diff include/BeagleRT.h @ 67:472e892c6e41

Merge newapi into default
author Andrew McPherson <a.mcpherson@qmul.ac.uk>
date Fri, 17 Jul 2015 15:28:18 +0100
parents 3c3a1357657d
children e63563507edd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/BeagleRT.h	Fri Jul 17 15:28:18 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+ *  @file
+ *  @brief Main BeagleRT public API
+ *
+ *  Central control code for hard real-time audio on BeagleBone Black
+ *  using PRU and Xenomai Linux extensions. This code began as part
+ *  of the Hackable Instruments project (EPSRC) at Queen Mary University
+ *  of London, 2013-14.
+ *
+ *  (c) 2014-15 Andrew McPherson, Victor Zappi and Giulio Moro,
+ *  Queen Mary University of London
+ */
+ * \mainpage
+ *
+ * BeagleRT is a hard-real-time, ultra-low latency audio and sensor environment for
+ * BeagleBone Black, which works with the BeagleBone Audio Cape or a custom "BeagleRT Cape"
+ * which incorporates stereo audio with 8x, 16-bit analog inputs and outputs.
+ *
+ * BeagleRT is based on the Xenomai real-time Linux extensions (http://xenomai.org) and
+ * uses the BeagleBone %PRU subsystem to address the audio and sensor hardware.
+ *
+ * Further information can be found at http://beaglert.cc
+ */
+#ifndef BEAGLERT_H_
+#define BEAGLERT_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <rtdk.h>
+#include "digital_gpio_mapping.h"
+// Useful constants
+/** \cond PRIVATE */
+#define DBOX_CAPE					// New custom cape
+#ifdef DBOX_CAPE
+#define CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS  0x18		// Address of TLV320AIC3104 codec
+#define CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS  0x1B		// Address of TLV320AIC3106 codec
+/** \endcond */
+ * \ingroup auxtask
+ *
+ * Xenomai priority level for audio processing. Maximum possible priority is 99.
+ * In general, all auxiliary tasks should have a level lower than this unless for\
+ * special purposes where the task needs to interrupt audio processing.
+ */
+// Default volume levels
+ * \addtogroup levels
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Default level of the audio DAC in decibels. See BeagleRT_setDACLevel().
+ */
+#define DEFAULT_DAC_LEVEL	0.0
+ * Default level of the audio ADC in decibels. See BeagleRT_setADCLevel().
+ */
+#define DEFAULT_ADC_LEVEL	-6.0
+ * Default level of the headphone output in decibels. See BeagleRT_setHeadphoneLevel().
+ */
+#define DEFAULT_HP_LEVEL	-6.0
+/** @} */
+ * Flag for BeagleRTContext. If set, indicates the audio and analog buffers are interleaved.
+ */
+#define BEAGLERT_FLAG_INTERLEAVED				(1 << 0)	// Set if buffers are interleaved
+ * Flag for BeagleRTContext. If set, indicates analog outputs persist for future frames.
+ */
+#define BEAGLERT_FLAG_ANALOG_OUTPUTS_PERSIST	(1 << 1)	// Set if analog/digital outputs persist for future buffers
+ * \ingroup control
+ * \brief Structure containing initialisation parameters for the real-time
+ * audio control system.
+ *
+ * This structure is initialised using BeagleRT_defaultSettings(). Its contents
+ * are used up through the point of calling
+ * BeagleRT_initAudio() at which point it is no longer needed.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	// These items might be adjusted by the user:
+	/// \brief Number of (analog) frames per period.
+	///
+	/// Number of audio frames depends on relative sample rates of the two. By default,
+	/// audio is twice the sample rate, so has twice the period size.
+	int periodSize;
+	/// Whether to use the analog input and output
+	int useAnalog;
+	/// Whether to use the 16 programmable GPIOs
+	int useDigital;
+	/// How many channels for the ADC and DAC
+	int numAnalogChannels;
+	/// How many channels for the GPIOs
+	int numDigitalChannels;
+	/// Whether to begin with the speakers muted
+	int beginMuted;
+	/// Level for the audio DAC output
+	float dacLevel;
+	/// Level for the audio ADC input
+	float adcLevel;
+	/// Level for the headphone output
+	float headphoneLevel;
+	/// The external .bin file to load. If empty will use PRU code from pru_rtaudio_bin.h
+	char pruFilename[MAX_PRU_FILENAME_LENGTH];
+	/// Whether to use verbose logging
+	int verbose;
+	// These items are application-dependent but should probably be
+	// determined by the programmer rather than the user
+	/// Whether audio/analog data should be interleaved
+	int interleave;
+	/// \brief Whether analog outputs should persist to future frames.
