diff core/ClockSync.cpp @ 151:e9c9404e3d1f ClockSync

Pff partially working. No PID. When setting the audio clock on the bbb to 44098 the master and slave clock keep diverging instead of converging ...
author Giulio Moro <giuliomoro@yahoo.it>
date Tue, 22 Sep 2015 04:10:07 +0100
parents 134bff10e561
children 8f98b32d0e23
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/core/ClockSync.cpp	Tue Sep 22 04:09:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/core/ClockSync.cpp	Tue Sep 22 04:10:07 2015 +0100
@@ -265,48 +265,80 @@
 	static int calls=0;
 	// TODO: change the flow control below so that it can happen multiple times
 	//(base it upon the length of movingAverage rather than the number of calls)
-	if(calls<10) { //get an initial guess
+	if(calls<30){
+		 // wait for the VirtualClock to stabilize and produce meaningful outputs
+	} else if(calls<50) { //get an initial guess
 //		printf("-----------OFFSET IS : %04.4f samples, average: %04.4f samples\n",
 //				offset, movingAverage.getAverage());
-	} else if (calls==10){ //then compensate for initial offset
-		printf("compensating for offset: %f\n", offset);
+	} else if (calls==50){ //then compensate for initial offset
+//		printf("compensating for offset: %f\n", movingAverage.getAverage());
-	} else if (calls>=10){ //use IIR filter from now on
+	} else if (calls>50){ //use IIR filter from now on
 		//filter coefficients obtained from Matlab : [B,A]=butter(2,0.005);
-//		static float B[3]={6.10061787580662e-05, 0.000122012357516132, 6.10061787580662e-05};
-//		static float A[3]={1, -1.97778648377676, 0.978030508491796};
-		static float B[3]={6.10061787580662e-05, 0.000122012357516132, 6.10061787580662e-05};
-		static float A[3]={1, -1.97778648377676, 0.978030508491796};
-		static float pastOut[3]={0,0,0};
-		static float pastIn[3]={0,0,0};
-		float in=offset;
-		float out= -pastOut[1]*A[1] -pastOut[2]*A[2] +in*B[0] +pastIn[1]*B[1] +pastIn[2]*B[2];
-		pastOut[2]=pastOut[1];
-		pastOut[1]=out;
-		pastIn[2]=pastIn[1];
-		pastIn[1]=in;
-		offset=out;
+		static IirFilter iir(1);
+		static bool init = false;
+		if(init == false){
+//			double coeffs[5]={0.00554271721028068, 0.0110854344205614, 0.00554271721028068,
+//							     -1.77863177782459, 0.800802646665708};
+			double coeffs[5]={0.0200833655642113, 0.0401667311284225, 0.0200833655642113,
+						-1.56101807580072, 0.641351538057563};
+			iir.setCoefficients(coeffs);
+			init = true;
+		}
+		float expectedOffsetDifferenceMean = 0.2432;
+		float expectedOffsetDifferenceStd = 6.487;
+		float nlOffset;
+		static float pastOffset = 0;
+		float offsetIncrement = offset-pastOffset;
+		if ( fabsf(offsetIncrement) > 1*expectedOffsetDifferenceStd && calls>51){
+			// non-linear filtering: remove outliers
+			nlOffset = pastOffset;
+//			printf("%f %f                                             0,0,0,0,0,0\n", offset,pastOffset);
+		} else {
+			nlOffset=offset;
+		}
+		pastOffset=nlOffset;
+		float iirOffset = iir.process(nlOffset);
 		static float maxOffset=0;
-		if(calls > 0 ) {
-			maxOffset=fabsf(offset) > fabsf(maxOffset) ? offset : maxOffset;
-			pid.setError(offset);
-			float correction=pid.getOutput();
+		static float pastIirOffset=0;
+		if( calls > 0 ) {
+			maxOffset=fabsf(iirOffset) > fabsf(maxOffset) ? iirOffset : maxOffset;
+			pid.setError(iirOffset);
+			float correction=pid.getOutput()*0.0001;
 			static float oldSamplingRate=44100;
-			printf("%10.3f, %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.3f\n", in, offset, offset-pastOut[2], maxOffset, correction, oldSamplingRate); //unfiltered, filtered
-	//		if(fabsf(offset)>3 && calls>30){
-				//TODO: correct for offset
-	//			float targetSamplingRate=offset>0 ? 44095 : 44105;
-			float targetSamplingRate = oldSamplingRate - correction;
-	#ifndef USE_JUCE
-//			if(oldSamplingRate != targetSamplingRate)
-//				gAudioCodec->setAudioSamplingRate(targetSamplingRate);
-	#endif
+			printf("%10.3f, %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.3f\n",
+					offset, nlOffset, iirOffset, iirOffset - pastIirOffset, correction, oldSamplingRate); //unfiltered, filtered
+			pastIirOffset = iirOffset;
+			float targetSamplingRate;
+			static int direction=1;
+			float thresholdL = -1;
+//			targetSamplingRate = oldSamplingRate - correction;
+			float thresholdH = 3;
+			targetSamplingRate = 44100;
+			if(
+				(iirOffset > thresholdH && direction == 1) ||
+				(iirOffset > thresholdL && direction == -1)
+			){
+				targetSamplingRate = 44097;
+				direction = -1;
+			}
+			else if (
+				(iirOffset < -thresholdH && direction == -1) ||
+				(iirOffset < -thresholdL && direction == 1)
+			)
+			{
+				iirOffset = 44102;
+				direction = 1;
+			}
+#ifndef USE_JUCE
+			if(oldSamplingRate != targetSamplingRate){
+				gAudioCodec->setAudioSamplingRate(targetSamplingRate);
+			}
-	//			pastOut[1]=pastOut[2]=pastIn[1]=pastIn[2]=offset;
-	//			printf("------setAudioSmplingRate to %f\n", targetSamplingRate);
-	//		}
@@ -330,7 +362,7 @@
 		 //printf("Waiting for a sync clockSync\n");
 	} else { //if this is master
-		usleep(100000); //this times (roughly) how often sync clockSyncs are being sent.
+		usleep(30000); //this times (roughly) how often sync clockSyncs are being sent.
 		int ret=masterSendSync();
 			return -1;