annotate scripts/update_board @ 459:f48d28244fe2 prerelease

Added updateunsafe target to Makefile: faster, less resistant to sudden shutdowns
author Giulio Moro <>
date Mon, 20 Jun 2016 03:17:05 +0100
parents aa3f38d8a9b6
children 26b3b87437fb
rev   line source
giuliomoro@425 1 #!/bin/sh
andrewm@58 2 #
giuliomoro@377 3 # This script copies the core Bela files to the BeagleBone Black
andrewm@58 4 # in preparation for building projects. It will remove any existing
giuliomoro@377 5 # Bela directory before copying the files over
giuliomoro@367 6 [ -z "$BBB_ADDRESS" ] && BBB_ADDRESS="root@"
giuliomoro@413 7 [ -z "$BBB_BELA_HOME" ] && BBB_BELA_HOME="/root/Bela/"
giuliomoro@447 8
giuliomoro@447 9 . ./.bela_common || exit 1
giuliomoro@413 10
giuliomoro@413 11 FILES_TO_COPY="core include Makefile libNE10.a libprussdrv.a examples Doxyfile"
giuliomoro@413 12
giuliomoro@413 13 # The following variables are manually copied from the Makefile.
giuliomoro@413 14 # It is a bit nasty, but here we need to handle the case that the board may be
giuliomoro@413 15 # in any arbitrarily (bad) condition and try to handle it the best we can
giuliomoro@413 16 BELA_IDE_SCREEN_NAME=IDE-Bela
giuliomoro@413 17 SCREEN_NAME=Bela
giuliomoro@413 18
giuliomoro@428 19 usage ()
andrewm@58 20 {
andrewm@58 21 THIS_SCRIPT=`basename "$0"`
giuliomoro@452 22 echo "Usage: $THIS_SCRIPT [--clean] [--no-frills] [-dy ] [-i user@ip] [-b /path/to/remote/Bela]"
andrewm@58 23
andrewm@58 24 echo "
giuliomoro@413 25 This script updates the core Bela files on the BeagleBone, bringing it up
giuliomoro@415 26 to date with the files in the folder on the host computer.
giuliomoro@413 27 The script must be run once to initialize the board before running any of
giuliomoro@413 28 the other scripts in this directory. It must also be run every time you
giuliomoro@413 29 wish to update the core code.
giuliomoro@413 30 Running this script will discard all changes to the core code on the remote
giuliomoro@413 31 end.
giuliomoro@413 32
giuliomoro@413 33 Command line options:
giuliomoro@413 34 -i arg : allows to set the username and IP address of the remote end (default: $BBB_ADDRESS)
giuliomoro@413 35 -b arg : allows to set the path to the Bela folder on the remote end. Use quotes if you use the \"~\" symbol (default: $BBB_BELA_HOME)
giuliomoro@413 36 --clean : removes all the files in the $BBB_BELA_HOME folder, INCLUDING any source code you may have in the $BBB_BELA_HOME/projects/ subdirectory.
giuliomoro@452 37 -d : skips re-generating Doxygen documentation on the board.
giuliomoro@452 38 --no-frills : skips some optional commands.
giuliomoro@413 39 -y : does not prompt the user before deleting the remote files.
giuliomoro@413 40 "
andrewm@58 41 }
giuliomoro@412 42
giuliomoro@428 43 signal_handler ()
giuliomoro@428 44 {
giuliomoro@428 45 echo
giuliomoro@428 46 exit
giuliomoro@428 47 }
giuliomoro@428 48
giuliomoro@432 49 trap signal_handler 2
giuliomoro@428 50
giuliomoro@428 51 error_handler () {
giuliomoro@412 52 [ $1 -eq 0 ] && printf "done\n" || { [ -z "$2" ] && printf "\nAn error occurred. Is the board connected?\n" || printf "$2"; exit 1; }
giuliomoro@412 53 }
andrewm@58 54
giuliomoro@452 55 FULL=1
andrewm@58 56 OPTIND=1
giuliomoro@412 57 ALWAYS_YES=0
giuliomoro@413 58 RESET_BOARD=0
giuliomoro@452 59 DOXYGEN=1
giuliomoro@413 60 while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
giuliomoro@413 61 case $1 in
giuliomoro@413 62 -b)
giuliomoro@413 63 shift
giuliomoro@413 64 BBB_BELA_HOME=$1
giuliomoro@413 65 ;;
giuliomoro@413 66 -i)
giuliomoro@413 67 shift
giuliomoro@413 68 BBB_ADDRESS=$1
