annotate include/client.h @ 100:b697e82ebb25

PRU now checks for McASP underrun and resets if detects it.
author Giulio Moro <>
date Mon, 27 Jul 2015 12:44:55 +0100
parents f3251851c718
rev   line source
giuliomoro@24 1 /* UDP client in the internet domain */
giuliomoro@24 2 #include <sys/types.h>
giuliomoro@24 3 #include <sys/socket.h>
giuliomoro@24 4 #include <netinet/in.h>
giuliomoro@24 5 #include <arpa/inet.h>
giuliomoro@24 6 #include <netdb.h>
giuliomoro@24 7 #include <stdio.h>
giuliomoro@24 8 #include <stdlib.h>
giuliomoro@24 9 #include <unistd.h>
giuliomoro@24 10 #include <string.h>
andrewm@70 11 #include "UdpClient.h"
giuliomoro@24 12
giuliomoro@24 13 struct networkData{
giuliomoro@24 14 int *counter;
giuliomoro@24 15 float *variables[16];
giuliomoro@24 16 int numVariables;
giuliomoro@24 17 };
andrewm@70 18 #define NETWORK_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE 100 //1400/4 //maximum payload for a UDP datagram over ethernet is 1472 bytes, I leave some headroom and divide by 4 to get the number of floats
andrewm@70 19 struct networkAudio{
andrewm@70 20 int timestamp;
andrewm@70 21 int currentBuffer;
andrewm@70 22 int index;
andrewm@70 23 float buffers[2][NETWORK_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE];
andrewm@70 24 int doneOnTime;
andrewm@70 25 bool toBeSent;
andrewm@70 26 UdpClient udpClient;
andrewm@70 27 };
giuliomoro@24 28
giuliomoro@24 29 void error(const char *);
giuliomoro@24 30 int setupSockets(int receivePort, int transmitPort, char const*serverName);
giuliomoro@24 31 int sendMessage(networkData message);
andrewm@70 32 int sendAudio(networkAudio *audio);
giuliomoro@24 33 int receiveMessage(networkData message);
giuliomoro@24 34 void closeSockets();