view projects/tank_wars/game.cpp @ 12:a6beeba3a648

Initial support for higher matrix sample rates by reducing the number of channels. Input not tested yet, and not all examples updated to new format.
author andrewm
date Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:00:22 +0000
parents 49f22e1246b2
children fbfeb5895efd
line wrap: on
line source
 * game.cpp
 *  Created on: Nov 10, 2014
 *      Author: parallels

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "vector_graphics.h"
#include "../../include/Utilities.h"

// Virtual screen size
int screenWidth, screenHeight;

// Basic information on the terrain and the tanks
float *groundLevel;  // Y coordinate of the ground for each X coordinate
float tank1X, tank1Y, tank2X, tank2Y; // Positions of the two tanks
float tankRadius = 20;  // Radius of the tanks
float cannonLength = 40;   // How long the cannon on each tank extends
float gravity = 0.05;      // Strength of gravity

// Current state of the game
int playerHasWon = 0; // 1 if player 1 wins, 2 if player 2 wins, 0 if game in progress
bool player1Turn = true;  // true if it's player 1's turn; false otherwise
float tank1CannonAngle = M_PI/2;
float tank2CannonAngle = M_PI/2; // Direction the tank cannons are pointing
float tank1CannonStrength = 3;
float tank2CannonStrength = 3; // Strength of intended projectile launch

// Location of the projectile
bool projectileInMotion = false;
float projectilePositionX, projectilePositionY;
float projectileVelocityX, projectileVelocityY;

// Useful utility function for generating random floating-point values
float randomFloat(float low, float hi)
	float r = (float)random() / (float)RAND_MAX;
	return map(r, 0, 1, low, hi);

// Restart the game, without reallocating memory
void restartGame()
	float player1Height = randomFloat(screenHeight/2, screenHeight-5);
	float player2Height = randomFloat(screenHeight/2, screenHeight-5);
	for(int i = 0; i < screenWidth * 0.2; i++) {
		groundLevel[i] = player1Height;
	for(int i = screenWidth * 0.2; i < screenWidth * 0.8; i++) {
		groundLevel[i] = player1Height + (player2Height - player1Height) * (i - screenWidth*0.2)/(screenWidth*0.6);
	for(int i = screenWidth * 0.8; i < screenWidth; i++) {
		groundLevel[i] = player2Height;

	// Set the location of the two tanks so they rest on the ground at opposite sides
	tank1X = screenWidth * 0.1;
	tank1Y = player1Height;
	tank2X = screenWidth * 0.9;
	tank2Y = player2Height;

	playerHasWon = 0;
	projectileInMotion = false;

// Initialise the game
void setupGame(int width, int height)
	// Set the screen size
	screenWidth = width;
	screenHeight = height;

	// Initialize the ground level
	groundLevel = new float[screenWidth];


// Advance the turn to the next player
void nextPlayersTurn() {
	player1Turn = !player1Turn;

// Move forward one frame on the game physics
void nextGameFrame()

	// Update position of projectile
	projectilePositionX += projectileVelocityX;
	projectilePositionY += projectileVelocityY;
	projectileVelocityY += gravity;

	// Check collision with tanks first: a collision with tank 1 means player 2 wins and vice-versa
	if((tank1X - projectilePositionX)*(tank1X - projectilePositionX) +
		(tank1Y - projectilePositionY)*(tank1Y - projectilePositionY)
		<= tankRadius * tankRadius)
		projectileInMotion = false;
		playerHasWon = 2;
	else if((tank2X - projectilePositionX)*(tank2X - projectilePositionX) +
		(tank2Y - projectilePositionY)*(tank2Y - projectilePositionY)
		<= tankRadius * tankRadius)
		projectileInMotion = false;
		playerHasWon = 1;
	else if(projectilePositionX < 0 || projectilePositionX >= screenWidth) {
		// Check collision whether projectile has exited the screen to the left or right
		projectileInMotion = false;
	else if(projectilePositionY >= groundLevel[(int)floorf(projectilePositionX)]) {
		// Check for projectile collision with ground
		projectileInMotion = false;

// Updates for game state
void setTank1CannonAngle(float angle)
	tank1CannonAngle = angle;

void setTank2CannonAngle(float angle)
	tank2CannonAngle = angle;

void setTank1CannonStrength(float strength)
	tank1CannonStrength = strength;

void setTank2CannonStrength(float strength)
	tank2CannonStrength = strength;

// FIRE!
void fireProjectile()
	// Can't fire while projectile is already moving, or if someone has won
	if(playerHasWon != 0)

    if(player1Turn) {
		projectilePositionX = tank1X + cannonLength * cosf(tank1CannonAngle);
		projectilePositionY = tank1Y - cannonLength * sinf(tank1CannonAngle);
		projectileVelocityX = tank1CannonStrength * cosf(tank1CannonAngle);
		projectileVelocityY = -tank1CannonStrength * sinf(tank1CannonAngle);
    else {
		projectilePositionX = tank2X + cannonLength * cosf(tank2CannonAngle);
		projectilePositionY = tank2Y - cannonLength * sinf(tank2CannonAngle);
		projectileVelocityX = tank2CannonStrength * cosf(tank2CannonAngle);
		projectileVelocityY = -tank2CannonStrength * sinf(tank2CannonAngle);

