annotate projects/analogDigitalDemo/render.cpp @ 28:adcb57fd3d75 bbb_network

- added a c script to have the oscillator perform a sine sweep - added documentation for the network
author Giulio Moro <>
date Sun, 10 May 2015 13:55:43 +0100
parents 182ae9367104
children 83baffda5786
rev   line source
giuliomoro@23 1 /*
giuliomoro@19 2 *
giuliomoro@19 3 * First assignment for ECS732 RTDSP, to implement a 2-way audio crossover
giuliomoro@19 4 * using the BeagleBone Black.
giuliomoro@19 5 *
giuliomoro@19 6 * Andrew McPherson and Victor Zappi
giuliomoro@19 7 * Queen Mary, University of London
giuliomoro@19 8 */
giuliomoro@19 9
andrewm@22 10 #include "../../include/render.h"
giuliomoro@19 11 #include <cmath>
giuliomoro@19 12 #include <rtdk.h>
giuliomoro@19 13
giuliomoro@19 14 /* TASK: declare any global variables you need here */
giuliomoro@19 15
giuliomoro@19 16 // initialise_render() is called once before the audio rendering starts.
giuliomoro@19 17 // Use it to perform any initialisation and allocation which is dependent
giuliomoro@19 18 // on the period size or sample rate.
giuliomoro@19 19 //
giuliomoro@19 20 // userData holds an opaque pointer to a data structure that was passed
giuliomoro@19 21 // in from the call to initAudio().
giuliomoro@19 22 //
giuliomoro@19 23 // Return true on success; returning false halts the program.
giuliomoro@20 24 int gNumDigitalFrames=0;
giuliomoro@20 25 bool initialise_render(int numAnalogChannels, int numDigitalChannels, int numAudioChannels,
giuliomoro@20 26 int numAnalogFramesPerPeriod,
giuliomoro@19 27 int numAudioFramesPerPeriod,
giuliomoro@20 28 float analogSampleRate, float audioSampleRate,
giuliomoro@19 29 void *userData)
giuliomoro@19 30 {
giuliomoro@20 31 gNumAnalogChannels=numAnalogChannels;
giuliomoro@23 32 gNumDigitalChannels=numDigitalChannels;
giuliomoro@19 33 return true;
giuliomoro@19 34 }
giuliomoro@19 35
giuliomoro@19 36 // render() is called regularly at the highest priority by the audio engine.
giuliomoro@19 37 // Input and output are given from the audio hardware and the other
giuliomoro@20 38 // ADCs and DACs (if available). If only audio is available, numAnalogFrames
giuliomoro@19 39 // will be 0.
giuliomoro@19 40
giuliomoro@19 41 long int gCountFrames=0;
giuliomoro@20 42 void render(int numAnalogFrames, int numDigitalFrames, int numAudioFrames, float *audioIn, float *audioOut,
giuliomoro@20 43 float *analogIn, float *analogOut, uint32_t *digital)
giuliomoro@19 44 /*
giuliomoro@23 45 we assume that gNumAnalogChannels=8, numAnalogFrames==8 and numDigitalFrames==numAudioFrames
giuliomoro@19 46 * */
giuliomoro@19 47 {
giuliomoro@20 48 gNumDigitalFrames=numDigitalFrames;
giuliomoro@23 49
giuliomoro@23 50 if((gCountFrames&31)==0){ //every 32 frames...
giuliomoro@23 51 //ANALOG channels
giuliomoro@23 52 analogWrite(0, 0, analogRead(0,0)); // read the input0 at frame0 and write it to output0 frame0. Using analogWrite will fill the rest of the buffer with the same value
giuliomoro@23 53 // The value at the last frame will persist through the successive buffers until is set again.
