diff examples/10-Instruments/d-box/sensors.cpp @ 464:8fcfbfb32aa0 prerelease

Examples reorder with subdirectories. Added header to each project. Moved Doxygen to bottom of render.cpp.
author Robert Jack <robert.h.jack@gmail.com>
date Mon, 20 Jun 2016 16:20:38 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/10-Instruments/d-box/sensors.cpp	Mon Jun 20 16:20:38 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+ * sensors.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: May 28, 2014
+ *      Author: Victor Zappi
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "prio.h"
+#include "sensors.h"
+#include "OscillatorBank.h"
+#include "DboxSensors.h"
+// main extern variables
+extern vector<OscillatorBank*> gOscBanks;
+extern int gCurrentOscBank;
+extern int gNextOscBank;
+extern int gShouldStop;
+extern int gVerbose;
+float gSensor0LatestTouchPos = 0;	// most recent pitch touch location [0-1] on sensor 0, used by render.cpp
+int gSensor0LatestTouchNum	 = 0;	// most recent num of touches on sensor 0, used by render.cpp
+float gSensor1LatestTouchPos[5];	// most recent touche locations on sensor 1, used by render.cpp
+//float gSensor1LatestTouchSizes[5];
+int gSensor1LatestTouchCount;		// most recent number touches on sensor 1, used by render.cpp
+int gSensor1LatestTouchIndex = 0;	// index of last touch in gSensor1LatestTouchPos[5], used by render.cpp
+int gLastFSRValue = 1799;			// most recent fsr value, used by render.cpp
+DboxSensors Sensors;
+// var shared with logger
+int s0TouchNum	 	= 0;
+float s0Touches_[MAX_TOUCHES];
+float s0Size_[MAX_TOUCHES];
+int s0LastIndex;
+int s1TouchNum	 	= 0;
+float s1Touches_[MAX_TOUCHES];
+float s1Size_[MAX_TOUCHES];
+int s1LastIndex;
+int fsr				= 1799;
+using namespace std;
+int initSensorLoop(int sensorAddress0, int sensorAddress1, int sensorType)
+	int tk0_bus			= 1;
+	int tk0_address		= sensorAddress0;
+	int tk1_bus			= 1;
+	int tk1_address		= sensorAddress1;
+	int tk_file			= 0;
+	int fsr_max			= 1799;
+	int fsr_pinNum		= 4;
+	if(gVerbose==1)
+		cout << "---------------->Init Control Thread" << endl;
+	if(Sensors.initSensors(tk0_bus, tk0_address, tk1_bus, tk1_address, tk_file, fsr_pinNum, fsr_max, sensorType)>0)
+	{
+		gShouldStop = 1;
+		cout << "control cannot start" << endl;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	for(int i=0; i<MAX_TOUCHES; i++)
+	{
+		s0Touches_[i]	= 0.0;
+		s0Size_[i]		= 0.0;
+		s1Touches_[i]	= 0.0;
+		s1Size_[i]	= 0.0;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void sensorLoop(void *)
+	timeval start, end;
+	unsigned long elapsedTime;
+	//float touchSize		= 0;	// once used for timbre
+	float *s0Touches;
+	float *s0Size;
+	int s0PrevTouchNum 	= 0;
+	int s0SortedTouchIndices[MAX_TOUCHES];
+	float s0SortedTouches[MAX_TOUCHES];
+	float s0PrevSortedTouches[MAX_TOUCHES];
+	float *s1Touches;
+	float *s1Size;
+	int s1PrevTouchNum 	= 0;
+	int s1SortedTouchIndices[MAX_TOUCHES];
+	float s1SortedTouches[MAX_TOUCHES];
+	float s1PrevSortedTouches[MAX_TOUCHES];
+	float freqScaler	= 0;
+	int fsrMin			= 0;//50; // was 200
+	int fsrMax			= 1799;//1300; // was 800
+	float vel			= 0;
+	float prevVel		= 0;
+	float filterMaxF	= 0;
+	if(gVerbose==1)
+		dbox_printf("__________set Control Thread priority\n");
+	if(gVerbose==1)
+		dbox_printf("_________________Control Thread!\n");
+	// get freq scaler, cos freqs must be scaled according to the wavetable used in the oscillator bank
+	freqScaler 		= gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->getFrequencyScaler();
+	filterMaxF		= gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterMaxF;
+	// init time vals
+	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
+	// here we go, sensor loop until the end of the application
+	while(!gShouldStop)
+	{
+		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
+		elapsedTime = ( (end.tv_sec*1000000+end.tv_usec) - (start.tv_sec*1000000+start.tv_usec) );
+		if( elapsedTime<4000 )
+			usleep(4000-elapsedTime);
+		else
+			dbox_printf("%d\n", (int)elapsedTime); // this print happens when something's gone bad...
