view include/ReceiveAudioThread.h @ 269:ac8eb07afcf5

Oxygen text added to each render.cpp file for the default projects. Text includes project explanation from Wiki, edited in places. Empty project added as a default project. Doxyfile updated. Each of the project locations added to INPUT configuration option. Consider just watching the whole project file so all new projects are automatically pulled through.
author Robert Jack <>
date Tue, 17 May 2016 15:40:16 +0100
parents c42a6b4dc2d4
children e4392164b458
line wrap: on
line source

#ifdef USE_JUCE
#include <JuceHeader.h>
#include <BeagleRT.h>
#include <UdpServer.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/timer.h>
#include <math.h>

#endif /*USE_JUCE*/

#ifdef USE_JUCE
class ReceiveAudioThread : public Thread {
class ReceiveAudioThread{
#endif /* USE_JUCE */
    //  FILE *fd; //DEBUG
    //  FILE *fd2; //DEBUG
#ifdef USE_JUCE
	DatagramSocket socket;
    UdpServer socket;
#endif /* USE_JUCE */
    bool listening;
    bool bufferReady;
#ifdef USE_JUCE
    bool threadRunning; //do we really need this ?
    static bool threadRunning;
    static bool threadIsExiting;
    float *buffer;
    float *stackBuffer;
    int bufferLength;
    float readPointer;
    int writePointer;
    int lastValidPointer;
#ifdef USE_JUCE
    int sleepTime;
    static int sleepTime;
    int waitForSocketTime;
    int payloadLength; //size of the payload of each datagram
    int headerLength; //size of the header of each datagram
    int bytesToRead;
    int threadPriority;
    int channel;
    int timestamp;
    void dealloc();
    void wrapWritePointer();
    void pushPayload(int startIndex);
    void popPayload(int startIndex);
    int readUdpToBuffer();
#ifdef USE_JUCE
    RTIME lastTime; // Used for clock synchronization
    static bool threadShouldExit();
	static bool staticConstructed;
    static void staticConstructor();
    static AuxiliaryTask receiveDataTask; //TODO: allow different AuxiliaryTasks for different priorities (e.g.: audio vs scope)
    static std::vector<ReceiveAudioThread *> objAddrs;
#ifdef USE_JUCE
    ReceiveAudioThread(const String &threadName);
    void init(int port, int aSamplesPerBlock, int channel);
    void bindToPort(int aPort);
    bool isListening();
    float* getCurrentBuffer(int length);
     * Copies the samples to a non-interleaved buffer.
    int getSamplesSrc(float *destination, int length, float samplingRateRatio);
     * Copies the samples to an interleaved buffer.
    int getSamplesSrc(float *destination, int length,
    		float samplingRateRatio, int numChannelsInDestination,
    		int channelToWriteTo);
    bool isBufferReady();
    int getTimestamp();
#ifdef USE_JUCE // if we are in Juce, then we run a separate thread for each receiver
    		// (as each of them are typically receiving on a mono or stereo track)
    void run();
    RTIME getLastTime();
    void static run(); //while in BeagleRT we have a single thread that receives for all the instances.
    //TODO: make run() private in BeagleRT
    static void startThread();
    static void stopThread();
    static int getNumInstances();
#endif // USE_JUCE