log projects/scope/render.cpp @ 132:e24c531220ee scope-refactoring

age author description
2015-08-27 Giulio Moro Added some sort of synchronization, not working great though scope-refactoring
2015-08-26 Giulio Moro Updated Network files to match Udpioplugin 18:fb5a61b10223 scope-refactoring
2015-08-24 Giulio Moro ReceiveAudioThread is now the same with/without JUCE scope-refactoring
2015-08-22 Giulio Moro ReceiveAudioThread updated to match the newest UdpServer scope-refactoring
2015-08-21 Giulio Moro Added read to interleaved buffer scope-refactoring
2015-08-21 Giulio Moro Enabled multi channel audio receive scope-refactoring
2015-08-21 Giulio Moro Missing file from previous commit scope-refactoring
2015-08-20 Giulio Moro ReceiveAudioThread hs been ported to BBB. The scope project now is sending audio locally and receiving it at the same time scope-refactoring
2015-08-19 Giulio Moro Fixed a couple inclues after the refactoring scope-refactoring
2015-08-19 Giulio Moro Refactored the Scope class into NetworkSend and Scope classes. No need for a global pointer anymore! scope-refactoring
2015-08-18 Giulio Moro Working for single-channel scope, or NetworkIO scope-refactoring
2015-07-22 Giulio Moro Added scope project, copied and edited from nodejsbeaglert