l@271: [](http://travis-ci.org/russellmcc/node-binpack) l@271: # binpack l@271: l@271: _Deprecated binary packing utilities for node.js_ l@271: l@271: ## What's all this? l@271: l@271: node now actually contains native code for packing binary buffers so this module is no longer needed. do not use in new code. l@271: l@271: see the included COPYING file for licensing. l@271: l@271: the core of the module is the set of `pack`/`unpack` pair functions. The meaning should be clear from the name - for example, `packInt32` packs a given javascript number into a 32-bit int inside a 4-byte node.js Buffer, while `unpackFloat32` unpacks a 4-byte node.js Buffer containing a native floating point number into a javascript number. l@271: l@271: The following types are available for both pack and unpack: l@271: l@271: Float32 l@271: Float64 l@271: Int8 l@271: Int16 l@271: Int32 l@271: UInt8 l@271: UInt16 l@271: UInt32 l@271: l@271: Each `pack*` function takes a javascript number and outputs a node.js Buffer. l@271: l@271: Each `unpack*` function takes a node.js Buffer and outputs a javascript number. l@271: l@271: Both types of functions take an optional second argument. If this argument is `"big"`, the output is put in big endian format. If the argument is `"little"`, the output is put in little endian format. If the argument is anything else or non-existent, we default to "little" endian [THIS IS NEW BEHAVIOR IN 0.0.15 - previous version would default to the native encoding.].