giuliomoro@117: #include "ReceiveAudioThread.h" giuliomoro@119: giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@119: #else giuliomoro@117: //initialise static members giuliomoro@119: bool ReceiveAudioThread::staticConstructed=false; giuliomoro@117: AuxiliaryTask ReceiveAudioThread::receiveDataTask=NULL; giuliomoro@119: std::vector<ReceiveAudioThread *> ReceiveAudioThread::objAddrs(0); giuliomoro@119: bool ReceiveAudioThread::threadRunning; giuliomoro@119: bool ReceiveAudioThread::threadIsExiting; giuliomoro@119: int ReceiveAudioThread::sleepTime; giuliomoro@119: giuliomoro@119: void receiveData(){ giuliomoro@119: ReceiveAudioThread::run(); giuliomoro@119: } giuliomoro@119: void ReceiveAudioThread::staticConstructor(){ giuliomoro@119: if(staticConstructed==true) giuliomoro@119: return; giuliomoro@119: staticConstructed=true; giuliomoro@119: threadIsExiting=false; giuliomoro@119: receiveDataTask=BeagleRT_createAuxiliaryTask(receiveData, 90, "receiveDataTask"); //TODO: allow different priorities giuliomoro@119: } giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@117: giuliomoro@117: void ReceiveAudioThread::dealloc(){ giuliomoro@117: free(buffer); giuliomoro@117: buffer=NULL; giuliomoro@117: free(stackBuffer); giuliomoro@117: stackBuffer=NULL; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: void ReceiveAudioThread::wrapWritePointer(){ giuliomoro@122: //this is not quite a simple wrapping as you would do in a circular buffer, giuliomoro@117: //as there is no guarantee the buffer will be full at all times, given that there must alwas be enough space at the end of it giuliomoro@117: //to hold a full payload giuliomoro@117: // lastValidPointer indicates the last pointer in the buffer containing valid data giuliomoro@117: // giuliomoro@117: if(writePointer+payloadLength+headerLength>bufferLength){ //if we are going to exceed the length of the buffer with the next reading giuliomoro@117: // lastValidPointer=writePointer+headerLength; //remember where the last valid data are giuliomoro@117: // for(int n=headerLength;n<lastValidPointer; n++){ giuliomoro@117: // fprintf(fd2, "%f\n",buffer[n]); //DEBUG giuliomoro@117: // } giuliomoro@117: writePointer=0; //and reset to beginning of the buffer giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: void ReceiveAudioThread::pushPayload(int startIndex){ //backup the payload samples that will be overwritten by the new header giuliomoro@117: for(int n=0; n<headerLength; n++){ giuliomoro@117: stackBuffer[n]=buffer[startIndex+n]; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: void ReceiveAudioThread::popPayload(int startIndex){ giuliomoro@117: for(int n=0; n<headerLength; n++){ giuliomoro@117: buffer[startIndex+n]=stackBuffer[n]; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: giuliomoro@117: int ReceiveAudioThread::readUdpToBuffer(){ giuliomoro@117: if(listening==false || bufferReady==false) giuliomoro@117: return 0; giuliomoro@117: if(writePointer<0) giuliomoro@117: return 0; giuliomoro@127: if(socket.waitUntilReady(true, waitForSocketTime)){// TODO: if waitForSocketTime here is >>5, the giuliomoro@132: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@132: #else giuliomoro@132: lastTime=rt_timer_read(); giuliomoro@132: // rt_printf("lastTimeread= %llu\n", lastTime); giuliomoro@132: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@127: // destructor (always or sometimes) never actually gets called, despite run() returns ...see issue #1381 giuliomoro@117: pushPayload(writePointer); //backup headerLength samples. This could be skipped if writePointer==0 giuliomoro@117: //read header+payload giuliomoro@125: int, bytesToRead, true); //read without waiting. giuliomoro@117: //TODO: (if using variable-length payload) validate the actual numBytes read against the size declared in the header giuliomoro@117: if(numBytes<0){ giuliomoro@117: printf("error numBytes1\n"); giuliomoro@117: return -3; //TODO: something went wrong, you have to discard the rest of the packet! giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@125: if(numBytes==0){//TODO: this should not happen unless you actually receive a packet of size zero (is it at all possible?) giuliomoro@117: // printf("received 0 bytes\n"); giuliomoro@117: return 0; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@119: if(numBytes != bytesToRead){ //this is equivalent to (numBytes<bytesToRead) giuliomoro@117: printf("error numBytes2: %d\n", numBytes); giuliomoro@117: return -4; //TODO: something went wrong, less bytes than expected in the payload. giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@119: if(channel!