view core/RTAudio.cpp @ 12:a6beeba3a648

Initial support for higher matrix sample rates by reducing the number of channels. Input not tested yet, and not all examples updated to new format.
author andrewm
date Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:00:22 +0000 (2015-01-22)
parents 09f03ac40fcc
children 6adb088196a7
line wrap: on
line source
 *  RTAudio.cpp
 *  Central control code for hard real-time audio on BeagleBone Black
 *  using PRU and Xenomai Linux extensions. This code began as part
 *  of the Hackable Instruments project (EPSRC) at Queen Mary University
 *  of London, 2013-14.
 *  (c) 2014 Victor Zappi and Andrew McPherson
 *  Queen Mary University of London

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>

// Xenomai-specific includes
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/timer.h>
#include <rtdk.h>

#include "../include/RTAudio.h"
#include "../include/PRU.h"
#include "../include/I2c_Codec.h"
#include "../include/render.h"
#include "../include/GPIOcontrol.h"

using namespace std;

// Data structure to keep track of auxiliary tasks we
// can schedule
typedef struct {
	RT_TASK task;
	void (*function)(void);
	char *name;
	int priority;
} InternalAuxiliaryTask;

const char gRTAudioThreadName[] = "beaglert-audio";

// Real-time tasks and objects
RT_TASK gRTAudioThread;
PRU *gPRU = 0;
I2c_Codec *gAudioCodec = 0;

vector<InternalAuxiliaryTask*> gAuxTasks;

// Flag which tells the audio task to stop
bool gShouldStop = false;

// general settings
int gRTAudioVerbose = 0;   						// Verbosity level for debugging
char gPRUFilename[256]	 = "pru_rtaudio.bin"; 	// path to PRU binary file
int gAmplifierMutePin = -1;
int gAmplifierShouldBeginMuted = 0;

// initAudio() prepares the infrastructure for running PRU-based real-time
// audio, but does not actually start the calculations.
// periodSize indicates the number of _sensor_ frames per period: the audio period size
// is twice this value. In total, the audio latency in frames will be 4*periodSize,
// plus any latency inherent in the ADCs and DACs themselves.
// useMatrix indicates whether to enable the ADC and DAC or just use the audio codec.
// numMatrixChannels indicates how many ADC and DAC channels to use.
// userData is an opaque pointer which will be passed through to the initialise_render()
// function for application-specific use
// Returns 0 on success.

int BeagleRT_initAudio(RTAudioSettings *settings, void *userData)

	if(gRTAudioVerbose == 1)
		rt_printf("Running with Xenomai\n");

	if(gRTAudioVerbose) {
		cout << "Starting with period size " << settings->periodSize << "; ";
			cout << "matrix enabled\n";
			cout << "matrix disabled\n";
		cout << "DAC level " << settings->dacLevel << "dB; ADC level " << settings->adcLevel;
		cout << "dB; headphone level " << settings->headphoneLevel << "dB\n";
			cout << "Beginning with speaker muted\n";

	// Prepare GPIO pins for amplifier mute and status LED
	if(settings->ampMutePin >= 0) {
		gAmplifierMutePin = settings->ampMutePin;
		gAmplifierShouldBeginMuted = settings->beginMuted;

		if(gpio_export(settings->ampMutePin)) {
				cout << "Warning: couldn't export amplifier mute pin\n";
		if(gpio_set_dir(settings->ampMutePin, OUTPUT_PIN)) {
				cout << "Couldn't set direction on amplifier mute pin\n";
			return -1;
		if(gpio_set_value(settings->ampMutePin, LOW)) {
				cout << "Couldn't set value on amplifier mute pin\n";
			return -1;

	// Limit the matrix channels to sane values
	if(settings->numMatrixChannels >= 8)
		settings->numMatrixChannels = 8;
	else if(settings->numMatrixChannels >= 4)
		settings->numMatrixChannels = 4;
		settings->numMatrixChannels = 2;

	// Sanity check the combination of channels and period size
	if(settings->numMatrixChannels <= 4 && settings->periodSize < 2) {
		cout << "Error: " << settings->numMatrixChannels << " channels and period size of " << settings->periodSize << " not supported.\n";
		return 1;
	if(settings->numMatrixChannels <= 2 && settings->periodSize < 4) {
		cout << "Error: " << settings->numMatrixChannels << " channels and period size of " << settings->periodSize << " not supported.\n";
		return 1;

