view projects/d-box/OscillatorBank.cpp @ 12:a6beeba3a648

Initial support for higher matrix sample rates by reducing the number of channels. Input not tested yet, and not all examples updated to new format.
author andrewm
date Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:00:22 +0000
parents 8a575ba3ab52
line wrap: on
line source
 * OscillatorBank.cpp
 *  Created on: May 23, 2014
 *      Author: Victor Zappi and Andrew McPherson

 * There is a problem with name consistency between this class and the Parser class in spear_parser files.
 * There, a "frame" is each of the time values where partials are sampled, while a "hop" is the actual jump between frames [calculated in samples]
 * Here, "hop" is used with the meaning of "frame", while "frame" became the local frame of a partial
 * example
 * frames:	0		1		2
 * p0				p0_0 	p0_1
 * p1		p1_0	p1_1 	p1_2
 * p2		p2_0	p2_1
 * 	In this case:
 * 		 in Parser there are 2 hops, 3 total frames and the 3 partials have respectively 2, 3 and 2 local frames
 * 		 here there are 3 total hops [the concept of jumps is discarded, cos not in use] and the 3 partials have respectively 2, 3 and 2 frames
 * 	This must be fixed

// TODO: fix hop-frame name consistency

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "OscillatorBank.h"

OscillatorBank::OscillatorBank() {
	loaded = false;

OscillatorBank::OscillatorBank(string filename, int hopsize, int samplerate) {
	loaded = false;
	loadFile(filename.c_str(), hopsize, samplerate);

OscillatorBank::OscillatorBank(char *filename, int hopsize, int samplerate) {
	loaded = false;
	loadFile(filename, hopsize, samplerate);

OscillatorBank::~OscillatorBank() {

	delete[] oscStatNormFrequenciesMean;
	delete[] oscStatNumHops;
	delete[] lookupTable;
	delete[] indicesMapping;
	delete[] freqFixedDeltas;
	delete[] ampFixedDeltas;
	delete[] nyquistCut;

bool OscillatorBank::initBank(int oversamp) {
	if (!loaded)
		return false;

	//---prepare look-up table
	lookupTableSize = 1024;
	lookupTable		= new float[lookupTableSize + 1];
	for (int n = 0; n < (lookupTableSize + 1); n++)
		lookupTable[n] = sin(2.0 * M_PI * (float) n / (float) lookupTableSize);
	frequencyScaler = (float) lookupTableSize / rate;
	nyqNorm			= rate / 2 * frequencyScaler;

	if (oversamp < 1)
		oversamp = 1;

	//---prepare oscillators
	partials = &(parser.partials); // pointer to paser's partials
	partialsHopSize = parser.getHopSize();
	lastHop = partials->getHopNum(); // last bank hop is equal to last partial frame, which is equal to partial hop num
	overSampling = oversamp;
	hopSize = partialsHopSize / overSampling; // if oversampling, osc bank hop num > partials hop num
	hopSizeReminder = partialsHopSize % overSampling;
	oscBankHopSize = hopSize;
	numOfPartials = partials->getPartialNum();
	numOfOscillators = partials->getMaxActivePartialNum(); // get the maximum number of active partials at the same time

	// set to next multiple of 4 [NEON]
	numOfOscillators = (numOfOscillators + 3) & ~0x3; // to be sure we can add up to 3 fake oscillators

	int err;
	//---allocate buffers
	// alligned buffers [NEON]
	err = posix_memalign((void**) &oscillatorPhases, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &oscillatorNextNormFreq, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &oscillatorNextAmp, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &oscillatorNormFrequencies, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &oscillatorAmplitudes, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &oscillatorAmplitudeDerivatives, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &phaseCopies, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &nextNormFreqCopies, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));
	err += posix_memalign((void**) &nextAmpCopies, 16,
			numOfOscillators * sizeof(float));

	// regular ones
	oscStatNormFrequenciesMean	= new float[numOfPartials];
	oscStatNumHops				= new float[numOfPartials];
	indicesMapping				= new int[numOfPartials];
	freqFixedDeltas				= new float[numOfPartials];
	ampFixedDeltas				= new float[numOfPartials];
	nyquistCut 					= new bool[numOfPartials];

	if (err > 0) {
		dbox_printf("Failed memory allocations %@#!\n");
		return false;