=(int)buffer[writePointer]){ giuliomoro@119: // printf("I am channel %d, but I received data for channel %d\n", channel, (int)buffer[writePointer]); giuliomoro@119: return -5; giuliomoro@119: } giuliomoro@131: if(buffer[writePointer+1]!=timestamp+1) giuliomoro@131: printf("missing a timestamp: %d\n",timestamp+1); giuliomoro@131: timestamp=buffer[writePointer+1]; giuliomoro@119: // rt_printf("Received a message of length %d, it was on channel %d and timestamp %d\n", numBytes, (int)buffer[writePointer], (int)buffer[writePointer+1]); giuliomoro@131: giuliomoro@117: popPayload(writePointer); //restore headerLength payload samples. This could be skipped if writePointer==0 giuliomoro@117: //even though we just wrote (payloadLength+headerLength) samples in the buffer, giuliomoro@117: //we only increment by payloadLength. This way, next time a is performed, we will giuliomoro@117: //backup the last headerLength samples that we just wrote and we will overwrite them with giuliomoro@117: //the header from the new read. After parsing the header we will then restore the backed up samples. giuliomoro@117: //This way we guarantee that, apart from the first headerLength samples, buffer is a circular buffer! giuliomoro@117: writePointer+=payloadLength; giuliomoro@117: wrapWritePointer(); giuliomoro@117: return numBytes; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: return 0; //timeout occurred giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@128: //USE_JUCE Thread(threadName), giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@125: ReceiveAudioThread::ReceiveAudioThread(const String &threadName) : giuliomoro@125: Thread(threadName), giuliomoro@125: #else giuliomoro@117: ReceiveAudioThread::ReceiveAudioThread() : giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@127: socket(0), giuliomoro@117: listening(false), giuliomoro@117: bufferReady(false), giuliomoro@117: buffer(NULL), giuliomoro@117: stackBuffer(NULL), giuliomoro@117: bufferLength(0), giuliomoro@117: lastValidPointer(0), giuliomoro@127: waitForSocketTime(5), giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@125: threadPriority(5) giuliomoro@125: #else giuliomoro@125: threadPriority(88) giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@117: {}; giuliomoro@117: ReceiveAudioThread::~ReceiveAudioThread(){ giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@125: stopThread(1000); giuliomoro@125: #else giuliomoro@131: stopThread(); giuliomoro@117: while(threadRunning){ giuliomoro@119: usleep(sleepTime*2); //wait for thread to stop giuliomoro@117: std::cout<< "Waiting for receiveAudioTask to stop" << std::endl; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@117: //TODO: check if thread stopped, otherwise kill it before dealloc giuliomoro@117: dealloc(); giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@119: void ReceiveAudioThread::init(int aPort, int aSamplesPerBlock, int aChannel){ giuliomoro@117: dealloc(); giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@119: #else giuliomoro@119: staticConstructor(); giuliomoro@119: objAddrs.push_back(this);//TODO: this line should be in the constructor giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@119: bindToPort(aPort); giuliomoro@119: channel=aChannel; giuliomoro@120: printf("Channel %d is receiving on port %d\n",aChannel, aPort); giuliomoro@117: // fd=fopen("output.m","w"); //DEBUG giuliomoro@117: // fprintf(fd,"var=["); //DEBUG giuliomoro@117: headerLength=2; giuliomoro@117: payloadLength=300; //TODO: make sure that payloadLength and headerLength are the same as the client is sending. giuliomoro@117: bufferLength=std::max(headerLength+(payloadLength*4), headerLength+(aSamplesPerBlock*4)); //there are many considerations that can be done here ... giuliomoro@117: //We