giuliomoro@413 69 ;;
giuliomoro@413 70 --clean)
giuliomoro@413 71 RESET_BOARD=1
giuliomoro@413 72 ;;
giuliomoro@452 73 -d)
giuliomoro@452 74 DOXYGEN=0
giuliomoro@452 75 ;;
giuliomoro@452 76 --no-frills)
giuliomoro@452 77 FULL=0
giuliomoro@452 78 ;;
giuliomoro@413 79 -y)
giuliomoro@413 80 ALWAYS_YES=1
giuliomoro@413 81 ;;
giuliomoro@413 82 *)
giuliomoro@413 83 usage
giuliomoro@413 84 exit 1
giuliomoro@413 85 ;;
giuliomoro@412 86 esac
giuliomoro@413 87 shift
andrewm@58 88 done
andrewm@58 89
andrewm@58 90
andrewm@58 91 # Find location of this script so we can locate the rest of the files
giuliomoro@427 92 SCRIPTDIR=$(dirname "$0")
l@405 93 [ -z "$IDE_FOLDER" ] && IDE_FOLDER=$SCRIPTDIR/../../bela-ide/
andrewm@58 94
giuliomoro@454 95 # Check if destination folder exists
giuliomoro@454 96 # the StrictHostKeyChecking no should prevent the unkown host prompt
giuliomoro@454 97 ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" $BBB_ADDRESS stat $BBB_BELA_HOME &>/dev/null && DESTINATION_EMPTY=0 || DESTINATION_EMPTY=1
giuliomoro@452 98 # Set the date on the board
giuliomoro@452 99 [ $FULL -eq 1 ] && set_date
giuliomoro@413 100
giuliomoro@413 101 if [ $DESTINATION_EMPTY -eq 0 ];
andrewm@58 102 then
giuliomoro@413 103 echo "Updating the Bela core code in $BBB_ADDRESS:$BBB_BELA_HOME"
giuliomoro@413 104 if [ $RESET_BOARD -eq 1 ];
giuliomoro@413 105 then
giuliomoro@413 106 printf "DANGER: you are about to perform a HARD RESET, which will DELETE all the existing files from the folder $BBB_BELA_HOME on the BeagleBone Black.\nAre you sure you want to continue? (y/N) "
giuliomoro@413 107 else
giuliomoro@413 108 printf "All the changes to the CORE files in the remote folder $BBB_BELA_HOME will be LOST. The content of these files/folders will be lost:\n $FILES_TO_COPY \nYour projects stored in $BBB_BELA_HOME/projects should be safe (and surely you have already backed them up somewhere safe, haven't you?).\nAre you sure you want to continue? (y/N) "
giuliomoro@413 109 fi;
giuliomoro@413 110 if [ $ALWAYS_YES -eq 1 ];
giuliomoro@413 111 then
giuliomoro@413 112 printf "y\n"
giuliomoro@413 113 else
giuliomoro@413 114 read REPLY;
giuliomoro@439 115 [ -z "$REPLY" ] || { [ "$REPLY" != y ] && [ "$REPLY" != Y ]; } && { echo "Aborting..."; exit 1; }
giuliomoro@413 116 fi
giuliomoro@413 117 else
giuliomoro@413 118 echo "Installing Bela core code in $BBB_ADDRESS:$BBB_BELA_HOME"
giuliomoro@413 119 fi
giuliomoro@412 120
giuliomoro@452 121 echo "Updating Bela core files to remote folder $BBB_BELA_HOME"
giuliomoro@377 122 # Stop Bela if running and remove all files
giuliomoro@454 123 if [ $FULL -eq 1 ]
giuliomoro@454 124 then
giuliomoro@454 125 printf "Stopping Bela..."
giuliomoro@454 126 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME idestop stop &>/dev/null; screen -X -S Bela quit &>/dev/null; screen -X -S IDE-Bela quit &>/dev/null; true";
giuliomoro@454 127 error_handler $?
giuliomoro@454 128 fi
andrewm@58 129
giuliomoro@413 130 if [ $RESET_BOARD -eq 1 ];
giuliomoro@413 131 then
giuliomoro@413 132 printf "Removing old files..."
giuliomoro@413 133 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "rm -rf $BBB_BELA_HOME";
giuliomoro@413 134 error_handler $?
giuliomoro@413 135 fi
giuliomoro@413 136
giuliomoro@413 137 #Check if rsync is available
giuliomoro@413 138 [ -z `which rsync` ] && RSYNC_AVAILABLE=0 || RSYNC_AVAILABLE=1
giuliomoro@413 139
giuliomoro@420 140 # cd to the home of the project to make the following lines less verbose
giuliomoro@420 141 RUN_FOLDER=`pwd`
giuliomoro@413 142 cd $SCRIPTDIR/../
giuliomoro@420 143
giuliomoro@413 144 printf "Updating files..."