giuliomoro@23 54 // This effectively is a pass-through with downsampling by 32 times
giuliomoro@23 55 analogWrite(3, 0, 1.0); // write 1.0 to channel3 from frame0 to the end of the buffer
giuliomoro@23 56 analogWrite(3, 4, 0.1); // write 0.1 to channel3 from frame4 to the end of the buffer
giuliomoro@23 57 analogWriteFrame(3,6,0.2); //write 0.2 to channel3 only on frame 6
giuliomoro@23 58 //this buffer for channel 3 will look like this: 1 1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1
giuliomoro@23 59 //the next buffers for channel 3 will be filled up with 0.1 ....
giuliomoro@23 60 //DIGITAL channels
giuliomoro@23 61 digitalWrite(P8_07,0,GPIO_HIGH); //sets all the frames to HIGH for channel 0
giuliomoro@23 62 digitalWriteFrame(P8_07,4,GPIO_LOW); //only frame 4 will be LOW for channel 0
giuliomoro@23 63 // in this buffer the frames of channel 0 will look like this: 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ...... 1
giuliomoro@23 64 // in the next buffer each frame of channel 0 will be initialized to 1 (the last value of this buffer)
giuliomoro@23 65 digitalWrite(P8_08,0,GPIO_HIGH);
giuliomoro@23 66 digitalWrite(P8_08,2,GPIO_LOW);
giuliomoro@23 67 digitalWrite(P8_08,4,GPIO_HIGH);
giuliomoro@23 68 digitalWrite(P8_08,5,GPIO_LOW);
giuliomoro@23 69 // in this buffer the frames of channel 1 will look like this: 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 .... 0
giuliomoro@23 70 // in the next buffer each frame of channel 1 will be initialized to 0 (the last value of this buffer)
giuliomoro@19 71 }
giuliomoro@23 72 for(int n=0; n<numAudioFrames; n++){
giuliomoro@23 73 for(int c=0; c<gNumAudioChannels; c++){
giuliomoro@23 74 audioOut[n*gNumAudioChannels + c]=audioIn[n*gNumAudioChannels + c];
giuliomoro@23 75 }
giuliomoro@23 76 //use digital channels 2-5 to create a 4 bit binary counter
giuliomoro@23 77 digital[n]=digital[n] & (~0b111100); // set to zero (GPIO_OUTPUT) the bits in the lower word
giuliomoro@23 78 digital[n]=digital[n] & (~0b111100<<16); //initialize to zero the bits in the higher word (output value)
giuliomoro@23 79 digital[n]=digital[n] | (n<<(16+2)); // set the bits in the higher word to the desired output value
giuliomoro@19 80 }
giuliomoro@23 81
giuliomoro@23 82 for(int n=0; n<numAnalogFrames; n++){
giuliomoro@23 83 analogWriteFrame(1,n,(gCountFrames&8191)/8192.0); // writes a single frame. channel 1 is a ramp that follows gCountFrames
giuliomoro@23 84 analogWriteFrame(2,n,analogRead(2,n)); // writes a single frame. channel2 is just a passthrough
giuliomoro@23 85 // rt_printf("Analog out frame %d :",n);
giuliomoro@23 86 // for(int c=0; c<gNumAnalogChannels; c++)
giuliomoro@23 87 // rt_printf("%.1f ",analogOut[n*gNumAnalogChannels + c]);
giuliomoro@23 88 // rt_printf("\n");
giuliomoro@23 89 gCountFrames++;
giuliomoro@19 90 }
giuliomoro@23 91 return;
giuliomoro@23 92
giuliomoro@19 93 }
giuliomoro@19 94 // cleanup_render() is called once at the end, after the audio has stopped.
giuliomoro@19 95 // Release any resources that were allocated in initialise_render().
giuliomoro@19 96
giuliomoro@19 97 void cleanup_render()
giuliomoro@19 98 {
giuliomoro@19 99 /* TASK:
giuliomoro@19 100 * If you allocate any memory, be sure to release it here.
giuliomoro@19 101 * You may or may not need anything in this function, depending
giuliomoro@19 102 * on your implementation.
giuliomoro@19 103 */
giuliomoro@19 104 }