log Makefile @ 212:301dceb39ec8

age author description
2016-02-08 Giulio Moro Updated Makefile to include debug mode (make debug)
2016-02-05 Liam Donovan Add -lsndfile to Makefile
2016-01-27 chnrx - Updated heavy scripts to work with custom header
2016-01-19 Giulio Moro Makefile now compiles core/*.cpp except core/default_main.cpp (unless needed). Closes #1530
2016-01-18 Giulio Moro Updated Makefile to include WriteFile
2015-12-03 chnrx - added more pd/heavy examples heavy-updated
2015-11-12 chnrx - added additional flags to C rules (-DNDEBUG, -mfpu=neon) heavy-updated
2015-11-05 chnrx - added -std=c99 to Makefile for user-supplied C files (required for heavy files) heavy-updated
2015-07-27 Giulio Moro Removed old client.? entries from Makefile
2015-07-17 andrewm Brought UdpClient files over from ultra-staging branch (with include fix), and updated Makefile accordingly
2015-07-17 andrewm Changes to Makefile to support syntax checking
2015-07-17 andrewm Changed d-box code to run cleanly when built on board. Updated Makefile to add ne10 include path on board. Some extra docs in Utilities.h
2015-07-15 Giulio Moro added Makefile, added default_main, added error checking in scripts newapi