	// copy stats [they do not change]
	for (int n = 0; n < numOfPartials; n++) {
		oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[n] = partials->partialFreqMean[n]
				* frequencyScaler;
		oscStatNumHops[n] = partials->partialNumFrames[n]; // in Parser and Partials "frames" are what we call here "hops" [see comment at top of file]

	// deafult values
	actPartNum		= 0;
	loopStartHop	= 0;
	loopEndHop		= (parser.partials.getHopNum() - 2) * overSampling;
	ampTh			= 0.0001;
	hopNumTh		= 0;
	pitchMultiplier = 1;
	freqMovement	= 1;
	filterNum		= 0;
	note			= false;
	speed			= 1;
	nextSpeed		= -1;
	maxSpeed 		= 10;
	minSpeed 		= 0.1;
	jumpHop 		= -1;

	// filter
	filterMaxF		= 22000;
	filterAmpMinF	= 10 * frequencyScaler;
	filterAmpMaxF	= 5000 * frequencyScaler;
	filterAmpMul	= 10.0;

	// adsr
	minAttackTime	= .0001;
	deltaAttackTime = 2.;
	minReleaseTime	= 1;
	deltaReleaseTime = 2.5;

	adsr.setAttackRate(minAttackTime * rate);
	adsr.setDecayRate(.0001 * rate);
	adsr.setReleaseRate(minReleaseTime * rate);

	state = bank_stopped;
	return true;

void OscillatorBank::resetOscillators() {
	currentHop			= -1;
	loopDir				= 1;
	loopDirShift 		= 0;
	fill(nyquistCut, nyquistCut + numOfPartials, false);
	prevAdsrVal			= 0;
	prevAmpTh			= ampTh;
	prevHopNumTh		= hopNumTh;
	prevPitchMultiplier = pitchMultiplier;
	prevFreqMovement 	= freqMovement;
	prevFilterNum = filterNum;
	memcpy(prevFilterFreqs, filterFreqs, filterNum * sizeof(float));
	memcpy(prevFilterQ, filterQ, filterNum * sizeof(float));

	int activePNum		= partials->activePartialNum[0];
	unsigned int *activeP = partials->activePartials[0];
	for (int i = 0; i < activePNum; i++) {
		freqFixedDeltas[activeP[i]] = partials->partialFreqDelta[activeP[i]][0]
				/ overSampling;
		ampFixedDeltas[activeP[i]]	= partials->partialAmpDelta[activeP[i]][0]
				/ overSampling;
	// attack!
	note = true;


	state = bank_playing;

void OscillatorBank::nextHop() {
	hopSize = oscBankHopSize;

	// copy phases, next freqs and next amps from previous frame
	memcpy(phaseCopies, oscillatorPhases, actPartNum * sizeof(float));
	memcpy(nextNormFreqCopies, oscillatorNextNormFreq,
			actPartNum * sizeof(float));
	memcpy(nextAmpCopies, oscillatorNextAmp, actPartNum * sizeof(float));

	// next frame is forward or backwards, cos we could be in the loop
	currentHop += loopDir;


//	if((currentHop/overSampling)%100 == 0)
//		dbox_printf("currentHop %d, direction: %d\n", currentHop/overSampling, loopDir);

	// if needs jump, end here this method, cos jumpToHop() will do tee rest
	if (checkJump() == 0)
	// otherwise, if jump is not needed or fails, continue regular stuff

	if (nextEnvState() != 0)
		return; // release has ended!


	// now let's decide how to calculate next hop
	if (!checkOversampling())

void OscillatorBank::nextOscBankHop() {
	int parIndex, localHop;
	float parDamp = 1;
	int currentPartialHop = (currentHop / overSampling) + loopDirShift;

	// if going backwards in the loop, get previous frame active partials...
	actPartNum = partials->activePartialNum[currentPartialHop - loopDirShift];
	actPart = partials->activePartials[currentPartialHop - loopDirShift];
	//cout << "actPartNum: " << actPartNum << endl;

	envState = adsr.getState(); // to determine what state we will be in next hop [attack, decay, sustain, release]

	int parCnt = 0;
	int currentHopReminder = currentHop % overSampling;
	// steps to reach next bank hop from previous partial hop
	int steps = currentHopReminder + 1;
	if (loopDir < 0)
		steps = overSampling - currentHopReminder + 1;

	for (int i = 0; i < actPartNum; i++) {
		// find partial and frame
		parIndex = actPart[i];
		//localHop	= partials->localPartialFrames[currentPartialHop][parIndex];
		localHop = currentPartialHop - partials->partialStartFrame[parIndex]; // in Parser and Partials "frames" are what we call here "hops". These particular ones are local frames [see comment at top of file]

