view resources/osc/node_modules/osc-min/lib/ @ 553:e545ce04cf2c prerelease

Updated Makefile to take LDFLAGS=, LDLIBS=, CFLAGS=, CPPFLAGS=
author Giulio Moro <>
date Fri, 24 Jun 2016 17:13:45 +0100
parents fb9c28a4676b
line wrap: on
line source
# #
# ## Intro
#  This file contains some lower-level utilities for OSC handling.
#  My guess is client code won't need this.  If you do need this, you must
#  require coffee first, then write:
#       require("coffee-script/register");
#       osc-utils = require("osc/lib/osc-utilities");
#  See the comments in for more information about the structure of
# the objects we're dealing with here.

# ## Dependencies
# require the minimal binary packing utilities
binpack = require "binpack"

# ## Exported Functions

# Utility for working with buffers. takes an array of buffers,
# output one buffer with all of the array concatenated
# This is really only exported for TDD, but maybe it'll be useful
# to someone else too.
exports.concat = (buffers) ->
  if not IsArray buffers
    throw new Error "concat must take an array of buffers"

  for buffer in buffers
    if not Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)
      throw new Error "concat must take an array of buffers"

  sumLength = 0
  sumLength += buffer.length for buffer in buffers

  destBuffer = new Buffer(sumLength)

  copyTo = 0
  for buffer in buffers
    buffer.copy destBuffer, copyTo
    copyTo += buffer.length


# Convert a javascript string into a node.js Buffer containing an OSC-String.
# str must not contain any \u0000 characters.
# `strict` is an optional boolean paramter that fails if the string is invalid
# (i.e. contains a \u0000 character)
exports.toOscString = (str, strict) ->
  if not (typeof str == "string")
    throw new Error "can't pack a non-string into an osc-string"

  # strip off any \u0000 characters.
  nullIndex = str.indexOf("\u0000")

  # if we're being strict, we can't allow strings with null characters
  if (nullIndex != -1 and strict)
    throw StrictError "Can't pack an osc-string that contains NULL characters"

  str = str[0...nullIndex] if nullIndex != -1

  # osc-strings must have length divisible by 4 and end with at least one zero.
  for i in [0...(padding str)]
    str += "\u0000"

  # create a new buffer from the string.
  new Buffer(str)

# Try to split a buffer into a leading osc-string and the rest of the buffer,
# with the following layout:
# { string : "blah" rest : <Buffer>}.
# `strict`, as above, is an optional boolean parameter that defaults to false -
# if it is true, then an invalid buffer will always return null.
exports.splitOscString = (buffer, strict) ->
  if not Buffer.isBuffer buffer
    throw StrictError "Can't split something that isn't a buffer"

  # extract the string
  rawStr = buffer.toString "utf8"
  nullIndex = rawStr.indexOf "\u0000"

  # the rest of the code doesn't apply if there's no null character.
  if nullIndex == -1
    throw new Error "All osc-strings must contain a null character" if strict
    return {string:rawStr, rest:(new Buffer 0)}

  # extract the string.
  str = rawStr[0...nullIndex]

  # find the length of the string's buffer
  splitPoint = Buffer.byteLength(str) + padding(str)

  # in strict mode, don't succeed if there's not enough padding.
  if strict and splitPoint > buffer.length
    throw StrictError "Not enough padding for osc-string"

  # if we're in strict mode, check that all the padding is null
  if strict
    for i in [Buffer.byteLength(str)...splitPoint]
      if buffer[i] != 0
        throw StrictError "Not enough or incorrect padding for osc-string"

