view resources/osc/node_modules/osc-min/lib/osc-utilities.js @ 341:7af9c5be3434 prerelease

libpd: using smaller blocksizes for processing, so that events can be scheduled more accurately
author Giulio Moro <>
date Mon, 06 Jun 2016 03:31:22 +0100
parents fb9c28a4676b
line wrap: on
line source
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
  var IsArray, StrictError, TWO_POW_32, UNIX_EPOCH, binpack, getArrayArg, isOscBundleBuffer, makeTimetag, mapBundleList, oscTypeCodes, padding, toOscTypeAndArgs,
    hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;

  binpack = require("binpack");

  exports.concat = function(buffers) {
    var buffer, copyTo, destBuffer, j, k, l, len, len1, len2, sumLength;
    if (!IsArray(buffers)) {
      throw new Error("concat must take an array of buffers");
    for (j = 0, len = buffers.length; j < len; j++) {
      buffer = buffers[j];
      if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) {
        throw new Error("concat must take an array of buffers");
    sumLength = 0;
    for (k = 0, len1 = buffers.length; k < len1; k++) {
      buffer = buffers[k];
      sumLength += buffer.length;
    destBuffer = new Buffer(sumLength);
    copyTo = 0;
    for (l = 0, len2 = buffers.length; l < len2; l++) {
      buffer = buffers[l];
      buffer.copy(destBuffer, copyTo);
      copyTo += buffer.length;
    return destBuffer;

  exports.toOscString = function(str, strict) {
    var i, j, nullIndex, ref;
    if (!(typeof str === "string")) {
      throw new Error("can't pack a non-string into an osc-string");
    nullIndex = str.indexOf("\u0000");
    if (nullIndex !== -1 && strict) {
      throw StrictError("Can't pack an osc-string that contains NULL characters");
    if (nullIndex !== -1) {
      str = str.slice(0, nullIndex);
    for (i = j = 0, ref = padding(str); 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
      str += "\u0000";
    return new Buffer(str);

  exports.splitOscString = function(buffer, strict) {
    var i, j, nullIndex, rawStr, ref, ref1, rest, splitPoint, str;
    if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) {
      throw StrictError("Can't split something that isn't a buffer");
    rawStr = buffer.toString("utf8");
    nullIndex = rawStr.indexOf("\u0000");
    if (nullIndex === -1) {
      if (strict) {
        throw new Error("All osc-strings must contain a null character");
      return {
        string: rawStr,
        rest: new Buffer(0)
    str = rawStr.slice(0, nullIndex);
    splitPoint = Buffer.byteLength(str) + padding(str);
    if (strict && splitPoint > buffer.length) {
      throw StrictError("Not enough padding for osc-string");
    if (strict) {
      for (i = j = ref = Buffer.byteLength(str), ref1 = splitPoint; ref <= ref1 ? j < ref1 : j > ref1; i = ref <= ref1 ? ++j : --j) {
        if (buffer[i] !== 0) {
          throw StrictError("Not enough or incorrect padding for osc-string");
    rest = buffer.slice(splitPoint, buffer.length);
    return {
      string: str,
      rest: rest

  exports.splitInteger = function(buffer, type) {
    var bytes, num, rest, value;
    if (type == null) {
      type = "Int32";
    bytes = (binpack["pack" + type](0)).length;
    if (buffer.length < bytes) {
      throw new Error("buffer is not big enough for integer type");
    num = 0;
    value = binpack["unpack" + type](buffer.slice(0, bytes), "big");
    rest = buffer.slice(bytes, buffer.length);
    return {
      integer: value,
      rest: rest

  exports.splitTimetag = function(buffer) {
    var a, b, bytes, c, d, fractional, rest, seconds, type;
    type = "Int32";
    bytes = (binpack["pack" + type](0)).length;
    if (buffer.length < (bytes * 2)) {
      throw new Error("buffer is not big enough to contain a timetag");
    a = 0;
    b = bytes;
    seconds = binpack["unpack" + type](buffer.slice(a, b), "big");
    c = bytes;
    d = bytes + bytes;
    fractional = binpack["unpack" + type](buffer.slice(c, d), "big");
    rest = buffer.slice(d, buffer.length);
    return {
      timetag: [seconds, fractional],
      rest: rest