		//float delta = partials->partialFrequencies[parIndex][localHop+loopDir] - partials->partialFrequencies[parIndex][localHop];

		// if this partial was over nyquist on previous hop...
		if (nyquistCut[parIndex]) {
			// ...restart from safe values
			oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = 0;
			//TODO add freqmove dependency
			oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
							+ freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] * (steps - 1))
							* frequencyScaler * prevPitchMultiplier;
			oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 0;
		} else if (loopDir == 1) // otherwise recover phase, target freq and target amp from previous frame
			if ((localHop != 0) || (currentHopReminder != 0)) {
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
			} else // first oscillator hop [both for bank and partial], so no previous data are available
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = 0;
				//TODO add freqmove dependency
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
								* frequencyScaler * prevPitchMultiplier;
				parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, prevHopNumTh,
						prevAdsrVal, oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt],
						prevFilterNum, prevFilterFreqs, prevFilterQ);
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
								* parDamp;
				if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
						oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;
				freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
						partials->partialFreqDelta[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
								* loopDir / overSampling;
				ampFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
						partials->partialAmpDelta[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
								* loopDir / overSampling;
		} else {
			oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = phaseCopies[indicesMapping[parIndex]];
			oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
			oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = nextAmpCopies[indicesMapping[parIndex]];

		// remove aliasing, skipping partial over nyquist freq
		if (oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] > nyqNorm) {
			nyquistCut[parIndex] = true;
		nyquistCut[parIndex] = false;

		// first set up freq, cos filter affects amplitude damping according to freq content
		oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt] = oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt]; // to fix any possible drifts
		// save next values, current for next round
		oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] = (freqMovement
				* (partials->partialFrequencies[parIndex][localHop]
						+ freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] * steps) * frequencyScaler
				+ (1 - freqMovement) * oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[parIndex])
				* pitchMultiplier;
		// derivatives are (next hop value*next damping) - (current hop value*current damping)  ---> next hop must be available, in both directions, because of control on active partials
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt] = (oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt]
				- oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt]) / hopCounter;
		// this second weird passage handles dissonance control, morphing between regular and mean frequencies
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt] = freqMovement
				* oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt]
				+ (1 - freqMovement)
						* ((oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[parIndex]
								* pitchMultiplier)
								- oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt])
						/ hopCounter;

		parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, hopNumTh, adsrVal,
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt], filterNum, filterFreqs, filterQ);

		// now amplitudes
		oscillatorAmplitudes[parCnt] = oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt]; // to fix any possible drifts
		// save next values, current for next round
		//delta = partials->partialAmplitudes[parIndex][localHop+loopDir] - partials->partialAmplitudes[parIndex][localHop];
		oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
						+ ampFixedDeltas[parIndex] * steps) * parDamp;
		if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;
		if ((loopDir == -1) && (localHop = 1) && (currentHopReminder == 1))
			oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 0;
		// derivatives are (next hop value*next damping) - (current hop value*current damping)  ---> next hop must be available, in both directions, because of control on active partials
		oscillatorAmplitudeDerivatives[parCnt] = (oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt]
				- oscillatorAmplitudes[parCnt]) / hopCounter;

		// finally update current mapping between oscillators and partials
		indicesMapping[parIndex] = parCnt;
	actPartNum = parCnt;
	// [NEON] if not multiple of 4...
	if (actPartNum % 4 != 0)

void OscillatorBank::nextPartialHop() {
	unsigned int parIndex, localHop;
	float parDamp = 1;
	int currentPartialHop = currentHop / overSampling;