+		if(Sensors.readSensors()==0)
+		{
+			s0TouchNum	= Sensors.getTKTouchCount(0);
+			s0Touches	= Sensors.getTKXPositions(0);
+			s0Size 		= Sensors.getTKTouchSize(0);
+			s1TouchNum	= Sensors.getTKTouchCount(1);
+			s1Touches	= Sensors.getTKXPositions(1);
+			s1Size 		= Sensors.getTKTouchSize(1);
+			for(int i=0; i<MAX_TOUCHES; i++)
+			{
+				s0Touches_[i]	= s0Touches[i];
+				s0Size_[i]		= s0Size[i];
+				s1Touches_[i]	= s1Touches[i];
+				s1Size_[i]		= s1Size[i];
+			}
+			gSensor0LatestTouchNum	= s0TouchNum;
+			if(s0TouchNum > 0)
+			{
+				//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+				// timbre, speed and  pitch
+				//touchSize	 = 0;	\\ once used for timbre
+				// if we have a number of touches different from previous round, track their order of arrival [calculated using distance comparison]
+				if(s0PrevTouchNum!=s0TouchNum)
+				{
+					float distances[MAX_TOUCHES*(MAX_TOUCHES-1)]; // maximum number of current+previous touches between rounds with different num of touches
+					int ids[MAX_TOUCHES*(MAX_TOUCHES-1)];
+					// calculate all distance permutations between previous and current touches
+					for(int i=0; i<s0TouchNum; i++)
+					{
+						for(int p=0; p<s0PrevTouchNum; p++)
+						{
+							int index			= i*s0PrevTouchNum+p;	// permutation id [says between which touches we are calculating distance]
+							distances[index]	= fabs(s0Touches[i]-s0PrevSortedTouches[p]);
+							ids[index]			= index;
+							if(index>0)
+							{
+								// sort, from min to max distance
+								float tmp;
+								while(distances[index]<distances[index-1])
+								{
+									tmp				= ids[index-1];
+									ids[index-1]	= ids[index];
+									ids[index]		= tmp;
+									tmp				= distances[index-1];
+									distances[index-1] = distances[index];
+									distances[index] = tmp;
+									index--;
+									if(index == 0)
+										break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					int sorted = 0;
+					bool currAssigned[MAX_TOUCHES] = {false};
+					bool prevAssigned[MAX_TOUCHES] = {false};
+					// track touches assigning index according to shortest distance
+					for(int i=0; i<s0TouchNum*s0PrevTouchNum; i++)
+					{
+						int currentIndex	= ids[i]/s0PrevTouchNum;
+						int prevIndex		= ids[i]%s0PrevTouchNum;
+						// avoid double assignment
+						if(!currAssigned[currentIndex] && !prevAssigned[prevIndex])
+						{
+							currAssigned[currentIndex]	= true;
+							prevAssigned[prevIndex]		= true;
+							s0SortedTouchIndices[currentIndex] = prevIndex;
+							sorted++;
+						}
+					}
+					// we still have to assign a free index to new touches
+					if(s0PrevTouchNum<s0TouchNum)
+					{
+						for(int i=0; i<s0TouchNum; i++)
+						{
+							if(!currAssigned[i])
+								s0SortedTouchIndices[i] = sorted++; // assign next free index
+							// update tracked value
+							s0SortedTouches[s0SortedTouchIndices[i]] = s0Touches[i];
+							s0PrevSortedTouches[i]			         = s0SortedTouches[i];
+							if(s0SortedTouchIndices[i]==s0TouchNum-1)
+								s0LastIndex = i;
+							// accumulate sizes for timbre
+							//touchSize += s0Size[i];
+						}
+					}
+					else // some touches have disappeared...
