	if [ $? -eq 0 ]
giuliomoro@484: 	then
giuliomoro@484: 	  export BBB_ADDRESS BBB_BELA_HOME
giuliomoro@484: 	  cd $IDE_FOLDER/scripts && ./update_IDE $ALWAYS_YES_FLAG $NO_FRILLS_FLAG
giuliomoro@484: 	  # The IDE is restarted by the update_IDE script
giuliomoro@484: 	else
giuliomoro@484: 	  # run the IDE 
giuliomoro@484: 	   printf "\nThe Bela core files were updated on the board, but a valid IDE folder was not found in $IDE_FOLDER/, so the IDE was not updated.
giuliomoro@484: 	You can get a copy of the most up-to-date IDE files from\n"
giuliomoro@484: 	  [ $FULL -eq 1 ] && printf "If there was an older version of the IDE on the board, it is being restarted.\n\n" &&\
giuliomoro@484: 	    ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME --no-print-directory idestart" 
giuliomoro@484: 	fi
giuliomoro@402: else
giuliomoro@484: 	echo "Not updating the IDE"
giuliomoro@419: fi
giuliomoro@477: [ $FULL -eq 1 ] && ssh $BBB_ADDRESS make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME --no-print-directory idestartup nostartup && printf "The board will now run the IDE at startup, but startup of the Bela program has been disabled.\nTo enable it, use the script.\nTo control the ide use the script\n"
giuliomoro@452: [ $ALWAYS_YES -eq 1 ] && printf "\nSetup complete.\n\n" || {
giuliomoro@477:   printf '\nSetup complete, press any key to continue . . .\n\n'
giuliomoro@437:   read 
giuliomoro@437: }