+	///
+	/// n.b. digital pins always persist, audio never does
+	int analogOutputsPersist;
+	// These items are hardware-dependent and should only be changed
+	// to run on different hardware
+	/// Where the codec can be found on the I2C bus
+	int codecI2CAddress;
+	/// Pin where amplifier mute can be found
+	int ampMutePin;
+	/// Port where the UDP server will listen
+	int receivePort;
+	/// Port where the UDP client will transmit
+	int transmitPort;
+	char serverName[MAX_SERVERNAME_LENGTH];
+} BeagleRTInitSettings;
+ * \ingroup render
+ * \brief Structure holding current audio and sensor settings and pointers to data buffers.
+ *
+ * This structure is passed to setup(), render() and cleanup(). It is
+ * initialised in BeagleRT_initAudio() based on the contents of the BeagleRTInitSettings
+ * structure.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	/// \brief Buffer holding audio input samples
+	///
+	/// This buffer may be in either interleaved or non-interleaved format,
+	/// depending on the contents of the BeagleRTInitSettings structure.
+	/// \b Note: this element is available in render() only.
+	float *audioIn;
+	/// \brief Buffer holding audio output samples
+	///
+	/// This buffer may be in either interleaved or non-interleaved format,
+	/// depending on the contents of the BeagleRTInitSettings structure.
+	/// \b Note: this element is available in render() only.
+	float *audioOut;
+	/// \brief Buffer holding analog input samples
+	///
+	/// This buffer may be in either interleaved or non-interleaved format,
+	/// depending on the contents of the BeagleRTInitSettings structure.
+	/// \b Note: this element is available in render() only.
+	float *analogIn;
+	/// \brief Buffer holding analog output samples
+	///
+	/// This buffer may be in either interleaved or non-interleaved format,
+	/// depending on the contents of the BeagleRTInitSettings structure.
+	/// \b Note: this element is available in render() only.
+	float *analogOut;
+	/// \brief Buffer holding digital input/output samples
+	///
+	/// \b Note: this element is available in render() only.
+	uint32_t *digital;
+	/// Number of audio frames per period
+	uint32_t audioFrames;
+	/// Number of audio channels (currently always 2)
+	uint32_t audioChannels;
+	/// Audio sample rate in Hz (currently always 44100.0)
+	float audioSampleRate;
+	/// \brief Number of analog frames per period
+	///
+	/// This will be 0 if analog I/O is disabled.
+	uint32_t analogFrames;
+	/// \brief Number of analog channels
+	///
+	/// This could take a value of 8, 4 or 2. This will be 0 if analog I/O is disabled.
+	uint32_t analogChannels;
+	/// \brief Analog sample rate in Hz
+	///
+	/// The analog sample rate depends on the number of analog channels used. If
+	/// 8 channels are used, the sample rate is 22050. If 4 channels are used, the sample
+	/// rate is 44100. If 2 channels are used, the sample rate is 88200. If analog I/O
+	/// is disabled, the sample rate is 0.
+	float analogSampleRate;
+	/// Number of digital frames per period
+	uint32_t digitalFrames;
+	/// \brief Number of digital channels
+	///
+	/// Currently this will always be 16, unless digital I/O is disabled, in which case it will be 0.
+	uint32_t digitalChannels;
+	/// Digital sample rate in Hz (currently always 44100.0)
+	float digitalSampleRate;
+	/// \brief Number of elapsed audio samples since the start of rendering.
+	///
+	/// This holds the total number of audio samples as of the beginning of the current period. To
+	/// find the current number of analog or digital samples elapsed, multiply by the ratio of the
+	/// sample rates (e.g. half the number of analog samples will have elapsed if the analog sample
+	/// rate is 22050).