	// if going backwards in the loop, get previous frame active partials...
	actPartNum = partials->activePartialNum[currentPartialHop - loopDirShift];
	actPart    = partials->activePartials[currentPartialHop - loopDirShift];

	envState = adsr.getState(); // to determine what state we will be in next hop [attack, decay, sustain, release]

	int parCnt = 0;
	int steps = overSampling - 1; // steps to reach next hop [partial or bank] from previous partial hop

	for (int i = 0; i < actPartNum; i++) {
		// find partial and frame
		parIndex = actPart[i];
		//localHop	= partials->localPartialFrames[currentPartialHop][parIndex];
		localHop = currentPartialHop - partials->partialStartFrame[parIndex]; // in Parser and Partials "frames" are what we call here "hops". These particular ones are local frames [see comment at top of file]

		// if this partial was over nyquist on previous hop...
		if (nyquistCut[parIndex]) {
			// ...restart from safe values
			oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = 0;
			//TODO add freqmove dependency
			oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
							+ freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] * steps
									* (1 - loopDirShift)) * frequencyScaler
							* prevPitchMultiplier;
			oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 0;
		} else if (loopDir == 1) // otherwise recover phase, target freq and target amp from previous frame
			if ((localHop != 0) || (overSampling > 1)) {
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
			} else // first oscillator hop [both for bank and partial], so no previous data are available
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = 0;
				//TODO add freqmove dependency
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
								* frequencyScaler * prevPitchMultiplier;
				parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, prevHopNumTh,
						prevAdsrVal, oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt],
						prevFilterNum, prevFilterFreqs, prevFilterQ);
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
								* parDamp;
				if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
						oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;
				freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
						partials->partialFreqDelta[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
								* loopDir / overSampling;
				ampFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
						partials->partialAmpDelta[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
								* loopDir / overSampling;
		} else {
			if (localHop != partials->partialNumFrames[parIndex] - 1) {
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
			} else // first oscillator hop [going backwards - both for bank and partial] , so no previous data are available
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = 0;
				//TODO add freqmove dependency
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
								* frequencyScaler * prevPitchMultiplier;
				parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, prevHopNumTh,
						prevAdsrVal, oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt],
						prevFilterNum, prevFilterFreqs, prevFilterQ);
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
								* parDamp;
				if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
						oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;
				freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
						partials->partialFreqDelta[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
								* loopDir / overSampling;
				ampFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
						partials->partialAmpDelta[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
								* loopDir / overSampling;
		// remove aliasing, skipping partial over nyquist freq
		if (oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] > nyqNorm) {
			//cout << nyqNorm << endl;
			nyquistCut[parIndex] = true;
		nyquistCut[parIndex] = false;

		// first set up freq, cos filter affects amplitude damping according to freq content
		oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt] = oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt]; // to fix any possible drifts
		// save next values, current for next round
		oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] = (freqMovement
				* (partials->partialFrequencies[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
						- freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] * steps * loopDirShift)
				* frequencyScaler
				+ (1 - freqMovement) * oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[parIndex])
				* pitchMultiplier;
		// derivatives are (next hop value*next damping) - (current hop value*current damping)  ---> next hop must be available, in both directions, because of control on active partials
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt] = (oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt]
				- oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt]) / hopCounter;
		// this second weird passage handles dissonance control, morphing between regular and mean frequencies
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt] = freqMovement
				* oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt]
				+ (1 - freqMovement)
						* ((oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[parIndex]
								* pitchMultiplier)
								- oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt])
						/ hopCounter;

		parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, hopNumTh, adsrVal,
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt], filterNum, filterFreqs, filterQ);

		// now amplitudes
		oscillatorAmplitudes[parCnt] = oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt]; // to fix any possible drifts
		// save next values, current for next round
		//delta = partials->partialAmplitudes[parIndex][localHop+loopDir] - partials->partialAmplitudes[parIndex][localHop];
		oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
				(partials->partialAmplitudes[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
						- (ampFixedDeltas[parIndex]) * steps * loopDirShift)
						* parDamp;
		if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
			oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;

		// to avoid bursts when transients are played backwards
		if ((loopDir == -1) && (localHop - 1 == 0) && (overSampling == 1)) {
			oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 0;
		// derivatives are (next hop value*next damping) - (current hop value*current damping)  ---> next hop must be available, in both directions, because of control on active partials
		oscillatorAmplitudeDerivatives[parCnt] = (oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt]
				- oscillatorAmplitudes[parCnt]) / hopCounter;

