view projects/d-box/spear_parser.cpp @ 12:a6beeba3a648

Initial support for higher matrix sample rates by reducing the number of channels. Input not tested yet, and not all examples updated to new format.
author andrewm
date Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:00:22 +0000
parents 8a575ba3ab52
line wrap: on
line source
 * spear_parser.cpp v1.2
 *  Created on: May 6, 2014
 *      Author: Victor Zappi

#include "spear_parser.h"

using namespace std;

//#define DO_CHECKS

// partials

	partialFrequencies	= NULL;
//	partialAmplitudes	= NULL;
//	partialNumFrames	= NULL;
//	partialStartSample	= NULL;
//	partialEndSample	= NULL;
//	partialCurrentFrame	= NULL;
//	partialFreqDelta	= NULL;
//	partialAmpDelta	= NULL;

	activePartialNum	= NULL;
//	activePartials		= NULL;

	currentSample = -1;

	if(partialFrequencies != NULL)			// check on one is enough
		if(partialFrequencies[0] != NULL)	// check on one is enough
			for(unsigned int i=0; i<parNum; i++)
				delete[] partialFrequencies[i];
				delete[] partialAmplitudes[i];
				delete[] partialFreqDelta[i];
				delete[] partialAmpDelta[i];


		delete[] partialFrequencies;
		delete[] partialAmplitudes;
		delete[] partialNumFrames;
		delete[] partialFreqDelta;
		delete[] partialAmpDelta;
		delete[] partialFreqMean;

	if(activePartialNum != NULL)
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<hopNum+1; i++)
			delete[] activePartials[i];

		delete[] activePartialNum;
		delete[] activePartials ;

void Partials::init(int parN, int hopS, bool isDBX)
		parNum	= parN;
		hopSize	= hopS;

		partialFrequencies	= new float *[parNum];
		partialAmplitudes	= new float *[parNum];
		partialNumFrames	= new unsigned int[parNum];
		partialStartFrame	= new unsigned int[parNum];
		partialStartSample	= new unsigned int[parNum];
		partialEndSample	= new unsigned int[parNum];
		partialFreqDelta	= new float *[parNum];
		partialAmpDelta		= new float *[parNum];
		partialFreqMean		= new float[parNum];

		// init in one shot
		fill(partialFreqMean, partialFreqMean+parNum, 0);			// mean is zero

		partialFrequencies[0] 	= NULL;								// for free check
		parNum	= parN;
		hopSize	= hopS;

		partialFrequencies	= new float *[parNum];
		partialAmplitudes	= new float *[parNum];
		partialNumFrames	= new unsigned int[parNum];
		partialStartFrame	= new unsigned int[parNum];
		partialFreqDelta	= new float *[parNum];
		partialAmpDelta		= new float *[parNum];
		partialFreqMean		= new float[parNum];

		partialFrequencies[0] 	= NULL;								// for free check

void Partials::update(int parIndex, int frameNum)
	partialFrequencies[parIndex] = new float[frameNum];
	partialAmplitudes[parIndex]	 = new float[frameNum];
	partialFreqDelta[parIndex]	 = new float[frameNum];
	partialAmpDelta[parIndex]	 = new float[frameNum];

	fill(partialFreqDelta[parIndex], partialFreqDelta[parIndex]+frameNum, 99999.0);	// in the end, only the last one will have 99999
	fill(partialAmpDelta[parIndex], partialAmpDelta[parIndex]+frameNum, 99999.0);	// in the end, only the last one will have 99999

// spear parser
	// some default values
	hopSize			= -1;
	fileSampleRate	= -1;


void Spear_parser::calculateHopSize(char *filename)
	int index 		= 0;
	bool prevWas_ 	= false;
	bool found_h	= false;
	int n 			= 0;

	hopSize 		= 0;

		// check if '_'
		if(filename[index] == '_')
			prevWas_ = true;
		else if( (filename[index] == 'h') && prevWas_) // if it is not, but it is 'h' and previous was '_', found "_h"!
			found_h = true;
			while(filename[index] != '\0')
				if( (filename[index] == '.') || (filename[index] == '_'))
				else // i am not checking if char are digits...!
					n = filename[index];
					hopSize =  hopSize*10+(n-48);
		else	// else, nothing
			prevWas_ = false;
	while( (filename[index] != '\0') && !found_h );

	if( !found_h || (hopSize<1) )
		hopSize = 551;	// default val


bool Spear_parser::parser(char *filename, int hopsize, int samplerate)
	string name = string(filename);
	int len		= name.length();
	// invoke correct parser according to the type of file...just checking the extension, crude but functional
	if( (name[len-4]=='.') && (name[len-3]=='d') && (name[len-2]=='b') && (name[len-1]=='x') )
		return DBXparser(filename, samplerate);				// .dbox
		return TXTparser(filename, hopSize, samplerate);	// .txt, or whatever

bool Spear_parser::DBXparser(char *filename, int samplerate)
	fileSampleRate 	= samplerate;