  UNIX_EPOCH = 2208988800;

  TWO_POW_32 = 4294967296;

  exports.dateToTimetag = function(date) {
    return exports.timestampToTimetag(date.getTime() / 1000);

  exports.timestampToTimetag = function(secs) {
    var fracSeconds, wholeSecs;
    wholeSecs = Math.floor(secs);
    fracSeconds = secs - wholeSecs;
    return makeTimetag(wholeSecs, fracSeconds);

  exports.timetagToTimestamp = function(timetag) {
    var seconds;
    seconds = timetag[0] + exports.ntpToFractionalSeconds(timetag[1]);
    return seconds - UNIX_EPOCH;

  makeTimetag = function(unixseconds, fracSeconds) {
    var ntpFracs, ntpSecs;
    ntpSecs = unixseconds + UNIX_EPOCH;
    ntpFracs = Math.round(TWO_POW_32 * fracSeconds);
    return [ntpSecs, ntpFracs];

  exports.timetagToDate = function(timetag) {
    var date, dd, fracs, fractional, seconds;
    seconds = timetag[0], fractional = timetag[1];
    seconds = seconds - UNIX_EPOCH;
    fracs = exports.ntpToFractionalSeconds(fractional);
    date = new Date();
    date.setTime((seconds * 1000) + (fracs * 1000));
    dd = new Date();
    dd.setUTCMilliseconds(fracs * 1000);
    return dd;

  exports.deltaTimetag = function(seconds, now) {
    var n;
    n = (now != null ? now : new Date()) / 1000;
    return exports.timestampToTimetag(n + seconds);

  exports.ntpToFractionalSeconds = function(fracSeconds) {
    return parseFloat(fracSeconds) / TWO_POW_32;

  exports.toTimetagBuffer = function(timetag) {
    var high, low, type;
    if (typeof timetag === "number") {
      timetag = exports.timestampToTimetag(timetag);
    } else if (typeof timetag === "object" && ("getTime" in timetag)) {
      timetag = exports.dateToTimetag(timetag);
    } else if (timetag.length !== 2) {
      throw new Error("Invalid timetag" + timetag);
    type = "Int32";
    high = binpack["pack" + type](timetag[0], "big");
    low = binpack["pack" + type](timetag[1], "big");
    return exports.concat([high, low]);

  exports.toIntegerBuffer = function(number, type) {
    if (type == null) {
      type = "Int32";
    if (typeof number !== "number") {
      throw new Error("cannot pack a non-number into an integer buffer");
    return binpack["pack" + type](number, "big");

  oscTypeCodes = {
    s: {
      representation: "string",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        var split;
        split = exports.splitOscString(buffer, strict);
        return {
          value: split.string,
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        if (typeof value !== "string") {
          throw new Error("expected string");
        return exports.toOscString(value, strict);
    i: {
      representation: "integer",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        var split;
        split = exports.splitInteger(buffer);
        return {
          value: split.integer,
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        if (typeof value !== "number") {
          throw new Error("expected number");
        return exports.toIntegerBuffer(value);
    t: {
      representation: "timetag",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        var split;
        split = exports.splitTimetag(buffer);
        return {
          value: split.timetag,
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        return exports.toTimetagBuffer(value);
    f: {
      representation: "float",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        return {
          value: binpack.unpackFloat32(buffer.slice(0, 4), "big"),
          rest: buffer.slice(4, buffer.length)
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        if (typeof value !== "number") {
          throw new Error("expected number");
        return binpack.packFloat32(value, "big");
    d: {
      representation: "double",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        return {
          value: binpack.unpackFloat64(buffer.slice(0, 8), "big"),
          rest: buffer.slice(8, buffer.length)
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        if (typeof value !== "number") {
          throw new Error("expected number");
        return binpack.packFloat64(value, "big");
    b: {
      representation: "blob",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        var length, ref;
        ref = exports.splitInteger(buffer), length = ref.integer, buffer =;
        return {
          value: buffer.slice(0, length),
          rest: buffer.slice(length, buffer.length)
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        var size;
        if (!Buffer.isBuffer(value)) {
          throw new Error("expected node.js Buffer");
        size = exports.toIntegerBuffer(value.length);
        return exports.concat([size, value]);
    T: {
      representation: "true",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        return {
          rest: buffer,
          value: true
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        if (!value && strict) {
          throw new Error("true must be true");
        return new Buffer(0);
    F: {
      representation: "false",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        return {
          rest: buffer,
          value: false
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        if (value && strict) {
          throw new Error("false must be false");
        return new Buffer(0);
    N: {
      representation: "null",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        return {
          rest: buffer,
          value: null
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        if (value && strict) {
          throw new Error("null must be false");
        return new Buffer(0);
    I: {
      representation: "bang",
      split: function(buffer, strict) {
        return {
          rest: buffer,
          value: "bang"
      toArg: function(value, strict) {
        return new Buffer(0);