		// if next is not going to loop boundaries, get next deltas [same direction]
		if ((((currentPartialHop + loopDir) * overSampling != loopEndHop)
				|| (loopDir == -1))
				&& (((currentPartialHop + loopDir) * overSampling + loopDir
						!= loopStartHop) || (loopDir == 1))) {
			freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
					partials->partialFreqDelta[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
							* loopDir / overSampling;
			ampFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
					partials->partialAmpDelta[parIndex][localHop + loopDir]
							* loopDir / overSampling;
		} else // .. otherwise, keep deltas but change sign [co swe change direction]
			freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] = -freqFixedDeltas[parIndex];
			ampFixedDeltas[parIndex] = -ampFixedDeltas[parIndex];

		// finally update current mapping between oscillators and partials
		indicesMapping[parIndex] = parCnt;
	actPartNum = parCnt;
	// [NEON] if not multiple of 4...
	if (actPartNum % 4 != 0)


void OscillatorBank::addFakeOsc() {
	// ...calculate difference
	int newPartNum = (actPartNum + 3) & ~0x3;
	// ...add fake oscillators until total num is multiple of 4
	for (int i = actPartNum; i < newPartNum; i++) {
		oscillatorAmplitudes[i] = 0;
		oscillatorNormFrequencies[i] = 0;
		oscillatorAmplitudeDerivatives[i] = 0;
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[i] = 0;
		oscillatorPhases[i] = 0;
	// ...and update num of active partials
	actPartNum = newPartNum;

void OscillatorBank::play(float vel) {
	// set attack and release params according to velocity
	//adsr.setAttackRate((minAttackTime + ((1 - vel) * deltaAttackTime)) * rate);
	adsr.setAttackRate(minAttackTime * rate);
	//adsr.setReleaseRate((minReleaseTime + (1 - vel) * deltaReleaseTime) * rate);
	adsr.setReleaseRate(minReleaseTime * rate);

	// set timbre
	hopNumTh = log((1 - vel) + 1) / log(2) * 20000;

	state = bank_toreset;

// private methods

bool OscillatorBank::loader(char *filename, int hopsize, int samplerate) {
	rate = samplerate;
	loaded = parser.parseFile(filename, hopsize, samplerate);
	return loaded;

int OscillatorBank::jumpToHop() {
	int jumpGap = abs(jumpHop - currentHop / overSampling); // gaps in partial reference

	// can't jump to self dude
	if (jumpGap == 0)
		return 1;

	// direction is in general maintained with jump
	if (jumpHop == 0)
	else if (jumpHop == lastHop)

	dbox_printf("\tJump from %d to %d\n", currentHop / overSampling, jumpHop);
	dbox_printf("\tdirection %d\n", loopDir);

	currentHop = jumpHop * overSampling;

	if (nextEnvState() != 0)
		return 0; // release has ended!


	int parIndex, localHop, targetHop;
	float parDamp = 1;
	int currentPartialHop = currentHop / overSampling;
	int targetPartialHop = jumpHop;

	actPartNum = partials->activePartialNum[currentPartialHop];
	actPart = partials->activePartials[currentPartialHop];
	int targetActParNum = partials->activePartialNum[targetPartialHop];
	unsigned int *targetActPar = partials->activePartials[targetPartialHop];

	envState = adsr.getState(); // to determine what state we will be in next hop [attack, decay, sustain, release]

	int parCnt = 0;
	int currentHopReminder = currentHop % overSampling;

	// steps to walk where i am [bank of partial hop] from previous partial hop
	int steps = currentHopReminder * (overSampling != 1); // no oversampling 0, oversampling and going ff currentHopReminder

	for (int i = 0; i < actPartNum; i++) {
		// find partial and frame
		parIndex = actPart[i];
		//localHop	= partials->localPartialFrames[currentPartialHop][parIndex];
		localHop = currentPartialHop - partials->partialStartFrame[parIndex]; // in Parser and Partials "frames" are what we call here "hops". These particular ones are local frames [see comment at top of file]