+	uint64_t audioSampleCount;
+	/// \brief Other audio/sensor settings
+	///
+	/// Binary combination of flags including:
+	///
+	/// BEAGLERT_FLAG_INTERLEAVED: indicates the audio and analog buffers are interleaved
+	///
+	/// BEAGLERT_FLAG_ANALOG_OUTPUTS_PERSIST: indicates that writes to the analog outputs will
+	/// persist for future frames. If not set, writes affect one frame only.
+	uint32_t flags;
+} BeagleRTContext;
+/** \ingroup auxtask
+ *
+ * Auxiliary task variable. Auxiliary tasks are created using createAuxiliaryTask() and
+ * automatically cleaned up after cleanup() finishes.
+ */
+typedef void* AuxiliaryTask;	// Opaque data type to keep track of aux tasks
+/** \ingroup render
+ *
+ * Flag that indicates when the audio will stop. Threads can poll this variable to indicate when
+ * they should stop. Additionally, a program can set this to \c true
+ * to indicate that audio processing should terminate. Calling BeagleRT_stopAudio()
+ * has the effect of setting this to \c true.
+ */
+extern bool gShouldStop;
+// *** User-defined render functions ***
+ * \defgroup render User-defined render functions
+ *
+ * These three functions must be implemented by the developer in every BeagleRT program.
+ * Typically they appear in their own .cpp source file.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * \brief User-defined initialisation function which runs before audio rendering begins.
+ *
+ * This function runs once at the beginning of the program, after most of the system
+ * initialisation has begun but before audio rendering starts. Use it to prepare any
+ * memory or resources that will be needed in render().
+ *
+ * \param context Data structure holding information on sample rates, numbers of channels,
+ * frame sizes and other state. Note: the buffers for audio, analog and digital data will
+ * \b not yet be available to use. Do not attempt to read or write audio or sensor data
+ * in setup().
+ * \param userData An opaque pointer to an optional user-defined data structure. Whatever
+ * is passed as the second argument to BeagleRT_initAudio() will appear here.
+ *
+ * \return true on success, or false if an error occurred. If no initialisation is
+ * required, setup() should return true.
+ */
+bool setup(BeagleRTContext *context, void *userData);
+ * \brief User-defined callback function to process audio and sensor data.
+ *
+ * This function is called regularly by the system every time there is a new block of
+ * audio and/or sensor data to process. Your code should process the requested samples
+ * of data, store the results within \c context, and return.
+ *
+ * \param context Data structure holding buffers for audio, analog and digital data. The
+ * structure also holds information on numbers of channels, frame sizes and sample rates,
+ * which are guaranteed to remain the same throughout the program and to match what was
+ * passed to setup().
+ * \param userData An opaque pointer to an optional user-defined data structure. Will
+ * be the same as the \c userData parameter passed to setup().
+ */
+void render(BeagleRTContext *context, void *userData);
+ * \brief User-defined cleanup function which runs when the program finishes.
+ *
+ * This function is called by the system once after audio rendering has finished, before the
+ * program quits. Use it to release any memory allocated in setup() and to perform
+ * any other required cleanup. If no initialisation is performed in setup(), then
+ * this function will usually be empty.
+ *
+ * \param context Data structure holding information on sample rates, numbers of channels,
+ * frame sizes and other state. Note: the buffers for audio, analog and digital data will
+ * no longer be available to use. Do not attempt to read or write audio or sensor data
+ * in cleanup().
+ * \param userData An opaque pointer to an optional user-defined data structure. Will
+ * be the same as the \c userData parameter passed to setup() and render().
+ */
+void cleanup(BeagleRTContext *context, void *userData);
+/** @} */
+ * \defgroup control Control and command line functions
+ *
+ * These functions are used to initialise the BeagleRT settings, process arguments
+ * from the command line, and start/stop the audio and sensor system.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+// *** Command-line settings ***
+ * \brief Initialise the data structure containing settings for BeagleRT.
+ *
+ * This function should be called in main() before parsing any command-line arguments. It
+ * sets default values in the data structure which specifies the BeagleRT settings, including
+ * frame sizes, numbers of channels, volume levels and other parameters.