andrewm@58 145 # Copy relevant files to BeagleBone Black
giuliomoro@413 146 if [ $RSYNC_AVAILABLE -eq 1 ];
giuliomoro@413 147 then
giuliomoro@413 148 [ -z `which sed` ] && FILTER=cat || FILTER="sed s/\\n// | sed s/^.*:/Updated\ files:\/g | tr \"\n\" \" \""
giuliomoro@413 149 rsync -ac --no-t --delete-after --stats $FILES_TO_COPY $BBB_ADDRESS:$BBB_BELA_HOME |grep -i "Number" | grep -i "files" | grep -i "transferred" | eval $FILTER &&\
giuliomoro@413 150 rsync -ac --no-t $BBB_ADDRESS:/usr/lib
giuliomoro@413 151 else
giuliomoro@413 152 # if rsync is not available, then clean the folders before copying the files
giuliomoro@413 153 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "rm -rf $FILES_TO_COPY; mkdir -p $BBB_BELA_HOME" &&\
giuliomoro@413 154 scp -r -q $FILES_TO_COPY $BBB_ADDRESS:$BBB_BELA_HOME &&\
giuliomoro@413 155 scp -q $BBB_ADDRESS:/usr/lib
giuliomoro@413 156 fi
giuliomoro@412 157 error_handler $?
giuliomoro@420 158 # cd back to the original folder.
giuliomoro@420 159 cd "$RUN_FOLDER"
giuliomoro@412 160
giuliomoro@402 161 # Create remaining directories needed for building
giuliomoro@412 162 printf "Creating directory structure on BeagleBone..."
giuliomoro@415 163 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "mkdir -p $BBB_BELA_HOME/build/core $BBB_BELA_HOME/projects"
giuliomoro@412 164 error_handler $?
giuliomoro@412 165
giuliomoro@452 166 if [ $DOXYGEN -eq 1 ]
giuliomoro@452 167 then
giuliomoro@452 168 printf "Generating on-board documentation..."
giuliomoro@452 169 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "cd $BBB_BELA_HOME; doxygen &> /dev/null"
giuliomoro@452 170 error_handler $? "\nError while generating Doxygen documentation\n"
giuliomoro@452 171 fi
andrewm@58 172
l@450 173 printf "Building example projects..."
giuliomoro@456 174 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "cd $BBB_BELA_HOME/examples/core/ && ./"
l@450 175 error_handler $? "\nError while building example projects\n"
l@450 176
l@451 177 printf "Cleaning build environment..."
l@451 178 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME --no-print-directory coreclean"
l@451 179 error_handler $? "\nError cleaning core\n"
l@451 180
giuliomoro@402 181 #-------------
giuliomoro@402 182 #Installing IDE
giuliomoro@432 183 [ $ALWAYS_YES -eq 0 ] && ALWAYS_YES_FLAG= || ALWAYS_YES_FLAG="-y"
giuliomoro@428 184 ls $IDE_FOLDER/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
giuliomoro@402 185 if [ $? -eq 0 ]
giuliomoro@402 186 then
giuliomoro@454 187 export BBB_ADDRESS BBB_BELA_HOME
giuliomoro@432 188 cd $IDE_FOLDER/scripts && ./ $ALWAYS_YES_FLAG
giuliomoro@413 189 # run the IDE
giuliomoro@452 190 [ $FULL -eq 1 ] && ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME --no-print-directory idestart"
giuliomoro@402 191 else
giuliomoro@419 192 # run the IDE
giuliomoro@452 193 [ $FULL -eq 1 ] && ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME --no-print-directory idestart"
giuliomoro@453 194 [ $FULL -eq 1 ] && echo "The Bela core files were updated on the board, but a valid IDE folder was not found in $IDE_FOLDER/, so the IDE was not updated. If there was an older version of the IDE on the board, it is being restarted.
giuliomoro@428 195 You can get a copy of the most up-to-date IDE files from
giuliomoro@428 196 "
giuliomoro@419 197 fi
giuliomoro@421 198
giuliomoro@454 199 [ $FULL -eq 1 ] && ssh $BBB_ADDRESS make -C $BBB_BELA_HOME --no-print-directory idestartup nostartup && echo "The board will now run the IDE at startup, but startup of the Bela program has been disabled. To enable it, use the script"
giuliomoro@421 200
giuliomoro@452 201 [ $ALWAYS_YES -eq 1 ] && printf "\nSetup complete.\n\n" || {
giuliomoro@437 202 printf '\nSetup complete, press any key to continue\n\n'
giuliomoro@437 203 read
giuliomoro@437 204 }