		// if this partial was over nyquist on previous hop...
		if (nyquistCut[parIndex]) {
			// ...restart from safe values
			oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = 0;
			//TODO add freqmove dependency
			oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
							+ freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] * steps * loopDir)
							* frequencyScaler * prevPitchMultiplier;
			oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 0;
		} else if (loopDir == 1) {// otherwise recover phase, target freq and target amp from previous frame
			if ((localHop != 0)
					|| ((overSampling > 1) && (currentHopReminder != 0))) {
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
			} else { // first oscillator hop [both for bank and partial], so no previous data are available
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = 0;
				//TODO add freqmove dependency
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
								* frequencyScaler * prevPitchMultiplier;
				parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, prevHopNumTh,
						prevAdsrVal, oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt],
						prevFilterNum, prevFilterFreqs, prevFilterQ);
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
								* parDamp;
				if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
						oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;
		} else {
			if (( (unsigned)localHop != partials->partialNumFrames[parIndex] - 1)
					|| ((overSampling > 1) && (currentHopReminder != 0))) {
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
			} else // first oscillator hop [going backwards - both for bank and partial] , so no previous data are available, so retrieve where i am
				oscillatorPhases[parCnt] = 0;
				//TODO add freqmove dependency
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] =
								* frequencyScaler * prevPitchMultiplier;
				parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, prevHopNumTh,
						prevAdsrVal, oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt],
						prevFilterNum, prevFilterFreqs, prevFilterQ);
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
								* parDamp;
				if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
						oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;
		// remove aliasing, skipping partial over nyquist freq
		if (oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] > nyqNorm) {
			//cout << nyqNorm << endl;
			nyquistCut[parIndex] = true;
		nyquistCut[parIndex] = false;

		// check what happens of this partial at target hop
		float targetFreqVal, targetAmpVal;
		//targetHop = partials->localPartialFrames[targetPartialHop][parIndex];
		targetHop = targetPartialHop - partials->partialStartFrame[parIndex];

		if (targetHop == -1)
			targetFreqVal = targetAmpVal = 0;
		else {
			targetFreqVal = partials->partialFrequencies[parIndex][targetHop]
					* frequencyScaler; // pitch shift will be multiplied later!!!
			targetAmpVal = partials->partialFrequencies[parIndex][targetHop]; // parDamp will be multiplied later!!!

		// first set up freq, cos filter affects amplitude damping according to freq content
		oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt] = oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt]; // to fix any possible drifts
		// save next values, current for next round
		oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] = (freqMovement * targetFreqVal
				+ (1 - freqMovement) * oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[parIndex])
				* pitchMultiplier;
		// derivatives are (next hop value*next damping) - (current hop value*current damping)  ---> next hop must be available, in both directions, because of control on active partials
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt] = (oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt]
				- oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt]) / hopCounter;
		// this second weird passage handles dissonance control, morphing between regular and mean frequencies
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt] = freqMovement
				* oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt]
				+ (1 - freqMovement)
						* ((oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[parIndex]
								* pitchMultiplier)
								- oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt])
						/ hopCounter;

		parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, hopNumTh, adsrVal,
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt], filterNum, filterFreqs, filterQ);

		// now amplitudes
		oscillatorAmplitudes[parCnt] = oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt]; // to fix any possible drifts
		// save next values, current for next round
		oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = targetAmpVal * parDamp;
		if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;
		// to avoid bursts when transients are played backwards
		if ((loopDir == -1) && (targetHop == 0)
				&& ((overSampling == 1) || (currentHopReminder == 0))) {
			oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 0;
		// derivatives are (next hop value*next damping) - (current hop value*current damping)  ---> next hop must be available, in both directions, because of control on active partials
		oscillatorAmplitudeDerivatives[parCnt] = (oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt]
				- oscillatorAmplitudes[parCnt]) / hopCounter;

		//if partial does not die at target, calculate deltas according to direction
		if (targetHop != -1) {
			freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
					partials->partialFreqDelta[parIndex][targetHop] * loopDir
							/ overSampling;
			ampFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
					partials->partialAmpDelta[parIndex][targetHop] * loopDir
							/ overSampling;

		// finally update current mapping between oscillators and partials
		indicesMapping[parIndex] = parCnt;
	actPartNum = parCnt;

	// now add the ones that start at target hop!
	for (int i = 0; i < targetActParNum; i++) {
		// find partial and frame
		parIndex = targetActPar[i];
		//targetHop	= partials->localPartialFrames[targetPartialHop][parIndex];
		targetHop = targetPartialHop - partials->partialStartFrame[parIndex]; // in Parser and Partials "frames" are what we call here "hops". These particular ones are local frames [see comment at top of file]