  # return a split
  rest = buffer[splitPoint...(buffer.length)]

  {string: str, rest: rest}

# This has similar semantics to splitOscString but works with integers instead.
# bytes is the number of bytes in the integer, defaults to 4.
exports.splitInteger = (buffer, type) ->
  type = "Int32" if not type?
  bytes = (binpack["pack" + type] 0).length

  if buffer.length < bytes
    throw new Error "buffer is not big enough for integer type"

  num = 0

  # integers are stored in big endian format.
  value = binpack["unpack" + type] buffer[0...bytes], "big"

  rest = buffer[bytes...(buffer.length)]

  return {integer : value, rest : rest}

# Split off an OSC timetag from buffer
# returning {timetag: [seconds, fractionalSeconds], rest: restOfBuffer}
exports.splitTimetag = (buffer) ->
  type = "Int32"
  bytes = (binpack["pack" + type] 0).length

  if buffer.length < (bytes * 2)
    throw new Error "buffer is not big enough to contain a timetag"

  # integers are stored in big endian format.
  a = 0
  b = bytes
  seconds = binpack["unpack" + type] buffer[a...b], "big"
  c = bytes
  d = bytes + bytes
  fractional = binpack["unpack" + type] buffer[c...d], "big"
  rest = buffer[d...(buffer.length)]

  return {timetag: [seconds, fractional], rest: rest}

UNIX_EPOCH = 2208988800
TWO_POW_32 = 4294967296

# Convert a JavaScript Date to a NTP timetag array.
# Time zone of the Date object is respected, as the NTP
# timetag uses UTC.
exports.dateToTimetag = (date) ->
  return exports.timestampToTimetag(date.getTime() / 1000)

# Convert a unix timestamp (seconds since jan 1 1970 UTC)
# to NTP timestamp array
exports.timestampToTimetag = (secs) ->
  wholeSecs = Math.floor(secs)
  fracSeconds = secs - wholeSecs
  return makeTimetag(wholeSecs, fracSeconds)

# Convert a timetag to unix timestamp (seconds since unix epoch)
exports.timetagToTimestamp = (timetag) ->
  seconds = timetag[0] + exports.ntpToFractionalSeconds(timetag[1])
  return seconds - UNIX_EPOCH

makeTimetag = (unixseconds, fracSeconds) ->
  # NTP epoch is 1900, JavaScript Date is unix 1970
  ntpSecs = unixseconds + UNIX_EPOCH
  ntpFracs = Math.round(TWO_POW_32 * fracSeconds)
  return [ntpSecs, ntpFracs]

# Convert NTP timestamp array to a JavaScript Date
# in your systems local time zone.
exports.timetagToDate = (timetag) ->
  [seconds, fractional] = timetag
  seconds = seconds - UNIX_EPOCH
  fracs = exports.ntpToFractionalSeconds(fractional)
  date = new Date()
  # Sets date to UTC/GMT
  date.setTime((seconds * 1000) + (fracs * 1000))
  # Create a local timezone date
  dd = new Date()
  dd.setUTCMilliseconds(fracs * 1000)
  return dd

# Make NTP timestamp array for relative future: now + seconds
# Accuracy of 'now' limited to milliseconds but 'seconds' may be a full 32 bit float
exports.deltaTimetag = (seconds, now) ->
  n = (now ? new Date()) / 1000
  return exports.timestampToTimetag(n + seconds)

# Convert 32 bit int for NTP fractional seconds
# to a 32 bit float
exports.ntpToFractionalSeconds = (fracSeconds) ->
  return parseFloat(fracSeconds) / TWO_POW_32

# Encodes a timetag of type null|Number|Array|Date
# as a Buffer for adding to an OSC bundle.
exports.toTimetagBuffer = (timetag) ->
  if typeof timetag is "number"
    timetag = exports.timestampToTimetag(timetag)
  else if typeof timetag is "object" and ("getTime" of timetag)
    # quacks like a Date
    timetag = exports.dateToTimetag(timetag)
  else if timetag.length != 2
    throw new Error("Invalid timetag" + timetag)
  type = "Int32"
  high = binpack["pack" + type] timetag[0], "big"
  low = binpack["pack" + type] timetag[1], "big"
  return exports.concat([high, low])

exports.toIntegerBuffer = (number, type) ->
  type = "Int32" if not type?
  if typeof number isnt "number"
    throw new Error "cannot pack a non-number into an integer buffer"
  binpack["pack" + type] number, "big"