+					{
+						// ...we have to shift all indices...
+						for(int i=s0PrevTouchNum-1; i>=0; i--)
+						{
+							if(!prevAssigned[i])
+							{
+								for(int j=0; j<s0TouchNum; j++)
+								{
+									// ...only if touches that disappeared were before the current one
+									if(s0SortedTouchIndices[j]>i)
+										s0SortedTouchIndices[j]--;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// done! now update
+						for(int i=0; i<s0TouchNum; i++)
+						{
+							// update tracked value
+							s0SortedTouches[s0SortedTouchIndices[i]] = s0Touches[i];
+							s0PrevSortedTouches[i]			         = s0SortedTouches[i];
+							if(s0SortedTouchIndices[i]==s0TouchNum-1)
+								s0LastIndex = i;
+							// accumulate sizes for timbre
+							//touchSize += s0Size[i];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else // nothing's changed since last round
+				{
+					for(int i=0; i<s0TouchNum; i++)
+					{
+						// update tracked value
+						s0SortedTouches[s0SortedTouchIndices[i]] = s0Touches[i];
+						s0PrevSortedTouches[i]			         = s0SortedTouches[i];
+						// accumulate sizes for timbre
+						//touchSize += s0Size[i];
+					}
+				}
+				if(s0TouchNum == 0)
+					s0LastIndex = -1;
+				// timbre
+				//touchSize = (touchSize > 0.7) ? 1 : touchSize/0.7;
+				//gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->hopNumTh = log((1-touchSize)+1)/log(2)*20000;
+				//gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->hopNumTh = 0;
+				// pitch, controlled by last touch
+				//prevTouchPos 				= touch[touchIndex];
+				//touchPos	 			 	= (s0SortedTouches[s0TouchNum-1]-0.5)/0.5;	// from [0,1] to [-1,1]
+				gSensor0LatestTouchPos      = s0SortedTouches[s0TouchNum-1];
+				//touchPos					= s0Touches[0];
+				//gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->pitchMultiplier 	= pow(2, touchPos);
+				//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+				//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+				// note on
+				//if(s0PrevTouchNum == 0)
+				//	gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->play();
+				// fsr = Sensors.getFSRVAlue();
+				fsr = gLastFSRValue;
+				//dbox_printf("fsr: %d\n", fsr);
+				if(!gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->note)
+				{
+					vel = fsr;
+					vel /= (float)(fsrMax-fsrMin);
+					vel = 1-vel;
+					dbox_printf("Attack vel: %f\n", vel);
+					gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->play(vel);
+					prevVel = vel;
+				}
+				else if(gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->getEnvelopeState() != env_release)
+				{
+					fsr = (fsr > fsrMax) ? fsrMax : fsr;
+					vel = (fsr < fsrMin) ? fsrMin : fsr;
+					vel -= fsrMin;
+					vel /= (float)(fsrMax-fsrMin);
+					vel = 1-vel;
+					if(vel > prevVel)
+					{
+						gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->afterTouch(vel);
+						prevVel = vel;
+					}
+				}
+				//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				//prevFsr = 1799;
+				//prevTouchPos = -1;
+				//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+				// note off
+				if(s0PrevTouchNum > 0)
+				{
+					if(gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->state==bank_playing)
+						gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->stop();
+				}
+				//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			}
+			// sensor 2
+			//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			//filter - calculated even when no touches on first sensor, to filter also release tail
+			gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterNum	= s1TouchNum;
+			gSensor1LatestTouchCount = gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterNum;
+			for(int i = 0; i < gSensor1LatestTouchCount; i++) {
+				gSensor1LatestTouchPos[i] = s1Touches[i];
+				//gSensor1LatestTouchSizes[i] = s1Size[i];
+			}
+/*			for(int i=0; i<gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterNum; i++)
+			{
+				// touch pos is linear but freqs are log