  exports.oscTypeCodeToTypeString = function(code) {
    var ref;
    return (ref = oscTypeCodes[code]) != null ? ref.representation : void 0;

  exports.typeStringToOscTypeCode = function(rep) {
    var code, str;
    for (code in oscTypeCodes) {
      if (!, code)) continue;
      str = oscTypeCodes[code].representation;
      if (str === rep) {
        return code;
    return null;

  exports.argToTypeCode = function(arg, strict) {
    var code, value;
    if (((arg != null ? arg.type : void 0) != null) && (typeof arg.type === 'string') && ((code = exports.typeStringToOscTypeCode(arg.type)) != null)) {
      return code;
    value = (arg != null ? arg.value : void 0) != null ? arg.value : arg;
    if (strict && (value == null)) {
      throw new Error('Argument has no value');
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
      return 's';
    if (typeof value === 'number') {
      return 'f';
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) {
      return 'b';
    if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
      if (value) {
        return 'T';
      } else {
        return 'F';
    if (value === null) {
      return 'N';
    throw new Error("I don't know what type this is supposed to be.");

  exports.splitOscArgument = function(buffer, type, strict) {
    var osctype;
    osctype = exports.typeStringToOscTypeCode(type);
    if (osctype != null) {
      return oscTypeCodes[osctype].split(buffer, strict);
    } else {
      throw new Error("I don't understand how I'm supposed to unpack " + type);

  exports.toOscArgument = function(value, type, strict) {
    var osctype;
    osctype = exports.typeStringToOscTypeCode(type);
    if (osctype != null) {
      return oscTypeCodes[osctype].toArg(value, strict);
    } else {
      throw new Error("I don't know how to pack " + type);

  exports.fromOscMessage = function(buffer, strict) {
    var address, arg, args, arrayStack, built, j, len, ref, ref1, type, typeString, types;
    ref = exports.splitOscString(buffer, strict), address = ref.string, buffer =;
    if (strict && address[0] !== '/') {
      throw StrictError('addresses must start with /');
    if (!buffer.length) {
      return {
        address: address,
        args: []
    ref1 = exports.splitOscString(buffer, strict), types = ref1.string, buffer =;
    if (types[0] !== ',') {
      if (strict) {
        throw StrictError('Argument lists must begin with ,');
      return {
        address: address,
        args: []
    types = types.slice(1, +types.length + 1 || 9e9);
    args = [];
    arrayStack = [args];
    for (j = 0, len = types.length; j < len; j++) {
      type = types[j];
      if (type === '[') {
      if (type === ']') {
        if (arrayStack.length <= 1) {
          if (strict) {
            throw new StrictError("Mismatched ']' character.");
        } else {
          built = arrayStack.pop();
          arrayStack[arrayStack.length - 1].push({
            type: 'array',
            value: built
      typeString = exports.oscTypeCodeToTypeString(type);
      if (typeString == null) {
        throw new Error("I don't understand the argument code " + type);
      arg = exports.splitOscArgument(buffer, typeString, strict);
      if (arg != null) {
        buffer =;
      arrayStack[arrayStack.length - 1].push({
        type: typeString,
        value: arg != null ? arg.value : void 0
    if (arrayStack.length !== 1 && strict) {
      throw new StrictError("Mismatched '[' character");
    return {
      address: address,
      args: args,
      oscType: "message"