# This mapping contains three fields for each type:
#  - representation : the javascript string representation of this type.
#  - split : a function to split a buffer into a decoded value and
#            the rest of the buffer.
#  - toArg : a function that takes the representation of the type and
#            outputs a buffer.
oscTypeCodes =
  s : {
    representation : "string"
    split : (buffer, strict) ->
      # just pass it through to splitOscString
      split = exports.splitOscString buffer, strict
      {value : split.string, rest :}
    toArg : (value, strict) ->
      throw new Error "expected string" if typeof value isnt "string"
      exports.toOscString value, strict
  i : {
    representation : "integer"
    split : (buffer, strict) ->
      split = exports.splitInteger buffer
      {value : split.integer, rest :}
    toArg : (value, strict) ->
      throw new Error "expected number" if typeof value isnt "number"
      exports.toIntegerBuffer value
  t : {
    representation : "timetag"
    split : (buffer, strict) ->
      split = exports.splitTimetag buffer
      {value: split.timetag, rest:}
    toArg : (value, strict) ->
      exports.toTimetagBuffer value
  f : {
    representation : "float"
    split : (buffer, strict) ->
      value : (binpack.unpackFloat32 buffer[0...4], "big")
      rest : buffer[4...(buffer.length)]
    toArg : (value, strict) ->
      throw new Error "expected number" if typeof value isnt "number"
      binpack.packFloat32 value, "big"
  d : {
    representation : "double"
    split : (buffer, strict) ->
      value : (binpack.unpackFloat64 buffer[0...8], "big")
      rest : buffer[8...(buffer.length)]
    toArg : (value, strict) ->
      throw new Error "expected number" if typeof value isnt "number"
      binpack.packFloat64 value, "big"
  b : {
    representation : "blob"
    split : (buffer, strict) ->
      # not much to do here, first grab an 4 byte int from the buffer
      {integer : length, rest : buffer}  = exports.splitInteger buffer
      {value : buffer[0...length], rest : buffer[length...(buffer.length)]}
    toArg : (value, strict) ->
      throw new Error "expected node.js Buffer" if not Buffer.isBuffer value
      size = exports.toIntegerBuffer value.length
      exports.concat [size, value]
  T : {
  representation : "true"
  split : (buffer, strict) ->
    rest : buffer
    value : true
  toArg : (value, strict) ->
    throw new Error "true must be true" if not value and strict
    new Buffer 0
  F : {
  representation : "false"
  split : (buffer, strict) ->
    rest : buffer
    value : false
  toArg : (value, strict) ->
    throw new Error "false must be false" if value and strict
    new Buffer 0
  N : {
  representation : "null"
  split : (buffer, strict) ->
    rest : buffer
    value : null
  toArg : (value, strict) ->
    throw new Error "null must be false" if value and strict
    new Buffer 0
  I : {
  representation : "bang"
  split : (buffer, strict) ->
    rest : buffer
    value : "bang"
  toArg : (value, strict) ->
    new Buffer 0

# simple function that converts a type code into it's javascript
# string representation.
exports.oscTypeCodeToTypeString = (code) ->

# simple function that converts a javascript string representation
# into its OSC type code.
exports.typeStringToOscTypeCode = (rep) ->
  for own code, {representation : str} of oscTypeCodes
    return code if str is rep
  return null

exports.argToTypeCode = (arg, strict) ->
  # if there's an explicit type annotation, back-translate that.
  if arg?.type? and
     (typeof arg.type is 'string') and
     (code = exports.typeStringToOscTypeCode arg.type)?
    return code

  value = if arg?.value? then arg.value else arg

  # now, we try to guess the type.
  throw new Error 'Argument has no value' if strict and not value?

  # if it's a string, use 's'
  if typeof value is 'string'
    return 's'

  # if it's a number, use 'f' by default.
  if typeof value is 'number'
    return 'f'

  # if it's a buffer, use 'b'
  if Buffer.isBuffer(value)
    return 'b'

  #### These are 1.1 specific types.

  # if it's a boolean, use 'T' or 'F'
  if typeof value is 'boolean'
    if value then return 'T' else return 'F'

  # if it's null, use 'N'
  if value is null
    return 'N'

  throw new Error "I don't know what type this is supposed to be."

