view core/Scope.cpp @ 318:f7b19ea31bbb prerelease

Added NEON vectorised float<->int converters. Curiously, its performance is worse than the C version. I guess clang is better at vectorising than we thought! The new code remains disabled for now.
author andrewm
date Mon, 30 May 2016 01:06:01 +0100 (2016-05-30)
parents 421a69d42943
children efc9a9f8e63d
line wrap: on
line source
/***** Scope.cpp *****/
#include <Scope.h>

Scope::Scope():connected(0), triggerPrimed(false), started(false){}

// static aux task functions
void Scope::triggerTask(void *ptr){
    Scope *instance = (Scope*)ptr;
    if (instance->started)
void Scope::sendBufferTask(void *ptr){
    Scope *instance = (Scope*)ptr;

void Scope::setup(unsigned int _numChannels, float _sampleRate){
    numChannels = _numChannels;
    sampleRate = _sampleRate;
    // setup the OSC server && client
    // used for sending / recieving settings
    // oscClient has it's send task turned off, as we only need to send one handshake message
    oscClient.setup(OSC_SEND_PORT, "", false);

    // setup the udp socket
    // used for sending raw frame data

	// setup the auxiliary tasks
	scopeTriggerTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(Scope::triggerTask, BELA_AUDIO_PRIORITY-2, "scopeTriggerTask", this, true);
	scopeSendBufferTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(Scope::sendBufferTask, BELA_AUDIO_PRIORITY-1, "scopeSendBufferTask", this);

    // send an OSC message to address /scope-setup
    // then wait 1 second for a reply on /scope-setup-reply 
    bool handshakeRecieved = false;
    while (oscServer.messageWaiting()){
        if (handshakeRecieved){
        } else if (oscServer.popMessage().match("/scope-setup-reply")){
            handshakeRecieved = true;
    if (handshakeRecieved && connected)

void Scope::start(){

    // resize the buffers
    channelWidth = frameWidth * FRAMES_STORED;

    // reset the pointers
    writePointer = 0;
    readPointer = 0;
    triggerPointer = 0;

    // reset the trigger
    triggerPrimed = true;
    triggerCollecting = false;
    triggerWaiting = false;
    triggerCount = 0;
    downSampleCount = 1;
    autoTriggerCount = 0;
    customTriggered = false;

    started = true;

void Scope::stop(){
    started = false;

void Scope::log(float chn1, ...){

    // check for any recieved OSC messages
    while (oscServer.messageWaiting()){
    if (!started) return;
    if (downSampling > 1){
        if (downSampleCount < downSampling){
        downSampleCount = 1;
    va_list args;
    va_start (args, chn1);
    int startingWritePointer = writePointer;
    // save the logged samples into the buffer
    buffer[writePointer] = chn1;

    for (int i=1; i<numChannels; i++) {
        // iterate over the function arguments, store them in the relevant part of the buffer
        // channels are stored sequentially in the buffer i.e [[channel1], [channel2], etc...]
        buffer[i*channelWidth + writePointer] = (float)va_arg(args, double);

    writePointer = (writePointer+1)%channelWidth;
    // if upSampling > 1, save repeated samples into the buffer
    for (int j=1; j<upSampling; j++){
        buffer[writePointer] = buffer[startingWritePointer];
        for (int i=1; i<numChannels; i++) {
            buffer[i*channelWidth + writePointer] = buffer[i*channelWidth + startingWritePointer];
        writePointer = (writePointer+1)%channelWidth;
    va_end (args);

bool Scope::trigger(){
    if (triggerMode == 2 && !customTriggered && triggerPrimed && started){
        customTriggerPointer = (writePointer-xOffset+channelWidth)%channelWidth;
        customTriggered = true;
        return true;
    return false;

void Scope::scheduleSendBufferTask(){

bool Scope::triggered(){
    if (triggerMode == 0 || triggerMode == 1){  // normal or auto trigger
        return (!triggerDir && buffer[channelWidth*triggerChannel+((readPointer-1+channelWidth)%channelWidth)] < triggerLevel // positive trigger direction
                && buffer[channelWidth*triggerChannel+readPointer] >= triggerLevel) || 
                (triggerDir && buffer[channelWidth*triggerChannel+((readPointer-1+channelWidth)%channelWidth)] > triggerLevel // negative trigger direciton
                && buffer[channelWidth*triggerChannel+readPointer] <= triggerLevel);
    } else if (triggerMode == 2){   // custom trigger
        return (customTriggered && readPointer == customTriggerPointer);
    return false;