keep a headerLength padding at the beginning of the array to allow full reads from the socket giuliomoro@117: buffer=(float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*bufferLength); giuliomoro@117: if(buffer==NULL) // something wrong giuliomoro@117: return; giuliomoro@117: lastValidPointer=headerLength+ ((bufferLength-headerLength)/payloadLength)*payloadLength; giuliomoro@117: memset(buffer,0,bufferLength*sizeof(float)); giuliomoro@117: stackBuffer=(float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*headerLength); giuliomoro@125: if(stackBuffer==NULL) // something wrong giuliomoro@125: return; giuliomoro@125: bufferReady=true; giuliomoro@117: bytesToRead=sizeof(float)*(payloadLength + headerLength); giuliomoro@117: writePointer=-1; giuliomoro@120: readPointer=0; giuliomoro@117: sleepTime=payloadLength/(float)44100 /4.0; //set sleepTime so that you do not check too often or too infrequently giuliomoro@132: timestamp=0; giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@125: startThread(threadPriority); giuliomoro@125: #else giuliomoro@125: //TODO: the thread cannot be started here at the moment because init() is called in setup(), where tasks cannot be scheduled giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: giuliomoro@117: void ReceiveAudioThread::bindToPort(int aPort){ giuliomoro@117: listening=socket.bindToPort(aPort); giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@119: #else giuliomoro@128: if(listening==false) //this condition is valid also for USE_JUCE, but we do not printf in USE_JUCE giuliomoro@119: printf("Could not bind to port %d\n",aPort); giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: bool ReceiveAudioThread::isListening(){ giuliomoro@117: return listening; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: float* ReceiveAudioThread::getCurrentBuffer(int length){ // NOTE: this cannot work all the time unless samplesPerBuffer and payloadLength are multiples giuliomoro@117: //TODO: make it return the number of samples actually available at the specified location giuliomoro@117: if(isListening()==false || length>bufferLength) giuliomoro@117: return NULL; giuliomoro@117: readPointer+=length; giuliomoro@117: if(readPointer>lastValidPointer){ giuliomoro@117: readPointer=headerLength; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: return buffer+(int)readPointer; giuliomoro@117: }; giuliomoro@120: int ReceiveAudioThread::getSamplesSrc(float *destination, int length, giuliomoro@120: float samplingRateRatio, int numChannelsInDestination, giuliomoro@120: int channelToWriteTo) giuliomoro@120: { giuliomoro@117: if (!(samplingRateRatio>0 && samplingRateRatio<=2)) giuliomoro@117: return -2; giuliomoro@117: if(isListening()==false) giuliomoro@117: return -1; giuliomoro@133: static int numCalls=0; giuliomoro@135: if(writePointer<0 /*|| (numCalls&16383)==0*/){ //if writePointer has not been initalized yet ... giuliomoro@133: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@133: #else //debug giuliomoro@133: rt_printf("reinit the writePointer, readPointer: %f;\n",readPointer); giuliomoro@133: readPointer=0; giuliomoro@133: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@117: writePointer=2*length; // do it, so that it starts writing at a safety margin from where we write. giuliomoro@117: // This will help keeping them in sync. giuliomoro@117: //TODO: handle what happens when the remote stream is interrupted and then restarted giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@133: numCalls++; giuliomoro@117: if(length>lastValidPointer) { giuliomoro@117: //not enough samples available, we fill the buffer with what is available, but the destination buffer will not be filled completely giuliomoro@117: //at this very moment the other thread might be writing at most one payload into the buffer. giuliomoro@117: //To avoid a race condition, we need to let alone the buffer where we are currently writing giuliomoro@117: //as writing the payload also temporarily overwrites the previous headerLength samples, we need to account for them as well giuliomoro@117: //TODO: This assumes that the writePointer and readPointer do not drift. When doing clock synchronization we