# Splits out an argument from buffer.  Same thing as splitOscString but
# works for all argument types.
exports.splitOscArgument = (buffer, type, strict) ->
  osctype = exports.typeStringToOscTypeCode type
  if osctype?
    oscTypeCodes[osctype].split buffer, strict
    throw new Error "I don't understand how I'm supposed to unpack #{type}"

# Create a buffer with the given javascript type
exports.toOscArgument = (value, type, strict) ->
  osctype = exports.typeStringToOscTypeCode type
  if osctype?
    oscTypeCodes[osctype].toArg value, strict
    throw new Error "I don't know how to pack #{type}"

# translates an OSC message into a javascript representation.
exports.fromOscMessage = (buffer, strict) ->
  # break off the address
  { string : address, rest : buffer}  = exports.splitOscString buffer, strict

  # technically, addresses have to start with '/'.
  if strict and address[0] isnt '/'
    throw StrictError 'addresses must start with /'

  # if there's no type string, this is technically illegal, but
  # the specification says we should accept this until all
  # implementations that send message without a type string are fixed.
  # this will never happen, so we should accept this, even in
  # strict mode.
  return {address : address, args : []} if not buffer.length

  # if there's more data but no type string, we can't parse the arguments.
  {string : types, rest : buffer} = exports.splitOscString buffer, strict

  # if the first letter isn't a ',' this isn't a valid type so we can't
  # parse the arguments.
  if types[0] isnt ','
    throw StrictError 'Argument lists must begin with ,' if strict
    return {address : address, args : []}

  # we don't need the comma anymore
  types = types[1..(types.length)]

  args = []

  # we use this to build up array arguments.
  # arrayStack[-1] is always the currently contructing
  # array.
  arrayStack = [args]

  # grab each argument.
  for type in types
    # special case: we're beginning construction of an array.
    if type is '['

    # special case: we've just finished constructing an array.
    if type is ']'
      if arrayStack.length <= 1
        throw new StrictError "Mismatched ']' character." if strict
        built = arrayStack.pop()
          type: 'array'
          value: built

    # by the standard, we have to ignore the whole message
    # if we don't understand an argument
    typeString = exports.oscTypeCodeToTypeString type
    if not typeString?
      throw new Error "I don't understand the argument code #{type}"

    arg = exports.splitOscArgument buffer, typeString, strict

    # consume the argument from the buffer
    buffer = if arg?

    # add it to the list.
      type : typeString
      value : arg?.value

  if arrayStack.length isnt 1 and strict
    throw new StrictError "Mismatched '[' character"
  {address : address, args : args, oscType : "message"}

# Try to parse an OSC bundle into a javascript object.
exports.fromOscBundle = (buffer, strict) ->
  # break off the bundletag
  { string : bundleTag, rest : buffer} = exports.splitOscString buffer, strict

  # bundles have to start with "#bundle".
  if bundleTag isnt "\#bundle"
    throw new Error "osc-bundles must begin with \#bundle"

  # grab the 8 byte timetag
  {timetag: timetag, rest: buffer} = exports.splitTimetag buffer

  # convert each element.
  convertedElems = mapBundleList buffer, (buffer) ->
    exports.fromOscPacket buffer, strict

  return {timetag : timetag, elements : convertedElems, oscType : "bundle"}

# convert the buffer into a bundle or a message, depending on the first string
exports.fromOscPacket = (buffer, strict) ->
  if isOscBundleBuffer buffer, strict
    exports.fromOscBundle buffer, strict
    exports.fromOscMessage buffer, strict