		// check if this partials was already active before the jump
		//localHop = partials->localPartialFrames[currentPartialHop][parIndex];
		localHop = currentPartialHop - partials->partialStartFrame[parIndex];

		// if yes, skip it
		if (localHop != -1)

		// otherwise add it to active bunch and calcucalte values

		// first set up freq, cos filter affects amplitude damping according to freq content
		oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt] = 0;
		// save next values, current for next round
		oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt] = (freqMovement
				* partials->partialFrequencies[parIndex][targetHop]
				* frequencyScaler
				+ (1 - freqMovement) * oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[parIndex])
				* pitchMultiplier;
		// derivatives are (next hop value*next damping) - (current hop value*current damping)  ---> next hop must be available, in both directions, because of control on active partials
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt] = (oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt]
				- oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt]) / hopCounter;
		// this second weird passage handles dissonance control, morphing between regular and mean frequencies
		oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt] = freqMovement
				* oscillatorNormFreqDerivatives[parCnt]
				+ (1 - freqMovement)
						* ((oscStatNormFrequenciesMean[parIndex]
								* pitchMultiplier)
								- oscillatorNormFrequencies[parCnt])
						/ hopCounter;

		parDamp = calculateParDamping(parIndex, hopNumTh, adsrVal,
				oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt], filterNum, filterFreqs, filterQ);

		// now amplitudes
		oscillatorAmplitudes[parCnt] = 0;
		// save next values, current for next round
		oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] =
				partials->partialFrequencies[parIndex][targetHop] * parDamp;
		if(oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] > 1)
				oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt] = 1;
		// derivatives are (next hop value*next damping) - (current hop value*current damping)  ---> next hop must be available, in both directions, because of control on active partials
		oscillatorAmplitudeDerivatives[parCnt] = (oscillatorNextAmp[parCnt]
				- oscillatorAmplitudes[parCnt]) / hopCounter;

		//calculate deltas according to direction
		freqFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
				partials->partialFreqDelta[parIndex][targetHop] * loopDir
						/ overSampling;
		ampFixedDeltas[parIndex] =
				partials->partialAmpDelta[parIndex][targetHop] * loopDir
						/ overSampling;

		// finally update current mapping between oscillators and partials
		indicesMapping[parIndex] = parCnt;

	// [NEON] if not multiple of 4...
	if (actPartNum % 4 != 0)


	jumpHop = -1;

	return 0;

int OscillatorBank::nextEnvState() {
	 envState = Attack.getState();	// to determine what state we are in [attack, decay, sustain, release]

	 // osc bank is playing the tail and the tail ends...
	 if( (state == bank_playing)&&(envState == env_idle) )
	 state = bank_stopped;	// ...stop bank
	 return 1;					// and return immediately
	 else if( (envState == env_attack) || (envState == env_decay) )
	 // run envelopes until next frame
	 dampWeight	= Attack.process(hopSize);
	 else if(envState == env_release)
	 // run envelopes until next frame
	 dampWeight 	= Attack.process(hopSize);
	 releaseDamp = Release.process(hopSize);

	envState = adsr.getState();
	// osc bank is playing the tail and the tail ends...
	if ((state == bank_playing) && (envState == env_idle)) {
		state = bank_stopped; // ...stop bank
		adsrVal = 0;
		return 1; // and return immediately
	} else
		adsrVal = adsr.process(hopSize);

	return 0;

void OscillatorBank::checkDirection() {
	// end of the loop or end of file
	if (((currentHop >= loopEndHop) && (loopDir == 1))
			|| ((currentHop >= lastHop) && (loopDir == 1))) {
		// move backwards
		//dbox_printf("backward from %d\n", loopEndHop);
	} else if (((currentHop <= loopStartHop) && (loopDir == -1))
			|| ((currentHop <= 0) && (loopDir == -1))) // start of the loop or start of file
		// move forward
		//dbox_printf("forward from %d\n", loopStartHop);

void OscillatorBank::checkSpeed() {
	// speed control [alike on highways, LOL]
	if (nextSpeed > 0) {
		nextSpeed = (nextSpeed < maxSpeed) ? nextSpeed : maxSpeed;
		nextSpeed = (nextSpeed > minSpeed) ? nextSpeed : minSpeed;
		speed = nextSpeed;
		nextSpeed = -1;
	hopCounter = hopSize / speed;