	// working vars
	int parNum		= 0;	// total num of partials
	int hopNum		= 0;	// total num of hops

	// open a file
	ifstream fin;, ios::in | ios::binary);
	if (!fin.good())
		cout << "Parser Error: file not found" << endl;	// exit if file not found
		return false;

	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	// general data

	// look for partial count *) &parNum, sizeof(int));
	partials.parNum 		= parNum;

	// look for hop count *) &hopNum, sizeof(int));

	// look for hop size *) &hopSize, sizeof(int));
	partials.hopSize 		= hopSize;		// it's handy for both classes to know it

	// init partials data structure
	partials.init(parNum, hopSize, true);

	// look for max active par num *) &(partials.maxActiveParNum), sizeof(int));

	// partial data

	// start frame of each partial *) partials.partialStartFrame, sizeof(int)*parNum);

	// num of frames of each partial *) partials.partialNumFrames, sizeof(int)*parNum);

	// frequency mean of each partial *) partials.partialFreqMean, sizeof(int)*parNum);

	for(int par=0; par<parNum; par++)
		int frameNum = partials.partialNumFrames[par];
		partials.update(par, frameNum); *)partials.partialAmplitudes[par], sizeof(float)*frameNum);		// amplitude of each partial in each frame *)partials.partialFrequencies[par], sizeof(float)*frameNum);		// frequency of each partial in each frame *)partials.partialAmpDelta[par], sizeof(float)*frameNum);			// amplitude delta of each partial in each frame *)partials.partialFreqDelta[par], sizeof(float)*frameNum);			// frequency delta of each partial in each frame

	// frame data

	// number of active partial per each frame *) partials.activePartialNum, sizeof(short)*(hopNum+1));
	// init array
	for(int frame=0; frame<hopNum+1; frame++)
		partials.activePartials[frame] = new unsigned int[partials.activePartialNum[frame]]; *)partials.activePartials[frame], sizeof(int)*partials.activePartialNum[frame]);			// active partials per each frame

	gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
	parserT = ( (stop.tv_sec*1000000+stop.tv_usec) - (start.tv_sec*1000000+start.tv_usec) );

	printf("\nFile: %s\n", filename);
	printf("File parser:\t\t\t%lu usec\n", parserT);
	printf("\n\nTotal:\t\t%lu usec\n", parserT);


	return true;

bool Spear_parser::TXTparser(char *filename, int hopsize, int samplerate)
	hopSize 		= hopsize;
	fileSampleRate 	= samplerate;
		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
		gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
		hopSizeT = ( (stop.tv_sec*1000000+stop.tv_usec) - (start.tv_sec*1000000+start.tv_usec) );
		hopSizeT = 0;


	// working vars
	char * token;			// where to save single figures from file
	string s		= "";	// where to save lines from file
	int parNum		= 0;	// total num of partials
	int parIndex	= -1;	// index of current partial
	int frameNum	= 0;	// total num of frames
	int frameIndex	= -1;	// index of current frame
	int startSample	= -1;	// sample value for first frame of partials
	int endSample	= -1;	// sample value for last frame of partials
	int maxSample	= 0;	// to calculate total number of hops in file
	int missSampCnt = 0;	// number of mising samples
	double freq		= 0;	// to calculate frequency delta
	double prevFreq	= 0;	// to calculate frequency delta
	double amp		= 0;	// to calculate amplitude delta
	double prevAmp	= 0;	// to calculate amplitude delta

	// open a file
	ifstream fin;;
	if (!fin.good())
		cout << "Parser Error: file not found" << endl;	// exit if file not found
		return false;

	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	// init partials data structure
	getline(fin, s);
	getline(fin, s);
	getline(fin, s);	// third line is the first we are interested into

	// look for partial count
	token = strtok((char *)s.c_str(), " ");
	// check if first token is there
		token = strtok(0, " ");
		// check if second token is there
			parNum = atoi(token);
		#ifdef DO_CHECKS
			cout << "Parser Error: partial count not found, bad file format" << endl;	// exit if value not found
			return false;
	#ifdef DO_CHECKS
		cout << "Parser Error: partial count not found, bad file format" << endl;		// exit if value not found
		return false;
	// from now on we take for granted that format is correct

