- MergedClockSync 2015-09-14, by Giulio Moro
- Added I2c methods to set R and P values for the PLL2015-09-14, by Giulio Moro
- Ultra-basic feedback for clock sync works^CIssues: response time of the IIR filter is too slow, requires PID and better filtering algorithm.ClockSync 2015-09-14, by Giulio Moro
- MovingAverage: added reset() method and edited getLength() to return current lengthClockSync 2015-09-14, by Giulio Moro
- The reported offset is now meaningful. The whole thing is waaay too jittery.ClockSync 2015-09-13, by Giulio Moro
- Added xenomai version of Clock, now includes headerClockSync 2015-09-13, by Giulio Moro
- MovingAverage now returns a meaningful value also when the buffer is not fullClockSync 2015-09-13, by Giulio Moro
- Implemented xenomai version of ClockClockSync 2015-09-13, by Giulio Moro
- To work with the ClockSync pluginClockSync 2015-09-12, by Giulio Moro
- Fixed and improved I2c_codec. Copied from the scope-refactoring branch2015-08-27, by Giulio Moro
- Using moving average for clock detection during synchronization seems to be working better but audio gets worse and worsescope-refactoring 2015-08-27, by Giulio Moro
- Added some sort of synchronization, not working great thoughscope-refactoring 2015-08-27, by Giulio Moro
- Updated Network files to match Udpioplugin 18:fb5a61b10223scope-refactoring 2015-08-26, by Giulio Moro
- Added JUCE-compatible write methodscope-refactoring 2015-08-25, by Giulio Moro
- Added ifdefs USE_JUCE to NetworkSend. Juce part not added yetscope-refactoring 2015-08-24, by Giulio Moro
- ReceiveAudioThread is now the same with/without JUCEscope-refactoring 2015-08-24, by Giulio Moro
- Prevented from hanging upon exit. The issue is with the waitForSocketTime value. See issue#1381scope-refactoring 2015-08-24, by Giulio Moro
- Closing socket in the destructorscope-refactoring 2015-08-24, by Giulio Moro
- Added ifdefs and unified the code with udpioplugin ... the latter has not been tested (or committed). TODO: still it hangs after ctrl-c BeagleRT (auxiliary tasks do not terminate). TODO: sometimes you can hear dropouts in the transmission. Maybe it is due to pointer drifting. Rebooting BBB fixes/affects this issue.scope-refactoring 2015-08-22, by Giulio Moro
- Implemented destructor of UdpServer which closes the socketscope-refactoring 2015-08-22, by Giulio Moro
- Killing the process with -9 intead of -2scope-refactoring 2015-08-22, by Giulio Moro
- ReceiveAudioThread updated to match the newest UdpServerscope-refactoring 2015-08-22, by Giulio Moro
- UdpServer : read and waitUntilReady are now somehow Juce-compliantscope-refactoring 2015-08-22, by Giulio Moro
- Added read to interleaved bufferscope-refactoring 2015-08-21, by Giulio Moro