  exports.fromOscBundle = function(buffer, strict) {
    var bundleTag, convertedElems, ref, ref1, timetag;
    ref = exports.splitOscString(buffer, strict), bundleTag = ref.string, buffer =;
    if (bundleTag !== "\#bundle") {
      throw new Error("osc-bundles must begin with \#bundle");
    ref1 = exports.splitTimetag(buffer), timetag = ref1.timetag, buffer =;
    convertedElems = mapBundleList(buffer, function(buffer) {
      return exports.fromOscPacket(buffer, strict);
    return {
      timetag: timetag,
      elements: convertedElems,
      oscType: "bundle"

  exports.fromOscPacket = function(buffer, strict) {
    if (isOscBundleBuffer(buffer, strict)) {
      return exports.fromOscBundle(buffer, strict);
    } else {
      return exports.fromOscMessage(buffer, strict);

  getArrayArg = function(arg) {
    if (IsArray(arg)) {
      return arg;
    } else if (((arg != null ? arg.type : void 0) === "array") && (IsArray(arg != null ? arg.value : void 0))) {
      return arg.value;
    } else if ((arg != null) && (arg.type == null) && (IsArray(arg.value))) {
      return arg.value;
    } else {
      return null;

  toOscTypeAndArgs = function(argList, strict) {
    var arg, buff, j, len, oscargs, osctype, ref, thisArgs, thisType, typeCode, value;
    osctype = "";
    oscargs = [];
    for (j = 0, len = argList.length; j < len; j++) {
      arg = argList[j];
      if ((getArrayArg(arg)) != null) {
        ref = toOscTypeAndArgs(getArrayArg(arg), strict), thisType = ref[0], thisArgs = ref[1];
        osctype += "[" + thisType + "]";
        oscargs = oscargs.concat(thisArgs);
      typeCode = exports.argToTypeCode(arg, strict);
      if (typeCode != null) {
        value = arg != null ? arg.value : void 0;
        if (value === void 0) {
          value = arg;
        buff = exports.toOscArgument(value, exports.oscTypeCodeToTypeString(typeCode), strict);
        if (buff != null) {
          osctype += typeCode;
    return [osctype, oscargs];

  exports.toOscMessage = function(message, strict) {
    var address, allArgs, args, old_arg, oscaddr, oscargs, osctype, ref;
    address = (message != null ? message.address : void 0) != null ? message.address : message;
    if (typeof address !== "string") {
      throw new Error("message must contain an address");
    args = message != null ? message.args : void 0;
    if (args === void 0) {
      args = [];
    if (!IsArray(args)) {
      old_arg = args;
      args = [];
      args[0] = old_arg;
    oscaddr = exports.toOscString(address, strict);
    ref = toOscTypeAndArgs(args, strict), osctype = ref[0], oscargs = ref[1];
    osctype = "," + osctype;
    allArgs = exports.concat(oscargs);
    osctype = exports.toOscString(osctype);
    return exports.concat([oscaddr, osctype, allArgs]);

  exports.toOscBundle = function(bundle, strict) {
    var allElems, buff, e, elem, elements, elemstr, error, j, len, oscBundleTag, oscElems, oscTimeTag, ref, ref1, size, timetag;
    if (strict && ((bundle != null ? bundle.timetag : void 0) == null)) {
      throw StrictError("bundles must have timetags.");
    timetag = (ref = bundle != null ? bundle.timetag : void 0) != null ? ref : new Date();
    elements = (ref1 = bundle != null ? bundle.elements : void 0) != null ? ref1 : [];
    if (!IsArray(elements)) {
      elemstr = elements;
      elements = [];
    oscBundleTag = exports.toOscString("\#bundle");
    oscTimeTag = exports.toTimetagBuffer(timetag);
    oscElems = [];
    for (j = 0, len = elements.length; j < len; j++) {
      elem = elements[j];
      try {
        buff = exports.toOscPacket(elem, strict);
        size = exports.toIntegerBuffer(buff.length);
        oscElems.push(exports.concat([size, buff]));
      } catch (error) {
        e = error;
    allElems = exports.concat(oscElems);
    return exports.concat([oscBundleTag, oscTimeTag, allElems]);

