annotate examples/basic_pulseIn/render.cpp @ 383:e42bc9ba7550 prerelease

Fixed when rebuilding non-main() project after main() project: the 'nasty kludge' was looking in ALL the .o files in projectFolder/build/ instead of only those that have a corresponding .cpp/.c/.S file. An even better fix is make sure that object files associated with source files deleted by rsync are removed as well
author Giulio Moro <>
date Mon, 13 Jun 2016 00:44:47 +0100
parents 9dc5a0ccad25
rev   line source
giuliomoro@206 1 /*
giuliomoro@206 2 * render.cpp
giuliomoro@206 3 *
giuliomoro@206 4 * Created on: Oct 24, 2014
giuliomoro@206 5 * Author: parallels
giuliomoro@206 6 */
giuliomoro@206 7
giuliomoro@301 8 #include <Bela.h>
giuliomoro@206 9 #include <PulseIn.h>
giuliomoro@206 10 #include <stdlib.h>
giuliomoro@206 11 #include <rtdk.h>
giuliomoro@206 12 #include <cmath>
giuliomoro@206 13
giuliomoro@206 14 // setup() is called once before the audio rendering starts.
giuliomoro@206 15 // Use it to perform any initialisation and allocation which is dependent
giuliomoro@206 16 // on the period size or sample rate.
giuliomoro@206 17 //
giuliomoro@206 18 // userData holds an opaque pointer to a data structure that was passed
giuliomoro@206 19 // in from the call to initAudio().
giuliomoro@206 20 //
giuliomoro@206 21 // Return true on success; returning false halts the program.
giuliomoro@206 22 PulseIn pulseIn;
giuliomoro@206 23 int gPulseInPin = 0;
giuliomoro@206 24 int gDigitalOutPin = 1;
giuliomoro@206 25 int gPulseLength = 1234;
giuliomoro@206 26 int gSamplesBetweenPulses = 10000;
giuliomoro@206 27
giuliomoro@301 28 bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
giuliomoro@206 29 {
andrewm@310 30 pinMode(context, 0, gDigitalOutPin, OUTPUT);
giuliomoro@206 31 pulseIn.init(context, gPulseInPin, 1); //third parameter is direction
giuliomoro@206 32 return true;
giuliomoro@206 33 }
giuliomoro@206 34
giuliomoro@206 35 // render() is called regularly at the highest priority by the audio engine.
giuliomoro@206 36 // Input and output are given from the audio hardware and the other
giuliomoro@206 37 // ADCs and DACs (if available). If only audio is available, numMatrixFrames
giuliomoro@206 38 // will be 0.
giuliomoro@206 39
giuliomoro@301 40 void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
giuliomoro@206 41 {
giuliomoro@206 42 static bool pulseOut = 0;
giuliomoro@206 43 static int count = 0;
giuliomoro@206 44 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->digitalFrames; n++){
giuliomoro@206 45 // detect if a pulse just ended
giuliomoro@206 46 int duration = pulseIn.hasPulsed(context, n);
giuliomoro@206 47 if(duration > 0){
giuliomoro@206 48 rt_printf("duration = %d\n", duration);
giuliomoro@206 49 }
giuliomoro@206 50
giuliomoro@206 51 // generate a rectangular waveform as a test signal.
giuliomoro@206 52 // Connect gDigitalOutPin to gPulseInPin
giuliomoro@206 53 // to verify that the detected pulse length is gPulseLength
giuliomoro@206 54 if(count == gPulseLength ){
giuliomoro@206 55 pulseOut = false;
giuliomoro@206 56 }
giuliomoro@206 57 if(count == (gPulseLength + gSamplesBetweenPulses)){
giuliomoro@206 58 pulseOut = true;
giuliomoro@206 59 count = 0;
giuliomoro@206 60 }
andrewm@308 61 digitalWrite(context, n, gDigitalOutPin, pulseOut);
giuliomoro@206 62 count++;
giuliomoro@206 63 }
giuliomoro@206 64 }
giuliomoro@206 65
giuliomoro@206 66 // cleanup() is called once at the end, after the audio has stopped.
giuliomoro@206 67 // Release any resources that were allocated in setup().
giuliomoro@206 68
giuliomoro@301 69 void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
giuliomoro@206 70 {
giuliomoro@206 71
giuliomoro@206 72 }