+ *
+ * \param settings Structure holding initialisation data for BeagleRT.
+ */
+void BeagleRT_defaultSettings(BeagleRTInitSettings *settings);
+ * \brief Get long options from command line argument list, including BeagleRT standard options
+ *
+ * This function should be used in main() to process command line options, in place of the
+ * standard library getopt_long(). Internally, it parses standard BeagleRT command-line options,
+ * storing the results in the settings data structure. Any options which are not part of the
+ * BeagleRT standard options will be returned, as they would normally be in getopt_long().
+ *
+ * \param argc Number of command line options, as passed to main().
+ * \param argv Array of command line options, as passed to main().
+ * \param customShortOptions List of short options to be parsed, analogous to getopt_long(). This
+ * list should not include any characters already parsed as part of the BeagleRT standard options.
+ * \param customLongOptions List of long options to parsed, analogous to getopt_long(). This
+ * list should not include any long options already parsed as part of the BeagleRT standard options.
+ * \param settings Data structure holding initialisation settings for BeagleRT. Any standard options
+ * parsed will automatically update this data structure.
+ *
+ * \return Value of the next option parsed which is not a BeagleRT standard option, or -1 when the
+ * argument list has been exhausted. Similar to the return value of getopt_long() except that BeagleRT
+ * standard options are handled internally and not returned.
+ */
+int BeagleRT_getopt_long(int argc, char *argv[], const char *customShortOptions,
+				   const struct option *customLongOptions, BeagleRTInitSettings *settings);
+ * \brief Print usage information for BeagleRT standard options.
+ *
+ * This function should be called from your code wherever you wish to print usage information for the
+ * user. It will print usage information on BeagleRT standard options, after which you can print usage
+ * information for your own custom options.
+ */
+void BeagleRT_usage();
+ * \brief Set level of verbose (debugging) printing.
+ *
+ * \param level Verbosity level of the internal BeagleRT system. 0 by default; higher values will
+ * print more information. Presently all positive numbers produce the same level of printing.
+ */
+void BeagleRT_setVerboseLevel(int level);
+// *** Audio control functions ***
+ * \brief Initialise audio and sensor rendering environment.
+ *
+ * This function prepares audio rendering in BeagleRT. It should be called from main() sometime
+ * after command line option parsing has finished. It will initialise the rendering system, which
+ * in the process will result in a call to the user-defined setup() function.
+ *
+ * \param settings Data structure holding system settings, including numbers of channels, frame sizes,
+ * volume levels and other information.
+ * \param userData An opaque pointer to a user-defined data structure which will be passed to
+ * setup(), render() and cleanup(). You can use this to pass custom information
+ * to the rendering functions, as an alternative to using global variables.
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, or nonzero if an error occurred.
+ */
+int BeagleRT_initAudio(BeagleRTInitSettings *settings, void *userData);
+ * \brief Begin processing audio and sensor data.
+ *
+ * This function will start the BeagleRT audio/sensor system. After this function is called, the
+ * system will make periodic calls to render() until BeagleRT_stopAudio() is called.
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, or nonzero if an error occurred.
+ */
+int BeagleRT_startAudio();
+ * \brief Stop processing audio and sensor data.
+ *
+ * This function will stop the BeagleRT audio/sensor system. After this function returns, no further
+ * calls to render() will be issued.
+ */
+void BeagleRT_stopAudio();
+ * \brief Clean up resources from audio and sensor processing.
+ *
+ * This function should only be called after BeagleRT_stopAudio(). It will release any
+ * internal resources for audio and sensor processing. In the process, it will call the
+ * user-defined cleanup() function.
+ */
+void BeagleRT_cleanupAudio();
+/** @} */
+ * \defgroup levels Audio level controls
+ *
+ * These functions control the input and output levels for the audio codec. If a BeagleRT program
+ * does not call these functions, sensible default levels will be used.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+// *** Volume and level controls ***
+ * \brief Set the level of the audio DAC.
+ *
+ * This function sets the level of all audio outputs (headphone, line, speaker). It does
+ * not affect the level of the (non-audio) analog outputs.
+ *
+ * \b Important: do not call this function from within render(), as it does not make
+ * any guarantees on real-time performance.
