- mergeprerelease 2016-06-14, by Giulio Moro
- Updated WriteFile to be happy with constprerelease 2016-06-14, by Giulio Moro
- Improved make corecleanprerelease 2016-06-14, by Giulio Moro
- IDE can be started and set/unset startup from the Makefileprerelease 2016-06-14, by Giulio Moro
- Added a new init.d script for the shutdown button and updated the bela script to use the Makefile to stop.prerelease 2016-06-14, by andrewm
- Renamed BeagleRT to Bela in the startup script and Makefileprerelease 2016-06-14, by andrewm
- re-added minimal example (required by IDE)prerelease 2016-06-14, by Liam Donovan
- suppress unwanted output in Makefileprerelease 2016-06-14, by Liam Donovan
- mergeprerelease 2016-06-14, by Liam Donovan
- add 'runide' target to Makefileprerelease 2016-06-14, by Liam Donovan
- Makefile: prompt for distclean, cleanupprerelease 2016-06-14, by Giulio Moro
- Updated Makefile docs and defaulting to clang if availableprerelease 2016-06-14, by Giulio Moro
- Updated Doxyfileprerelease 2016-06-14, by Giulio Moro
- Fixed when rebuilding non-main() project after main() project: the 'nasty kludge' was looking in ALL the .o files in projectFolder/build/ instead of only those that have a corresponding .cpp/.c/.S file. An even better fix is make sure that object files associated with source files deleted by rsync are removed as wellprerelease 2016-06-13, by Giulio Moro
- Updated libpd licenseprerelease 2016-06-12, by Giulio Moro
- Added check for already-running Bela process.prerelease 2016-06-12, by andrewm
- Fixed missing ) in Makefile, and removed unnecessary Utilities.h includesprerelease 2016-06-12, by andrewm
- Added Ne10 headers within include directoryprerelease 2016-06-12, by andrewm
- Added license file for Bela and dependenciesprerelease 2016-06-12, by andrewm
- Updated scripts so that the Bela folder on the bbb is ~/Bela. Note: is still the same (because the reference to it needs to be changed in /etc/init.d/ ....prerelease 2016-06-11, by Giulio Moro
- Updated Doxyfile with the new examples pathprerelease 2016-06-10, by Giulio Moro
- Mergeprerelease 2016-06-10, by Giulio Moro
- Makefile improved checks. It does not fail after distcleanprerelease 2016-06-10, by Giulio Moro
- Updated NE10 library to the latest version; needs a corresponding update to the /usr/include/ne10 header files on the SD image. Updated examples to compile against new version, and reordered D-Box channels to account for new PRU-based DAC channel reordering.prerelease 2016-06-09, by andrewm
- Doxygen content added to each example render.cpp.prerelease 2016-06-09, by Robert Jack
- Moved I2c_TouchKey files from the dbox project into the coreprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Now possible to pass options to the Makefile from build_project.shprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Updated rsync command and command-line optionsprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Updated rsync commandprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Updated setup_boardprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Removed useless libpd headersprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Updated halt_board.shprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Simplified setup-ssh files: no more need for keypairs, now just setting the bbb entry in ~/.ssh/configprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- updated set_startupprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Updated connect_to_project.shprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Doxyfile and minor corrections to docsprerelease 2016-06-09, by Giulio Moro
- Fixed run_project.shprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- Updated Makefile to match name of audio threadprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- Added example/help patches for digital in pdprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- Cleanupprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- Moved pd examples to examples/pdprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- Fixed Bela_pdMessageHookprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- DigitalChannelManager takes care of managing digital channels for libpd/Heavy useprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- Digital channels are fully managed by Pdprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- pinMode can now be controlled from Pdprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- mergeprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- Full implementation of libpd digitals (in and out at message rate). Still messy, needs cleanup, new utilites for setDataOut, clearDataOut, wrapping all this new digital stuff in a class which will be re-usable by Heavyprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- Removed libpd_queuedprerelease 2016-06-08, by Giulio Moro
- libpd: added digital ins through [adc~]prerelease 2016-06-07, by Giulio Moro
- Sets date on the board to ensure that heavy projects are recompiledprerelease 2016-06-07, by Giulio Moro
- Remapped analog output channels to match 01234567 order on cape. Note: this will change the behaviour of all these existing examples using analog out, notably d-box and cape_test.prerelease 2016-06-07, by andrewm
- Added embryonal support for digital messages with libpd. TODO: test it, only process used channels, add defines. It is quite CPU-intensiveprerelease 2016-06-07, by Giulio Moro
- Fixed make nostartupprerelease 2016-06-07, by Giulio Moro
- basic_libpd now populates pd's audio buffers directly. Updated binary. This required an API change with respect to standard libpdAPI because for some strange reason, accessing sys_audioin and sys_audioout directly from the render.cpp file would return invalid values.prerelease 2016-06-06, by Giulio Moro
- Updated basic_libpd, now slightly more efficient with less memory operations. Requires the API change in libpd operated in libpd:99a2be8prerelease 2016-06-06, by Giulio Moro
- libpd: using smaller blocksizes for processing, so that events can be scheduled more accuratelyprerelease 2016-06-06, by Giulio Moro
- More on libpd support for threadsprerelease 2016-06-06, by Giulio Moro
- Added libpd licenseprerelease 2016-06-05, by Giulio Moro
- Initial support for thread-safe libpd (stil missing updated libpd binary), untestedprerelease 2016-06-05, by Giulio Moro
- Clean up of basic_libpdprerelease 2016-06-05, by Giulio Moro