    // GO!
    projectileInMotion = true;

// Game state queries
bool gameStatusPlayer1Turn()
	return player1Turn;

bool gameStatusProjectileInMotion()
	return projectileInMotion;

int gameStatusWinner()
	return playerHasWon;

// Clean up any allocated memory for the game
void cleanupGame()
	delete groundLevel;

// Drawing routines. Arguments are (interleaved) buffer to render
// into, the available size, and the target for how many samples
// to use (actual usage might vary slightly). Regardless of
// lengthTarget, never use more than bufferSize samples.

int drawGround(float *buffer, int bufferSize, int framesTarget)
	int length;

	// Calculate total length of ground line, to arrive at a speed calculation
	float totalLineLength = 0.4f*screenWidth
							+ sqrtf(0.36f*screenWidth*screenWidth
									+ (tank2Y-tank1Y)*(tank2Y-tank1Y));

	// Speed is calculated in pixels per frame
	float speed = totalLineLength / (float)framesTarget;

	// Draw three lines: platforms for tanks and the connecting line.
	// Eventually, render a more complex ground from the array.
	length = renderLine(0, tank1Y, screenWidth * 0.2, tank1Y,
						speed, buffer, bufferSize);
	length += renderLine(screenWidth * 0.2, tank1Y, screenWidth * 0.8, tank2Y,
						speed, &buffer[length], bufferSize - length);
	length += renderLine(screenWidth * 0.8, tank2Y, screenWidth, tank2Y,
						speed, &buffer[length], bufferSize - length);

	return length;

int drawTanks(float *buffer, int bufferSize, int framesTarget)
	int length = 0;

	// Calculate total length of tank lines, to arrive at a speed calculation
	float totalLineLength = 2.0*M_PI*tankRadius + 2.0*(cannonLength - tankRadius);

	// Speed is calculated in pixels per frame
	float speed = totalLineLength / (float)framesTarget;

	if(playerHasWon != 2) {
		// Tank 1 body = semicircle + line
		length += renderArc(tank1X, tank1Y, tankRadius, M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI,
							speed, buffer, bufferSize);
		length += renderLine(tank1X + tankRadius, tank1Y,
							 tank1X - tankRadius, tank1Y,
							speed, &buffer[length], bufferSize - length);
		// Tank 1 cannon (line depending on angle)
		length += renderLine(tank1X + tankRadius * cosf(tank1CannonAngle),
			 tank1Y - tankRadius * sinf(tank1CannonAngle),
			 tank1X + cannonLength * cosf(tank1CannonAngle),
			 tank1Y - cannonLength * sinf(tank1CannonAngle),
			 speed, &buffer[length], bufferSize - length);

	if(playerHasWon != 1) {
		// Same idea for tank 2
		length += renderArc(tank2X, tank2Y, tankRadius, M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI,
							speed, &buffer[length], bufferSize - length);
		length += renderLine(tank2X + tankRadius, tank2Y,
							 tank2X - tankRadius, tank2Y,
							 speed, &buffer[length], bufferSize - length);
		length += renderLine(tank2X + tankRadius * cosf(tank2CannonAngle),
			 tank2Y - tankRadius * sinf(tank2CannonAngle),
			 tank2X + cannonLength * cosf(tank2CannonAngle),
			 tank2Y - cannonLength * sinf(tank2CannonAngle),
			 speed, &buffer[length], bufferSize - length);

	return length;

int drawProjectile(float *buffer, int bufferSize, int framesTarget)
		return 0;

	// Draw a point for a specified number of frames (each containing X and Y)
	// Return the number of items used in the buffer, which will be twice
	// the number of frames unless the buffer is full

	if(bufferSize/2 < framesTarget) {
		renderPoint(projectilePositionX, projectilePositionY, buffer, bufferSize/2);
		return bufferSize;
	else {
		renderPoint(projectilePositionX, projectilePositionY, buffer, framesTarget);
		return framesTarget*2;

// Main drawing routine entry point
int drawGame(float *buffer, int bufferSize)
	int length;

	// Based on buffer size, come up with speeds for each of the elements
	// 50% of time to ground; 30% to the tanks and 20% to the projectile
	// Give a margin of 25% beyond so we don't run out of buffer space
	// if things take longer to draw than we guess they will
	const float amountToUse = 0.375; // 0.75/2 because two samples per frame
	const float groundFraction = 0.5 * amountToUse;
	const float tankFraction = 0.3 * amountToUse;
	const float projectileFraction = 0.2 * amountToUse;

	length = drawGround(buffer, bufferSize, bufferSize * groundFraction);
	length += drawTanks(&buffer[length], bufferSize - length,
						bufferSize * tankFraction);
	length += drawProjectile(&buffer[length], bufferSize - length,
						bufferSize * projectileFraction);

	return length;