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterFreqs[i] = ((exp(s0Touches[i]*4)-1)/(exp(4)-1))*filterMaxF*freqScaler;
+				//gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterQ[i] = size[i]*5*(1+touch[i]*1000)*freqScaler;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterQ[i] = s0Size[i];
+				if(gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterFreqs[i]>500*freqScaler)
+					gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterPadding[i] = 1+100000*( (gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterFreqs[i]-500*freqScaler)/(filterMaxF-500)*freqScaler );
+				else
+					gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterPadding[i] = 1;
+			}*/
+			// each touch on sensor 2 is a notch filter, whose Q is determined by touch size
+			for(int i=0; i<gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterNum; i++)
+			{
+				// map touch pos [which is linear] on freqs exponentially
+				float freq = ((exp(s1Touches[i]*4)-1)/EXP_DENOM)*filterMaxF;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterFreqs[i] = freq*freqScaler;
+				// also size is mapped exponentially on Q
+				float siz = (exp(s1Size[i])-1)/1.71828;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->filterQ[i] = siz*( (filterMaxF-freq)/filterMaxF * 0.9 + 0.1 );	// size weight on Q decreases with frequency
+			}
+			//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			// sort touches on sensor 2
+			if(s1TouchNum > 0)
+			{
+				// if we have a number of touches different from previous round, track their order of arrival [calculated using distance comparison]
+				if(s1PrevTouchNum!=s1TouchNum)
+				{
+					float distances[MAX_TOUCHES*(MAX_TOUCHES-1)]; // maximum number of current+previous touches between rounds with different num of touches
+					int ids[MAX_TOUCHES*(MAX_TOUCHES-1)];
+					// calculate all distance permutations between previous and current touches
+					for(int i=0; i<s1TouchNum; i++)
+					{
+						for(int p=0; p<s1PrevTouchNum; p++)
+						{
+							int index 			= i*s1PrevTouchNum+p;	// permutation id [says between which touches we are calculating distance]
+							distances[index]	= fabs(s1Touches[i]-s1PrevSortedTouches[p]);
+							ids[index]			= index;
+							if(index>0)
+							{
+								// sort, from min to max distance
+								float tmp;
+								while(distances[index]<distances[index-1])
+								{
+									tmp 				= ids[index-1];
+									ids[index-1] 		= ids[index];
+									ids[index] 			= tmp;
+									tmp					= distances[index-1];
+									distances[index-1]	= distances[index];
+									distances[index] 	= tmp;
+									index--;
+									if(index == 0)
+										break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					int sorted = 0;
+					bool currAssigned[MAX_TOUCHES] = {false};
+					bool prevAssigned[MAX_TOUCHES] = {false};
+					// track touches assigning index according to shortest distance
+					for(int i=0; i<s1TouchNum*s1PrevTouchNum; i++)
+					{
+						int currentIndex	= ids[i]/s1PrevTouchNum;
+						int prevIndex		= ids[i]%s1PrevTouchNum;
+						// avoid double assignment
+						if(!currAssigned[currentIndex] && !prevAssigned[prevIndex])
+						{
+							currAssigned[currentIndex]			= true;
+							prevAssigned[prevIndex]				= true;
+							s1SortedTouchIndices[currentIndex] = prevIndex;
+							sorted++;
+						}
+					}
+					// we still have to assign a free index to new touches
+					if(s1PrevTouchNum<s1TouchNum)
+					{
+						for(int i=0; i<s1TouchNum; i++)
+						{
+							if(!currAssigned[i])
+								s1SortedTouchIndices[i] = sorted++; // assign next free index
+							// update tracked value
+							s1SortedTouches[s1SortedTouchIndices[i]] = s1Touches[i];
+							s1PrevSortedTouches[i]			       	 = s1SortedTouches[i];
+							if(s1SortedTouchIndices[i]==s1TouchNum-1)
+								s1LastIndex = i;
+						}
+					}
+					else // some touches have disappeared...
+					{
+						// ...we have to shift all indices...