	// Use PRU for audio
	gPRU = new PRU();
	gAudioCodec = new I2c_Codec();

	if(gPRU->prepareGPIO(settings->useMatrix, 1, 1)) {
		cout << "Error: unable to prepare GPIO for PRU audio\n";
		return 1;
	if(gPRU->initialise(0, settings->periodSize, settings->numMatrixChannels, true)) {
		cout << "Error: unable to initialise PRU\n";
		return 1;
	if(gAudioCodec->initI2C_RW(2, settings->codecI2CAddress, -1)) {
		cout << "Unable to open codec I2C\n";
		return 1;
	if(gAudioCodec->initCodec()) {
		cout << "Error: unable to initialise audio codec\n";
		return 1;

	// Set default volume levels

	// Initialise the rendering environment: pass the number of audio and matrix
	// channels, the period size for matrix and audio, and the sample rates

	int audioPeriodSize = settings->periodSize * 2;
	float audioSampleRate = 44100.0;
	float matrixSampleRate = 22050.0;
	if(settings->useMatrix) {
		audioPeriodSize = settings->periodSize * settings->numMatrixChannels / 4;
		matrixSampleRate = audioSampleRate * 4.0 / (float)settings->numMatrixChannels;

	if(!initialise_render(settings->useMatrix ? settings->numMatrixChannels : 0, /* matrix channels */
						  2, /* audio channels */
				          settings->useMatrix ? settings->periodSize : 0, /* matrix period size */
				          matrixSampleRate, audioSampleRate,
				          userData)) {
		cout << "Couldn't initialise audio rendering\n";
		return 1;

	return 0;

// audioLoop() is the main function which starts the PRU audio code
// and then transfers control to the PRU object. The PRU object in
// turn will call the audio render() callback function every time
// there is new data to process.

void audioLoop(void *)
		rt_printf("_________________Audio Thread!\n");

	// PRU audio
	assert(gAudioCodec != 0 && gPRU != 0);

	if(gAudioCodec->startAudio(0)) {
		rt_printf("Error: unable to start I2C audio codec\n");
		gShouldStop = 1;
	else {
		if(gPRU->start(gPRUFilename)) {
			rt_printf("Error: unable to start PRU from file %s\n", gPRUFilename);
			gShouldStop = 1;
		else {
			// All systems go. Run the loop; it will end when gShouldStop is set to 1

			if(!gAmplifierShouldBeginMuted) {
				// First unmute the amplifier
				if(BeagleRT_muteSpeakers(0)) {
						rt_printf("Warning: couldn't set value (high) on amplifier mute pin\n");


			// Now clean up
			// gPRU->waitForFinish();

	if(gRTAudioVerbose == 1)
		rt_printf("audio thread ended\n");

// Create a calculation loop which can run independently of the audio, at a different
// (equal or lower) priority. Audio priority is 99; priority should be generally be less than this.
// Returns an (opaque) pointer to the created task on success; 0 on failure
AuxiliaryTask createAuxiliaryTaskLoop(void (*functionToCall)(void), int priority, const char *name)
	InternalAuxiliaryTask *newTask = (InternalAuxiliaryTask*)malloc(sizeof(InternalAuxiliaryTask));

	// Attempt to create the task
	if(rt_task_create(&(newTask->task), name, 0, priority, T_JOINABLE | T_FPU)) {
		  cout << "Error: unable to create auxiliary task " << name << endl;
		  return 0;

	// Populate the rest of the data structure and store it in the vector
	newTask->function = functionToCall;
	newTask->name = strdup(name);
	newTask->priority = priority;


	return (AuxiliaryTask)newTask;

// Schedule a previously created auxiliary task. It will run when the priority rules next
// allow it to be scheduled.
void scheduleAuxiliaryTask(AuxiliaryTask task)
	InternalAuxiliaryTask *taskToSchedule = (InternalAuxiliaryTask *)task;


// Calculation loop that can be used for other tasks running at a lower
// priority than the audio thread. Simple wrapper for Xenomai calls.
// Treat the argument as containing the task structure
void auxiliaryTaskLoop(void *taskStruct)
	// Get function to call from the argument
	void (*auxiliary_function)(void) = ((InternalAuxiliaryTask *)taskStruct)->function;
	const char *name = ((InternalAuxiliaryTask *)taskStruct)->name;

