diff Makefile @ 535:d0414ec15f63 prerelease

Improved Makefile output for update target
author Liam Donovan <l.b.donovan@qmul.ac.uk>
date Thu, 23 Jun 2016 21:23:27 +0100 (2016-06-23)
parents 617da76ae4d9
children 3980b707634d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Makefile	Thu Jun 23 19:17:43 2016 +0100
+++ b/Makefile	Thu Jun 23 21:23:27 2016 +0100
@@ -317,22 +317,22 @@
 	@[ -n $(UPDATE_DIR) ] && rm -rf $(UPDATE_DIR) && mkdir -p $(UPDATE_DIR)
 checkupdate: ## Unzips the zip file in $(UPDATES_DIR) and checks that it contains a valid
-	# Check that exactly one zip file exists
+	@echo Validating archive...
 	@cd $(UPDATES_DIR) && COUNT=`ls -l *.zip | wc -l` && [ $$COUNT -eq 1 ] && rm -rf `ls | grep -v "\.zip$$"`
 	@#TODO: heuristics on available space. Use unzip -l and df
 	@echo uncompressed size: `unzip -l \`ls $(UPDATES_DIR)/*.zip\` | tail -n1 | awk '{print $$1}'`
-	# Delete and re-create the temp directory (first, make sure it is not an empty string!)
+	@# Delete and re-create the temp directory (first, make sure it is not an empty string!)
-	# Unzip the contents to the temp folder
+	@echo Unzipping archive...
 	@cd $(UPDATE_SOURCE_DIR_BASE) && unzip -qq $(UPDATES_DIR)/*zip
 #TODO: this should not be needed. Remove comments.  Strip the top-level folder ( if there is only one )
 #@DIR=`ls -d $(UPDATE_SOURCE_DIR)` && COUNT=`echo $$DIR | wc -l` &&\
 	  [ $$COUNT -eq 1 ] && mv $(UPDATE_SOURCE_DIR)/* /tmp/supertemp && rm -rf $(UPDATE_SOURCE_DIR) && mv /tmp/supertemp $(UPDATE_SOURCE_DIR)
-	# Now actually check if some key-files and folders are there
+	@echo Validating unzipped archive...
 	@cd $(UPDATE_SOURCE_DIR) && FAIL=0 && for path in $(UPDATE_REQUIRED_PATHS); do `ls $$path >/dev/null 2>&1` || { FAIL=1; break; }; done;\
 	  [ $$FAIL -eq 0 ] || { echo "$$path was not found in the zip archive. Maybe it is corrupted?"; exit 1; }
-	# Success. You can continue the install with "make update"
+	@echo 	...done
 LOG=>> $(UPDATE_LOG) 2>&1
 updateunsafe: ## Installs the update from $(UPDATES_DIR) in a more brick-friendly way
@@ -345,28 +345,22 @@
 	  $(MAKE) --no-print-directory idestart $(LOG) && echo Update succesful $(LOG);" $(LOG)
 update: ## Installs the update from $(UPDATES_DIR)
 update: stop
-	# Truncate the log file
+	@# Truncate the log file
 	@echo > $(UPDATE_LOG)
-	# Re-perform the check, just in case ...	
+	@echo Re-perform the check, just in case ... >> $(UPDATE_LOG)
 	@cd $(UPDATE_SOURCE_DIR) && FAIL=0 && for path in $(UPDATE_REQUIRED_PATHS); do `ls $$path >/dev/null 2>&1` || { FAIL=1; break; }; done;\
 	  [ $$FAIL -eq 0 ] || { echo "$$path was not found in the zip archive. Maybe it is corrupted?"; exit 1; }
 	@[ -n $(UPDATE_BELA_PATCH) ] && mkdir -p $(UPDATE_BELA_PATCH)
 	@#TODO: this would allow to trim trailing slashes in case we want to be safer: a="`pwd`/" ; target=${a%/} ; echo $target
-	# Clean folder 
 	@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory coreclean
-	# Duplicate the Bela folder $(BELA_DIR) to $(UPDATE_BELA_PATCH) ...
+	@echo Backing up $(BELA_DIR) to $(UPDATE_BELA_PATCH) ... | tee -a $(UPDATE_LOG)
 	@rsync -a --delete-during --exclude Documentation $(BELA_DIR)/ $(UPDATE_BELA_PATCH)
-	# Also backing it up in $(UPDATE_BELA_BACKUP) ...
+	@echo Backing up $(BELA_DIR) to $(UPDATE_BELA_BACKUP) ... | tee -a $(UPDATE_LOG)
 	@[ -n $(UPDATE_BELA_BACKUP) ] && mkdir -p $(UPDATE_BELA_BACKUP)
 	@rsync -a --delete-during $(BELA_DIR)/ $(UPDATE_BELA_BACKUP)
-	# Here's the trick: we run "update_board" ssh'ing into the BeagleBone itself! 
+	@echo Running update script... | tee -a $(UPDATE_LOG)
 	@cd $(UPDATE_SOURCE_DIR)/scripts && BBB_ADDRESS=root@ BBB_BELA_HOME=$(UPDATE_BELA_PATCH) ./update_board -y --no-frills
-	# If everything went ok, we now have the updated version of $(BELA_DIR) in $(UPDATE_BELA_PATCH) and a backup of $(BELA_DIR) in $(UPDATE_BELA_BACKUP)
-	# So let's operate the magic swap. $(BELA_DIR) is moved to $(UPDATE_BELA_MV_BACKUP) and $(UPDATE_BELA_PATCH) is moved to $(BELA_DIR).
-	# If something goes wrong at thie stage, you can always find your old $(BELA_DIR) folder at $(UPDATE_BELA_BACKUP)
-	# The fun part is that this Makefile is moved as well...
-	# We are about to kill the IDE, so just in case you are running this from within the IDE, we run the remainder of this update in a screen.
-	# Output will be logged to $(UPDATE_LOG)
+	@echo Restoring directory structure... | tee -a $(UPDATE_LOG)
 	@screen -S update-Bela -d -m bash -c '\
 	  [ -n $(UPDATE_BELA_MV_BACKUP) ] $(LOG) && rm -rf $(UPDATE_BELA_MV_BACKUP) $(LOG) &&\
 	  echo Kill the IDE $(LOG) && \