+ *
+ * \param decibels Level of the DAC output. Valid levels range from -63.5 (lowest) to
+ * 0 (highest) in steps of 0.5dB. Levels between increments of 0.5 will be rounded down.
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, or nonzero if an error occurred.
+ */
+int BeagleRT_setDACLevel(float decibels);
+ * \brief Set the level of the audio ADC.
+ *
+ * This function sets the level of the audio input. It does not affect the level of the
+ * (non-audio) analog inputs.
+ *
+ * \b Important: do not call this function from within render(), as it does not make
+ * any guarantees on real-time performance.
+ *
+ * \param decibels Level of the ADC input. Valid levels range from -12 (lowest) to
+ * 0 (highest) in steps of 1.5dB. Levels between increments of 1.5 will be rounded down.
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, or nonzero if an error occurred.
+ */
+int BeagleRT_setADCLevel(float decibels);
+ * \brief Set the level of the onboard headphone amplifier.
+ *
+ * This function sets the level of the headphone output only (3-pin connector on the BeagleRT
+ * cape or the output jack on the BeagleBone Audio Cape). It does not affect the level of the
+ * speakers or the line out pads on the cape.
+ *
+ * \b Important: do not call this function from within render(), as it does not make
+ * any guarantees on real-time performance.
+ *
+ * \param decibels Level of the DAC output. Valid levels range from -63.5 (lowest) to
+ * 0 (highest) in steps of 0.5dB. Levels between increments of 0.5 will be rounded down.
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, or nonzero if an error occurred.
+ */
+int BeagleRT_setHeadphoneLevel(float decibels);
+ * \brief Mute or unmute the onboard speaker amplifiers.
+ *
+ * This function mutes or unmutes the amplifiers on the BeagleRT cape. Whether the speakers begin
+ * muted or unmuted depends on the BeagleRTInitSettings structure passed to BeagleRT_initAudio().
+ *
+ * \b Important: do not call this function from within render(), as it does not make
+ * any guarantees on real-time performance.
+ *
+ * \param mute 0 to enable the speakers, nonzero to mute the speakers.
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, or nonzero if an error occurred.
+ */
+int BeagleRT_muteSpeakers(int mute);
+/** @} */
+ * \defgroup auxtask Auxiliary task support
+ *
+ * These functions are used to create separate real-time tasks (threads) which run at lower
+ * priority than the audio processing. They can be used, for example, for large time-consuming
+ * calculations which would take more than one audio frame length to process, or they could be
+ * used to communicate with external hardware when that communication might block or be delayed.
+ *
+ * All auxiliary tasks used by the program should be created in setup(). The tasks
+ * can then be scheduled at will within the render() function.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+// *** Functions for creating auxiliary tasks ***
+ * \brief Create a new auxiliary task.
+ *
+ * This function creates a new auxiliary task which, when scheduled, runs the function specified
+ * in the first argument. Note that the task does not run until scheduleAuxiliaryTask() is called.
+ * Auxiliary tasks should be created in setup() and never in render() itself.
+ *
+ * The second argument specifies the real-time priority. Valid values are between 0
+ * and 99, and usually should be lower than \ref BEAGLERT_AUDIO_PRIORITY. Tasks with higher priority always
+ * preempt tasks with lower priority.
+ *
+ * \param functionToCall Function which will run each time the auxiliary task is scheduled.
+ * \param priority Xenomai priority level at which the task should run.
+ * \param name Name for this task, which should be unique system-wide (no other running program should use this name).
+ */
+AuxiliaryTask BeagleRT_createAuxiliaryTask(void (*functionToCall)(void), int priority, const char *name);
+ * \brief Run an auxiliary task which has previously been created.
+ *
+ * This function will schedule an auxiliary task to run. When the task runs, the function in the first
+ * argument of createAuxiliaryTaskLoop() will be called.
+ *
+ * scheduleAuxiliaryTask() is typically called from render() to start a lower-priority task. The function
+ * will not run immediately, but only once any active higher priority tasks have finished.
+ *
+ * \param task Task to schedule for running.
+ */
+void BeagleRT_scheduleAuxiliaryTask(AuxiliaryTask task);
+/** @} */
+#endif /* BEAGLERT_H_ */