	// Wait for a notification

	while(!gShouldStop) {
		// Then run the calculations

		// Wait for a notification

	if(gRTAudioVerbose == 1)
		rt_printf("auxiliary task %s ended\n", name);

// startAudio() should be called only after initAudio() successfully completes.
// It launches the real-time Xenomai task which runs the audio loop. Returns 0
// on success.

int BeagleRT_startAudio()
	// Create audio thread with the highest priority
	if(rt_task_create(&gRTAudioThread, gRTAudioThreadName, 0, 99, T_JOINABLE | T_FPU)) {
		  cout << "Error: unable to create Xenomai audio thread" << endl;
		  return -1;

	// Start all RT threads
	if(rt_task_start(&gRTAudioThread, &audioLoop, 0)) {
		  cout << "Error: unable to start Xenomai audio thread" << endl;
		  return -1;

	// The user may have created other tasks. Start those also.
	vector<InternalAuxiliaryTask*>::iterator it;
	for(it = gAuxTasks.begin(); it != gAuxTasks.end(); it++) {
		InternalAuxiliaryTask *taskStruct = *it;

		if(rt_task_start(&(taskStruct->task), &auxiliaryTaskLoop, taskStruct)) {
			cerr << "Error: unable to start Xenomai task " << taskStruct->name << endl;
			return -1;

	return 0;

// Stop the PRU-based audio from running and wait
// for the tasks to complete before returning.

void BeagleRT_stopAudio()
	// Tell audio thread to stop (if this hasn't been done already)
	gShouldStop = true;

		cout << "Stopping audio...\n";

	// Now wait for threads to respond and actually stop...

	// Stop all the auxiliary threads too
	vector<InternalAuxiliaryTask*>::iterator it;
	for(it = gAuxTasks.begin(); it != gAuxTasks.end(); it++) {
		InternalAuxiliaryTask *taskStruct = *it;

		// Wake up each thread and join it

// Free any resources associated with PRU real-time audio
void BeagleRT_cleanupAudio()

	// Clean up the auxiliary tasks
	vector<InternalAuxiliaryTask*>::iterator it;
	for(it = gAuxTasks.begin(); it != gAuxTasks.end(); it++) {
		InternalAuxiliaryTask *taskStruct = *it;

		// Free the name string and the struct itself

	if(gPRU != 0)
		delete gPRU;
	if(gAudioCodec != 0)
		delete gAudioCodec;

	if(gAmplifierMutePin >= 0)
	gAmplifierMutePin = -1;

// Set the level of the DAC; affects all outputs (headphone, line, speaker)
// 0dB is the maximum, -63.5dB is the minimum; 0.5dB steps
int BeagleRT_setDACLevel(float decibels)
	if(gAudioCodec == 0)
		return -1;
	return gAudioCodec->setDACVolume((int)floorf(decibels * 2.0 + 0.5));

// Set the level of the ADC
// 0dB is the maximum, -12dB is the minimum; 1.5dB steps
int BeagleRT_setADCLevel(float decibels)
	if(gAudioCodec == 0)
		return -1;
	return gAudioCodec->setADCVolume((int)floorf(decibels * 2.0 + 0.5));

// Set the level of the onboard headphone amplifier; affects headphone
// output only (not line out or speaker)
// 0dB is the maximum, -63.5dB is the minimum; 0.5dB steps
int BeagleRT_setHeadphoneLevel(float decibels)
	if(gAudioCodec == 0)
		return -1;
	return gAudioCodec->setHPVolume((int)floorf(decibels * 2.0 + 0.5));

// Mute or unmute the onboard speaker amplifiers
// mute == 0 means unmute; otherwise mute
// Returns 0 on success
int BeagleRT_muteSpeakers(int mute)
	int pinValue = mute ? LOW : HIGH;

	// Check that we have an enabled pin for controlling the mute
	if(gAmplifierMutePin < 0)
		return -1;

	return gpio_set_value(gAmplifierMutePin, pinValue);

// Set the verbosity level
void setVerboseLevel(int level)
	gRTAudioVerbose = level;