	// init partials data structure
	partials.init(parNum, hopSize);

	// fill in partials data structure
	getline(fin, s);		// get rid of intro line "partials-data"
	getline(fin, s);		// first important line

	while (!fin.eof())
		// partial specific info
		token		= strtok((char *)s.c_str(), " ");
		parIndex	= atoi(token);						// partial index

		token		= strtok(0, " ");					// num of frames, not used, cos we will do linear interpolation for missing frames
//		frameNum	= atoi(token);
//		partials.partialNumFrames[parIndex]	= frameNum;

		token		= strtok(0, " ");					// time of first frame, still char *
		startSample = fromTimeToSamples(atof(token));	// convert time to samples
		partials.partialStartSample[parIndex]	= startSample;

		token		= strtok(0, " ");					// time of last frame, still char *
		endSample	= fromTimeToSamples(atof(token)); 	// convert time to samples
		partials.partialEndSample[parIndex]		= endSample;

		frameNum	= ((endSample-startSample)/hopSize) + 1;	// num of frames, including missing consecutive ones [+1 one cos we count frames, not hops]
		partials.partialNumFrames[parIndex]		= frameNum;

		// check if this is the highest sample value so far
		if(endSample > maxSample)
			maxSample = endSample;

		// update data structure
		partials.update(parIndex, frameNum);

		// frames
		getline(fin, s);
		token		= strtok((char *)s.c_str(), " ");	// frame time
		frameIndex	= -1;

		// unroll first iteration, so that in the following loop we save the check on the last frame to calculate increments
		if(token)						// all frames data are on one line, in groups of 3 entries

			endSample	= fromTimeToSamples(atof(token));

			token		= strtok(0, " ");	// frame frequency
			prevFreq	= atof(token);
			partials.partialFrequencies[parIndex][frameIndex]	= (float)prevFreq;
			partials.partialFreqMean[parIndex] 					+= prevFreq;		// for frequency mean

			token	 	= strtok(0, " ");	// frame amplitude
			prevAmp  	= atof(token);
			partials.partialAmplitudes[parIndex][frameIndex]	= (float)prevAmp;

			token 		= strtok(0, " ");	// next frame frequency, to be checked

		// here the loop starts
		while(token)						// all frames data are on one line, in groups of 3 entries
			missSampCnt 	= 0;

			startSample		= fromTimeToSamples(atof(token));

			token			= strtok(0, " ");	// frame frequency
			freq			= atof(token);

			token			= strtok(0, " ");	// frame amplitude
			amp				= atof(token);
			// now we know all about the current frame, but we want to know if some frames are missing between this and the last one

			// while current frame sample is farther than one hopsize...
			while(startSample > endSample+hopSize)
				missSampCnt++;				// sample is missing
				endSample += hopSize;		// move to next hop

			// if frames are missing do interpolation and update indices
				startSample = interpolateSamples(parIndex, &frameIndex, missSampCnt, endSample+hopSize, freq, amp, &prevFreq, &prevAmp);

			partials.partialFrequencies[parIndex][frameIndex]	= (float)freq;
			partials.partialFreqMean[parIndex] 					+= freq;			// for frequency mean
			partials.setFreqDelta(parIndex, frameIndex-1, (freq-prevFreq)/hopSize);	// freq delta between prev and current frame
			prevFreq 	= freq;

			partials.partialAmplitudes[parIndex][frameIndex]	= (float)amp;
			partials.setAmpDelta(parIndex, frameIndex-1, (amp-prevAmp)/hopSize);	// amp delta between prev and current frame
			prevAmp		= amp;

			endSample	= startSample;
			token		= strtok(0, " ");	// next frame frequency, to be checked
		#ifdef DO_CHECKS
		if(frameIndex != (frameNum-1))
			cout << "Parser Error: frame count mismatch on partial " << parIndex << ", bad file format"  << endl;	// exit if mismatch
			cout << "frameIndex: " << frameIndex << endl;
			cout << "frameNum: " << frameNum << endl;
			return false;

		partials.partialFreqMean[parIndex] /= partials.partialNumFrames[parIndex];									// frequency mean

		getline(fin, s);					// next partial line, to check
	#ifdef DO_CHECKS
	if(parIndex != (parNum-1))
		cout << "Parser Error: partial count mismatch, bad file format"  << endl;									// exit if mismatch
		return false;


	gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
	parserT = ( (stop.tv_sec*1000000+stop.tv_usec) - (start.tv_sec*1000000+start.tv_usec) );