will find out that it is not true! giuliomoro@117: length=lastValidPointer-payloadLength-headerLength; giuliomoro@117: if(length<0) //no samples available at all! giuliomoro@117: return 0; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: for(int n=0; n<length; n++){ giuliomoro@120: destination[n*numChannelsInDestination+channelToWriteTo]=buffer[(int)(0.5+readPointer)];//simple ZOH non-interpolation (nearest neighbour) giuliomoro@117: // fprintf(fd,"%f, %d, %f;\n",readPointer,writePointer,destination[n]); //DEBUG giuliomoro@117: readPointer+=samplingRateRatio; giuliomoro@117: if((int)(0.5+readPointer)>=lastValidPointer){ giuliomoro@117: readPointer=readPointer-lastValidPointer+headerLength; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@125: return length; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@120: int ReceiveAudioThread::getSamplesSrc(float *destination, int length, float samplingRateRatio){ giuliomoro@120: return getSamplesSrc(destination, length, samplingRateRatio, 1,0); giuliomoro@120: // TODO: rewriting this so that it does not call the override method we can save a multiply and add giuliomoro@120: // for each sample. giuliomoro@120: } giuliomoro@117: bool ReceiveAudioThread::isBufferReady(){ giuliomoro@117: return bufferReady; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@125: #else giuliomoro@117: void ReceiveAudioThread::startThread(){ giuliomoro@117: BeagleRT_scheduleAuxiliaryTask(receiveDataTask); giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: void ReceiveAudioThread::stopThread(){ giuliomoro@117: threadIsExiting=true; giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: bool ReceiveAudioThread::threadShouldExit(){ giuliomoro@117: return(gShouldStop || threadIsExiting ); giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@132: RTIME ReceiveAudioThread::getLastTime(){ giuliomoro@132: return lastTime; giuliomoro@132: } giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@132: int ReceiveAudioThread::getTimestamp(){ giuliomoro@132: return timestamp; giuliomoro@132: } giuliomoro@117: void ReceiveAudioThread::run(){ giuliomoro@117: // fd2=fopen("buffer.m","w"); //DEBUG giuliomoro@117: // fprintf(fd2, "buf=["); //DEBUG giuliomoro@117: threadRunning=true; giuliomoro@131: int maxCount=10; giuliomoro@131: int count=0; giuliomoro@131: // Clean the socket from anything that is currently in it. giuliomoro@131: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@131: // this is borrowed from BeagleRT's UdpServer class. giuliomoro@131: int n; giuliomoro@131: do { giuliomoro@131: float waste; giuliomoro@131: if(socket.waitUntilReady(true, 0)==0) giuliomoro@131: break; giuliomoro@131:*)&waste, sizeof(float), false); giuliomoro@131: count++; giuliomoro@131: if(n<0){ giuliomoro@131: printf("error\n"); giuliomoro@131: break; giuliomoro@131: } giuliomoro@131: printf("n: %d\n",n); giuliomoro@131: } while (n>0 && (maxCount<=0 || count<maxCount)); giuliomoro@131: #else giuliomoro@131: for(unsigned int n=0; n<objAddrs.size(); n++){ giuliomoro@131: count=objAddrs[n]->socket.empty(maxCount); giuliomoro@131: } giuliomoro@131: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@131: printf("socket emptied with %d reads\n", count); giuliomoro@131: giuliomoro@117: while(!threadShouldExit()){ //TODO: check that the socket buffer is empty before starting giuliomoro@128: #ifdef USE_JUCE giuliomoro@117: readUdpToBuffer(); // read into the oldBuffer giuliomoro@128: sleep(sleepTime); giuliomoro@119: #else giuliomoro@119: for(unsigned int n=0; n<ReceiveAudioThread::objAddrs.size(); n++){ giuliomoro@122: // printf("%d\n", n); giuliomoro@119: ReceiveAudioThread::objAddrs[n]->readUdpToBuffer(); giuliomoro@119: } giuliomoro@119: usleep(sleepTime); //TODO: use rt_task_sleep instead giuliomoro@128: #endif /* USE_JUCE */ giuliomoro@117: } giuliomoro@117: threadRunning=false; giuliomoro@125: printf("Thread is not running \n"); giuliomoro@117: // fprintf(fd,"];readPointer,writePointer,lastValidPointer,destination]=deal(var(:,1), var(:,2), var(:,3), var(:,4));"); //DEBUG giuliomoro@117: // fclose(fd);//DEBUG giuliomoro@117: // fprintf(fd2,"];");//DEBUG giuliomoro@117: // fclose(fd2); //DEBUG giuliomoro@117: }