+						for(int i=s1PrevTouchNum-1; i>=0; i--)
+						{
+							if(!prevAssigned[i])
+							{
+								for(int j=0; j<s1TouchNum; j++)
+								{
+									// ...only if touches that disappeared were before the current one
+									if(s1SortedTouchIndices[j]>i)
+										s1SortedTouchIndices[j]--;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// done! now update
+						for(int i=0; i<s1TouchNum; i++)
+						{
+							// update tracked value
+							s1SortedTouches[s1SortedTouchIndices[i]] = s1Touches[i];
+							s1PrevSortedTouches[i]			       	 = s1SortedTouches[i];
+							if(s1SortedTouchIndices[i]==s1TouchNum-1)
+								s1LastIndex = i;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else // nothing's changed since last round
+				{
+					for(int i=0; i<s1TouchNum; i++)
+					{
+						// update tracked value
+						s1SortedTouches[s1SortedTouchIndices[i]] = s1Touches[i];
+						s1PrevSortedTouches[i]			       	 = s1SortedTouches[i];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(s1TouchNum > 0)
+			{
+				gSensor1LatestTouchIndex = s1LastIndex;
+			}
+			else
+				s1LastIndex = -1;
+/*			dbox_printf("-----------------------------\nnum: %d, latest: %d\n", s1TouchNum, gSensor1LatestTouchIndex);
+			for(int i=0; i<s1TouchNum; i++)
+				dbox_printf("\t%f\n", gSensor1LatestTouchPos[i]);
+			dbox_printf("------\n");
+			for(int i=0; i<s1TouchNum; i++)
+				dbox_printf("\t%f\n", s1SortedTouches[i]);*/
+			// update variables for both sensors
+			s0PrevTouchNum	= s0TouchNum;
+			s1PrevTouchNum	= s1TouchNum;
+		}
+		else
+			dbox_printf("Come on instrument!\n");	//break
+		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
+	}
+	dbox_printf("sensor thread ended\n");
+void *keyboardLoop(void *)
+	if(gVerbose==1)
+		cout << "_________________Keyboard Control Thread!" << endl;
+	char keyStroke = '.';
+	cout << "Press q to quit." << endl;
+	float speed;
+	do
+	{
+		keyStroke =	getchar();
+		while(getchar()!='\n'); // to read the first stroke
+		switch (keyStroke)
+		{
+			//----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			case 'a':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->hopNumTh = 0;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->play(1);
+				//cout << "Note on" << endl;
+				break;
+			case 's':
+				if(gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->state==bank_playing)
+				{
+					gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->stop();
+					//cout << "Note off" << endl;
+				}
+				break;
+			//----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			case '[':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->freqMovement-=0.05;
+				if(gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->freqMovement<0)
+					gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->freqMovement = 0;
+				//cout << "gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->FreqMov: " << gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->freqMovement << endl;
+				break;
+			case ']':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->freqMovement+=0.05;
+				if(gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->freqMovement>1)
+					gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->freqMovement = 1;
+				//cout << "gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->FreqMov: " << gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->freqMovement << endl;
+				break;
+			//----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			case '<':
+				speed = gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->getSpeed() - 0.1 ;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setSpeed(speed);
+				dbox_printf("Speed: %f\n", speed);
+				break;
+			case '>':
+				speed = gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->getSpeed() + 0.1 ;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setSpeed(speed);
+				dbox_printf("Speed: %f\n", speed);
+				break;
+			case '0':
+				speed = 0.1;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setSpeed(speed);
+				dbox_printf("Speed: %f\n", speed);
+				break;
+			case '1':
+				speed = 0.5;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setSpeed(speed);
+				dbox_printf("Speed: %f\n", speed);
+				break;
+			case '2':
+				speed = 1;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setSpeed(speed);
+				dbox_printf("Speed: %f\n", speed);
+				break;
+			case '3':
+				speed = 2;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setSpeed(speed);
+				dbox_printf("Speed: %f\n", speed);
+				break;
+			case '4':
+				speed = 3;
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setSpeed(speed);
+				dbox_printf("Speed: %f\n", speed);
+				break;
+			//----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			case 'z':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setJumpHop(0);
+				break;
+			case 'x':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setJumpHop(100);
+				break;
+			case 'c':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setJumpHop(600);
+				break;
+			case 'v':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setJumpHop(1100);
+				break;
+			case 'b':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setJumpHop(2000);
+				break;
+			case 'n':
+				gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->setJumpHop(gOscBanks[gCurrentOscBank]->getLastHop());
+				break;
+			//----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			case 'q':
+				gShouldStop = true;
+				break;
+			case 'o':
+				gNextOscBank = (gCurrentOscBank + 1) % gOscBanks.size();
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+			//----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		}
+		usleep(1000); /* Wait 1ms to avoid checking too quickly */
+	}
+	while (keyStroke!='q');
+	cout << "keyboard thread ended" << endl;
+	return (void *)0;