int OscillatorBank::checkJump() {
	//check if has to jump somewhere
	if (jumpHop > -1) {
		// needs to jump!
		if (jumpToHop() == 0)
			return 0;
	return 1; // no jump

bool OscillatorBank::checkOversampling() {
	//TODO fix this, but need andrew to fix oversampling multiple of period size
	// if partialsHopSize is not a multiple of oversampling, change hop size to periodically match next partial hop
	if (hopSizeReminder > 0) {
		// if next osc bank hop overtakes next partial hop...
		if ((currentHop + loopDir) * hopSize > partialsHopSize) {
			hopSize = hopSizeReminder; // ...shrink osc bank hop size to match partial hop
			return true; // and set next hop as matching with next partial hop
	} else if (((currentHop + (1 - loopDirShift)) % overSampling) == 0) // if next osc bank hop matches next partial hop
		return true; // ...mark next hop as partial hop

	return false; // ,otherwise mark next hop as osc bank hop

void OscillatorBank::updatePrevControls() {
	prevAdsrVal = adsrVal;
	prevAmpTh = ampTh;
	prevHopNumTh = hopNumTh;
	prevPitchMultiplier = pitchMultiplier;
	prevFreqMovement = freqMovement;
	prevFilterNum = filterNum;
	memcpy(prevFilterFreqs, filterFreqs, filterNum * sizeof(float));
	memcpy(prevFilterQ, filterQ, filterNum * sizeof(float));

float OscillatorBank::calculateParDamping(int parIndex, int hopNTh,
		float adsrVl, float nextFreq, int filNum, float *filFreq, float *filQ) {
	float parDamp = 1;

	// timbre
	parDamp = ((float) (oscStatNumHops[parIndex] + 1)) / (hopNTh + 1);
	parDamp = (parDamp > 1) ? 1 : parDamp;
	parDamp = adsrVl * parDamp;


	float filterWeights[MAX_TOUCHES];
	float filterDamp[MAX_TOUCHES];
	float filDist;
	float filterWeightsAcc;
	float filDmp;
	float filAmp;

// 		band reject notch filter
//		float dist, dmp;
//		for(int k=0; k<filterNum; k++)
//		{
//			dist = fabs(oscillatorNextNormFreq[parCnt]-filterFreqs[k]);
//			if(dist<=filterQ[k])
//			{
//				dmp 	= dist/filterQ[k];
//				parDamp *= dmp*dmp*dmp;
//			}
//		}

	// each filter is a band pass notch filter

	// if at least one is active
	if (filNum > 0) {
		// reset values
		filDist = 0;
		filterWeightsAcc = 0;
		filDmp = 0;
		filAmp = 0;
		// for each filter
		for (int k = 0; k < filNum; k++) {
			// here are a couple of kludges to boost sound output of hi freq filters

			// damping effect of filter increases with distance, but decreases with filter frequency [kludge]
			float mul = ((filterMaxF-nextFreq)/filterMaxF) * 0.9 + 0.1 ;
			//filDist = fabs(nextFreq - filFreq[k])*( ((exp(a*4)-1)/EXP_DENOM) * 0.9 + 0.1 );
			filDist = fabs(nextFreq - filFreq[k])*mul;

			// these to merge all filters contributions according to distance
			filterWeights[k] = filterMaxF - filDist;
			filterWeightsAcc += filterWeights[k];
			// freqs very close to filter center are slightly amplified
			// the size of this amp area and the effect of amplification increase with frequency [kludge]
			if (filDist
					< filterAmpMinF
							+ (filterAmpMaxF*(1-mul) - filterAmpMinF) * (1 - filQ[k]) )
				filAmp = filQ[k] * filterAmpMul*(1-mul);
				filAmp = 0;
			// actual damping
			filDmp = 1 / (filDist * filQ[k]);
			filDmp = (filDmp > 1) ? 1 : filDmp;
			// sum damp+amplification
			filterDamp[k] = filDmp + filAmp;
		// do weighted mean to merge all filters contributions
		filDmp = 0;
		for (int k = 0; k < filNum; k++)
			filDmp += filterDamp[k] * filterWeights[k];
		filDmp /= filterWeightsAcc;
		// apply
		parDamp *= filDmp;

	return parDamp;