	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
	staticT = ( (stop.tv_sec*1000000+stop.tv_usec) - (start.tv_sec*1000000+start.tv_usec) );


	printf("\nFile: %s\n", filename);
	printf("Hop size parser:\t\t%lu usec\n", hopSizeT);
	printf("File parser:\t\t\t%lu usec\n", parserT);
	printf("Static calculations:\t\t%lu usec\n", staticT);
	printf("\n\nTotal:\t\t%lu usec\n", hopSizeT+parserT+staticT);

	return true;

int Spear_parser::interpolateSamples(int parIndex, int *frameIndex, int missCnt, int nextSample, double nextFreq, double nextAmp, double *prevFreq, double *prevAmp)
	int frame			= *frameIndex;						// current frame index
	int sample			= nextSample - (hopSize*(missCnt)); // move from next real frame sample to first missing frame sample
	double freq			= *prevFreq;						// freq of the prev real frame
	double freqStep		= (nextFreq-*prevFreq)/(missCnt+1);	// fixed freq step between hops, for missing frames [linear interpolation]
	double deltaFreq	= freqStep/hopSize;					// fixed hop freq step in samples
	double amp			= *prevAmp;							// same for amp...
	double ampStep		= (nextAmp-*prevAmp)/(missCnt+1);
	double deltaAmp		= ampStep/hopSize;

	// for each missing frame
	for(int i=0; i<missCnt; i++)
		// calculate values for current missing frame
		freq	+= freqStep;
		amp		+= ampStep;
		// save values
		partials.partialFrequencies[parIndex][frame]	= freq;
		partials.partialAmplitudes[parIndex][frame]		= amp;
		partials.partialFreqMean[parIndex]				+= freq;	// for frequency mean
		// set deltas of previous frame [real or missing]
		partials.setFreqDelta(parIndex, frame-1, deltaFreq);
		partials.setAmpDelta(parIndex, frame-1, deltaAmp);
		// move to next frame [missing or real]
		sample += hopSize;

	// update global values
	*frameIndex	= frame;
	*prevFreq	= freq;
	*prevAmp	= amp;

	return sample;	// return the frame sample of the next real frame

// for each frame, statically calculate:
// - which partial is active [and the total num of active partials]
// - at which local frame each partial is
void Spear_parser::staticCalculations()
	partials.maxActiveParNum = 0;				// init to find maximum

	unsigned short *indices	= new unsigned short[partials.parNum];	// temp array to store up to the maximum num of active partial indices
	unsigned int activeCnt	= 0;						// counts the num of active partials in each frame

	unsigned int frameSample = 0;						// current frame in samples

	char *partialStarted = new char [partials.parNum];	// index of the last local frame found per each partial
	fill(partialStarted, partialStarted+partials.parNum, 0);

	for(unsigned int i=0; i<partials.hopNum+1; i++)		// for each frame [not hops, this explains the +1]
		//partials.localPartialFrames[i] = new int[partials.parNum];	// init all local frames to -1
		//fill(partials.localPartialFrames[i], partials.localPartialFrames[i]+partials.parNum, -1);

		frameSample = i*hopSize;	// current frame, expressed in samples
		activeCnt	  = 0;			// reset a each frame

		for(unsigned int j=0; j<partials.parNum; j++)	// for each partial
			// check if inside active time region [expressed in samples]
			if( (frameSample>=partials.partialStartSample[j]) && (frameSample<partials.partialEndSample[j]) )	// frame sample not equal to end sample, this filters out last frames and partials with one frame only
				// activity
				indices[activeCnt] = j;	// save active index
				activeCnt++;			// increase counter

				// partial local frames
				if(partialStarted[j]==0)	// this partial has just started, so current local frame is first frame
					partialStarted[j] 		 		= 1;
					partials.partialStartFrame[j]	= i;	// here is the number of the first frame

		// activity
		partials.activePartialNum[i] = activeCnt;							// save number of active partials for this frame
		partials.activePartials[i]	 = new unsigned int[activeCnt];					// set correct size to save all indices

		// look for maximum number of active partials at the same time
		if(activeCnt > partials.maxActiveParNum)
			partials.maxActiveParNum = activeCnt;

		// copy indices
		for(unsigned int k=0; k<activeCnt; k++)
			partials.activePartials[i][k] = indices[k];

	delete[] indices;
	delete[] partialStarted;

	delete[] partials.partialStartSample;
	delete[] partials.partialEndSample;