# helper - is it an argument that represents an array?
getArrayArg = (arg) ->
  if IsArray arg
  else if (arg?.type is "array") and (IsArray arg?.value)
  else if arg? and (not arg.type?) and (IsArray arg.value)

# helper - converts an argument list into a pair of a type string and a
# data buffer
# argList must be an array!!!
toOscTypeAndArgs = (argList, strict) ->
  osctype = ""
  oscargs = []
  for arg in argList
    if (getArrayArg arg)?
      [thisType, thisArgs] = toOscTypeAndArgs (getArrayArg arg), strict
      osctype += "[" + thisType + "]"
      oscargs = oscargs.concat thisArgs
    typeCode = exports.argToTypeCode arg, strict
    if typeCode?
      value = arg?.value
      if value is undefined
        value = arg
      buff = exports.toOscArgument value,
        (exports.oscTypeCodeToTypeString typeCode), strict
      if buff?
        oscargs.push buff
        osctype += typeCode
  [osctype, oscargs]

# convert a javascript format message into an osc buffer
exports.toOscMessage = (message, strict) ->
  # the message must have addresses and arguments.
  address = if message?.address? then message.address else message
  if typeof address isnt "string"
    throw new Error "message must contain an address"

  args = message?.args

  if args is undefined
    args = []

  # pack single args
  if not IsArray args
    old_arg = args
    args = []
    args[0] = old_arg

  oscaddr = exports.toOscString address, strict
  [osctype, oscargs] = toOscTypeAndArgs args, strict
  osctype = "," + osctype

  # bundle everything together.
  allArgs = exports.concat oscargs

  # convert the type tag into an oscString.
  osctype = exports.toOscString osctype

  exports.concat [oscaddr, osctype, allArgs]

# convert a javascript format bundle into an osc buffer
exports.toOscBundle = (bundle, strict) ->
  # the bundle must have timetag and elements.
  if strict and not bundle?.timetag?
    throw StrictError "bundles must have timetags."
  timetag =  bundle?.timetag ? new Date()
  elements = bundle?.elements ? []
  if not IsArray elements
    elemstr = elements
    elements = []
    elements.push elemstr

  oscBundleTag = exports.toOscString "\#bundle"
  oscTimeTag = exports.toTimetagBuffer timetag

  oscElems = []
  for elem in elements
      # try to convert this sub-element into a buffer
      buff = exports.toOscPacket elem, strict

      # okay, pack in the size.
      size = exports.toIntegerBuffer buff.length
      oscElems.push exports.concat [size, buff]
    catch e

  allElems = exports.concat oscElems
  exports.concat [oscBundleTag, oscTimeTag, allElems]

# convert a javascript format bundle or message into a buffer
exports.toOscPacket = (bundleOrMessage, strict) ->
  # first, determine whether or not this is a bundle.
  if bundleOrMessage?.oscType?
    if bundleOrMessage.oscType is "bundle"
      return exports.toOscBundle bundleOrMessage, strict
    return exports.toOscMessage bundleOrMessage, strict

  # bundles have "timetags" and "elements"
  if bundleOrMessage?.timetag? or bundleOrMessage?.elements?
    return exports.toOscBundle bundleOrMessage, strict

  exports.toOscMessage bundleOrMessage, strict

# Helper function for transforming all messages in a bundle with a given message
# transform.
exports.applyMessageTranformerToBundle = (transform) -> (buffer) ->

  # parse out the bundle-id and the tag, we don't want to change these
  { string, rest : buffer} = exports.splitOscString buffer