  exports.toOscPacket = function(bundleOrMessage, strict) {
    if ((bundleOrMessage != null ? bundleOrMessage.oscType : void 0) != null) {
      if (bundleOrMessage.oscType === "bundle") {
        return exports.toOscBundle(bundleOrMessage, strict);
      return exports.toOscMessage(bundleOrMessage, strict);
    if (((bundleOrMessage != null ? bundleOrMessage.timetag : void 0) != null) || ((bundleOrMessage != null ? bundleOrMessage.elements : void 0) != null)) {
      return exports.toOscBundle(bundleOrMessage, strict);
    return exports.toOscMessage(bundleOrMessage, strict);

  exports.applyMessageTranformerToBundle = function(transform) {
    return function(buffer) {
      var bundleTagBuffer, copyIndex, elem, elems, j, k, len, len1, lengthBuff, outBuffer, ref, string, timetagBuffer, totalLength;
      ref = exports.splitOscString(buffer), string = ref.string, buffer =;
      if (string !== "\#bundle") {
        throw new Error("osc-bundles must begin with \#bundle");
      bundleTagBuffer = exports.toOscString(string);
      timetagBuffer = buffer.slice(0, 8);
      buffer = buffer.slice(8, buffer.length);
      elems = mapBundleList(buffer, function(buffer) {
        return exports.applyTransform(buffer, transform, exports.applyMessageTranformerToBundle(transform));
      totalLength = bundleTagBuffer.length + timetagBuffer.length;
      for (j = 0, len = elems.length; j < len; j++) {
        elem = elems[j];
        totalLength += 4 + elem.length;
      outBuffer = new Buffer(totalLength);
      bundleTagBuffer.copy(outBuffer, 0);
      timetagBuffer.copy(outBuffer, bundleTagBuffer.length);
      copyIndex = bundleTagBuffer.length + timetagBuffer.length;
      for (k = 0, len1 = elems.length; k < len1; k++) {
        elem = elems[k];
        lengthBuff = exports.toIntegerBuffer(elem.length);
        lengthBuff.copy(outBuffer, copyIndex);
        copyIndex += 4;
        elem.copy(outBuffer, copyIndex);
        copyIndex += elem.length;
      return outBuffer;

  exports.applyTransform = function(buffer, mTransform, bundleTransform) {
    if (bundleTransform == null) {
      bundleTransform = exports.applyMessageTranformerToBundle(mTransform);
    if (isOscBundleBuffer(buffer)) {
      return bundleTransform(buffer);
    } else {
      return mTransform(buffer);

  exports.addressTransform = function(transform) {
    return function(buffer) {
      var ref, rest, string;
      ref = exports.splitOscString(buffer), string = ref.string, rest =;
      string = transform(string);
      return exports.concat([exports.toOscString(string), rest]);

  exports.messageTransform = function(transform) {
    return function(buffer) {
      var message;
      message = exports.fromOscMessage(buffer);
      return exports.toOscMessage(transform(message));

  IsArray = Array.isArray;

  StrictError = function(str) {
    return new Error("Strict Error: " + str);

  padding = function(str) {
    var bufflength;
    bufflength = Buffer.byteLength(str);
    return 4 - (bufflength % 4);

  isOscBundleBuffer = function(buffer, strict) {
    var string;
    string = exports.splitOscString(buffer, strict).string;
    return string === "\#bundle";

  mapBundleList = function(buffer, func) {
    var e, elem, elems, j, len, nonNullElems, size, thisElemBuffer;
    elems = (function() {
      var error, ref, results;
      results = [];
      while (buffer.length) {
        ref = exports.splitInteger(buffer), size = ref.integer, buffer =;
        if (size > buffer.length) {
          throw new Error("Invalid bundle list: size of element is bigger than buffer");
        thisElemBuffer = buffer.slice(0, size);
        buffer = buffer.slice(size, buffer.length);
        try {
        } catch (error) {
          e = error;
      return results;
    nonNullElems = [];
    for (j = 0, len = elems.length; j < len; j++) {
      elem = elems[j];
      if (elem != null) {
    return nonNullElems;