void Scope::doTrigger(){
    // iterate over the samples between the read and write pointers and check for / deal with triggers
    while (readPointer != writePointer){
        // if we are currently listening for a trigger
        if (triggerPrimed){
            // if we crossed the trigger threshold
            if (triggered()){
                // stop listening for a trigger
                triggerPrimed = false;
                triggerCollecting = true;
                // save the readpointer at the trigger point
                triggerPointer = (readPointer-xOffset+channelWidth)%channelWidth;
                triggerCount = frameWidth/2 - xOffset;
                autoTriggerCount = 0;
            } else {
                // auto triggering
                if (triggerMode == 0 && (autoTriggerCount++ > (frameWidth+holdOff))){
                    // it's been a whole frameWidth since we've found a trigger, so auto-trigger anyway
                    triggerPrimed = false;
                    triggerCollecting = true;
                    // save the readpointer at the trigger point
                    triggerPointer = (readPointer-xOffset+channelWidth)%channelWidth;
                    triggerCount = frameWidth/2 - xOffset;
                    autoTriggerCount = 0;
        } else if (triggerCollecting){
            // a trigger has been detected, and we are collecting the second half of the triggered frame
            if (--triggerCount > 0){
            } else {
                triggerCollecting = false;
                triggerWaiting = true;
                triggerCount = frameWidth/2 + holdOffSamples;
                // copy the previous to next frameWidth/2 samples into the outBuffer
                int startptr = (triggerPointer-frameWidth/2 + channelWidth)%channelWidth;
                int endptr = (triggerPointer+frameWidth/2 + channelWidth)%channelWidth;
                if (endptr > startptr){
                    for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++){
                        std::copy(&buffer[channelWidth*i+startptr], &buffer[channelWidth*i+endptr], outBuffer.begin()+(i*frameWidth));
                } else {
                    for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++){
                        std::copy(&buffer[channelWidth*i+startptr], &buffer[channelWidth*(i+1)], outBuffer.begin()+(i*frameWidth));
                        std::copy(&buffer[channelWidth*i], &buffer[channelWidth*i+endptr], outBuffer.begin()+((i+1)*frameWidth-endptr));
                // the whole frame has been saved in outBuffer, so send it
        } else if (triggerWaiting){
            // a trigger has completed, so wait half a framewidth before looking for another
            if (--triggerCount > 0){
            } else {
                triggerWaiting = false;
                triggerPrimed = true;
                customTriggered = false;
        // increment the read pointer
        readPointer = (readPointer+1)%channelWidth;


void Scope::sendBuffer(){
    socket.send(&(outBuffer[0]), outBuffer.size()*sizeof(float));

void Scope::parseMessage(oscpkt::Message msg){
    if (msg.partialMatch("/scope-settings/")){
        int intArg;
        float floatArg;
        if (msg.match("/scope-settings/connected").popInt32(intArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            if (connected == 0 && intArg == 1){
            } else if (connected == 1 && intArg == 0){
            connected = intArg;
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/frameWidth").popInt32(intArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            frameWidth = intArg;
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/triggerMode").popInt32(intArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            triggerMode = intArg;
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/triggerChannel").popInt32(intArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            triggerChannel = intArg;
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/triggerDir").popInt32(intArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            triggerDir = intArg;
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/triggerLevel").popFloat(floatArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            triggerLevel = floatArg;
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/xOffset").popInt32(intArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            xOffset = intArg;
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/upSampling").popInt32(intArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            upSampling = intArg;
            holdOffSamples = (int)(sampleRate*0.001*holdOff*upSampling/downSampling);
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/downSampling").popInt32(intArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            downSampling = intArg;
            holdOffSamples = (int)(sampleRate*0.001*holdOff*upSampling/downSampling);
        } else if (msg.match("/scope-settings/holdOff").popFloat(floatArg).isOkNoMoreArgs()){
            holdOff = floatArg;
            holdOffSamples = (int)(sampleRate*0.001*holdOff*upSampling/downSampling);