  # bundles have to start with "#bundle".
  if string isnt "\#bundle"
    throw new Error "osc-bundles must begin with \#bundle"

  bundleTagBuffer = exports.toOscString string

  # we know that the timetag is 8 bytes, we don't want to mess with it,
  # so grab it as a buffer.  There is some subtle loss of precision with
  # the round trip from int64 to float64.
  timetagBuffer = buffer[0...8]
  buffer = buffer[8...buffer.length]

  # convert each element.
  elems = mapBundleList buffer, (buffer) ->
      exports.applyMessageTranformerToBundle transform

  totalLength = bundleTagBuffer.length + timetagBuffer.length
  totalLength += 4 + elem.length for elem in elems

  # okay, now we have to reconcatenate everything.
  outBuffer = new Buffer totalLength
  bundleTagBuffer.copy outBuffer, 0
  timetagBuffer.copy outBuffer, bundleTagBuffer.length
  copyIndex = bundleTagBuffer.length + timetagBuffer.length
  for elem in elems
    lengthBuff = exports.toIntegerBuffer elem.length
    lengthBuff.copy outBuffer, copyIndex
    copyIndex += 4
    elem.copy outBuffer, copyIndex
    copyIndex += elem.length

# Applies a transformation function (that is, a function from buffers
# to buffers) to each element of given osc-bundle or message.
# `buffer` is the buffer to transform, which must be a buffer of a full packet.
# `messageTransform` is function from message buffers to message buffers
#  `bundleTransform` is an optional parameter for functions from bundle buffers
#  to bundle buffers.
# if `bundleTransform` is not set, it defaults to just applying the
# `messageTransform` to each message in the bundle.
exports.applyTransform = (buffer, mTransform, bundleTransform) ->
  if not bundleTransform?
    bundleTransform = exports.applyMessageTranformerToBundle mTransform

  if isOscBundleBuffer buffer
    bundleTransform buffer
    mTransform buffer

# Converts a javascript function from string to string to a function
# from message buffer to message buffer, applying the function to the
# parsed strings.
# We pre-curry this because we expect to use this with `applyMessageTransform`
# above
exports.addressTransform = (transform) -> (buffer) ->
  # parse out the address
  {string, rest} = exports.splitOscString buffer

  # apply the function
  string = transform string

  # re-concatenate
  exports.concat [
    exports.toOscString string

# Take a function that transform a javascript _OSC Message_ and
# convert it to a function that transforms osc-buffers.
exports.messageTransform = (transform) -> (buffer) ->
  message = exports.fromOscMessage buffer
  exports.toOscMessage transform message

## Private utilities

# is it an array?
IsArray = Array.isArray

# An error that only throws when we're in strict mode.
StrictError = (str) ->
  new Error "Strict Error: " + str

# this private utility finds the amount of padding for a given string.
padding = (str) ->
  bufflength = Buffer.byteLength(str)
  4 - (bufflength % 4)

# Internal function to check if this is a message or bundle.
isOscBundleBuffer = (buffer, strict) ->
  # both formats begin with strings, so we should just grab the front but not
  # consume it.
  {string} = exports.splitOscString buffer, strict

  return string is "\#bundle"

# Does something for each element in an array of osc-message-or-bundles,
# each prefixed by a length (such as appears in osc-messages), then
# return the result as an array.
# This is not exported because it doesn't validate the format and it's
# not really a generally useful function.
# If a function throws on an element, we discard that element in the map
# but we don't give up completely.
mapBundleList = (buffer, func) ->
  elems = while buffer.length
    # the length of the element is stored in an integer
    {integer : size, rest : buffer}  = exports.splitInteger buffer

    # if the size is bigger than the packet, something's messed up, so give up.
    if size > buffer.length
      throw new Error(
        "Invalid bundle list: size of element is bigger than buffer")

    thisElemBuffer = buffer[0...size]

    # move the buffer to after the element we're just parsing.
    buffer = buffer[size...buffer.length]

    # record this element
      func thisElemBuffer
    catch e

  # remove all null from elements
  nonNullElems = []
  for elem in elems
    (nonNullElems.push elem) if elem?
