view projects/d-box/logger.cpp @ 45:579c86316008 newapi

Major API overhaul. Moved to a single data structure for handling render functions. Functionally, generally similar except for scheduling within PRU loop function, which now uses interrupts from the PRU rather than polling. This requires an updated kernel.
author andrewm
date Thu, 28 May 2015 14:35:55 -0400
parents 8a575ba3ab52
children 18d03901f866
line wrap: on
line source
 * logger.cpp
 *  Created on: Aug 6, 2014
 *      Author: VIctor Zappi and Andrew McPherson

#include "logger.h"

// main extern vars
extern bool gShouldStop;
extern int gVerbose;

// file nanme extern vars
extern char gId;
extern char gGroup;

// logged extern vars
extern int s0TouchNum;
extern float s0Touches_[MAX_TOUCHES];
extern float s0Size_[MAX_TOUCHES];
extern int s0LastIndex;

extern int s1TouchNum;
extern float s1Touches_[MAX_TOUCHES];
extern float s1Size_[MAX_TOUCHES];
extern int s1LastIndex;

extern int fsr;

string logPath			= "/boot/uboot/instrumentLog";
string logFileIncipit	= "/datalog";
string logFileName		= "";
ofstream logFile;
timeval logTimeVal;
unsigned long long logTimeOrig;
int logCnt				= 0;	// counts how many lines so far
int logCntSwap			= 50;	// how many log lines before closing and re-opening the file

// create the log file, using incremental name convention
int initLogLoop()
		cout << "---------------->Init Log Thread" << endl;

	// transform chars into strings via stringstream objs
	stringstream id_ss, group_ss, freedom_ss;
	id_ss 		<< gId;
	group_ss 	<< gGroup;

	int logNum	= -1;
	int logMax	= -1;
	int pathLen	= logPath.length() + logFileIncipit.length() + 4;	// + 4 is: "_", id, group, "_"
	glob_t globbuf;

	// check how many log files are already there, and choose name according to this
	glob( (logPath + logFileIncipit + "*").c_str(), 0, NULL, &globbuf);

	// cycle through all and find the highest index
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<globbuf.gl_pathc; i++)
		// playing with 0-9 char digits, forming a number from 0 to 9999
		logNum  = (globbuf.gl_pathv[i][pathLen]-48)   * 1000;	// 42 to 45 are the indices of the chars forming the file index
		logNum += (globbuf.gl_pathv[i][pathLen+1]-48) * 100;
		logNum += (globbuf.gl_pathv[i][pathLen+2]-48) * 10;
		logNum +=  globbuf.gl_pathv[i][pathLen+3]-48;
		if(logNum > logMax)
			logMax = logNum;
	logNum = logMax + 1;	// new index


	ostringstream numString;
	numString << setw (4) << setfill ('0') << logNum;	// set integer with 4 figures

	// here are the new names: PATH + DIR + INCIPIT + _ + id + group + freedom + _ + NUM (4figures) + _A.txt
	logFileName	= logPath + logFileIncipit;
	logFileName	+= "_" + id_ss.str() + group_ss.str() + freedom_ss.str();
	logFileName	+= "_" + numString.str();	 //static_cast<ostringstream*>( &(ostringstream() << logNum) )->str();
	logFileName	+= ".txt";

	// create new files
	FILE *fp_a		= fopen(logFileName.c_str(), "wb");
		dbox_printf("Cannot create files...\n");
		return 2;

	// ready to append, ios::out | ios::app);

	dbox_printf("Logging on file %s\n", logFileName.c_str());

	return 0;

void writeData(unsigned long long time)

	float fsr_ = ((float)(1799-fsr)/1799.0);
	logFile << time 				<< "\t"		// timestamp
			<< s0TouchNum			<< "\t";	// sensor 0 touch count
	for(int i=0; i<MAX_TOUCHES; i++)
		logFile << s0Touches_[i] 	<< "\t";	// sensor 0 touch pos x
	for(int i=0; i<MAX_TOUCHES; i++)
		logFile << s0Size_[i] 		<< "\t";	// sensor 0 touch size
	logFile << s0LastIndex 			<< "\t"		// sensor 0 last index
			<< fsr_					<< "\t"		// sensor 0 FSR pressure
			<< s1TouchNum			<< "\t";	// sensor 1 touch count
	for(int i=0; i<MAX_TOUCHES; i++)
		logFile << s1Touches_[i] 	<< "\t";	// sensor 1 touch pos x
	for(int i=0; i<MAX_TOUCHES; i++)
		logFile	<< s1Size_[i] 		<< "\t";	// sensor 1 touch size
	logFile << s1LastIndex 			<< "\t"		// sensor 1 last index
	//... AND SO ON
			<< "\n";

	//dbox_printf("%d\n", s0LastIndex);
	//dbox_printf("s0TouchNum: %d\t s0Touches[0]: %f\t s0Size[0]: %f\t s0LastIndex: %d\n", s0TouchNum, s0Touches_[0], s0Size_[0], s0LastIndex);


void logData(unsigned long long time)
	// if it's time to change write-file
	if(logCnt >= logCntSwap)
		logFile.close();	// close file, dump stream
		logCnt = 0;		// ready for another whole round

		// open again, ready to append, ios::out | ios::app);



void *logLoop(void *)

		dbox_printf("_________________Log Thread!\n");

	// get time reference
	gettimeofday(&logTimeVal, NULL);

	logTimeOrig = logTimeVal.tv_usec;
	logTimeOrig *= 0.001;					// from usec to msec
	logTimeOrig += logTimeVal.tv_sec*1000;	// from sec to msec


		gettimeofday(&logTimeVal, NULL);
		unsigned long long currentTime = logTimeVal.tv_usec;
		currentTime *= 0.001;					// from usec to msec
		currentTime += logTimeVal.tv_sec*1000;	// from sec to msec




	dbox_printf("log thread ended\n");

	return (void *)0;