annotate scripts/ @ 269:ac8eb07afcf5

Oxygen text added to each render.cpp file for the default projects. Text includes project explanation from Wiki, edited in places. Empty project added as a default project. Doxyfile updated. Each of the project locations added to INPUT configuration option. Consider just watching the whole project file so all new projects are automatically pulled through.
author Robert Jack <>
date Tue, 17 May 2016 15:40:16 +0100
parents f03d68f18d7f
rev   line source
giuliomoro@73 1 #!/bin/bash
giuliomoro@73 2 IP_ADDRESS=""
giuliomoro@73 3 PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa #if you change this to something like bbb_rsa it will be safer when cleaning but if you don't have the config file you will have to
giuliomoro@73 4 # ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/bbb_rsa root@
giuliomoro@73 5 # in order to log in
giuliomoro@73 6 CONFIG_FILENAME=$HOME/.ssh/config
giuliomoro@73 7 CLEAN=0
giuliomoro@73 8 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
giuliomoro@73 9 while (( "$#" )); do
giuliomoro@73 10 if [ $1 = "-k" ]; then
giuliomoro@73 11 if [[ $2 == "/"* ]]; then
giuliomoro@73 12 #it's full path
giuliomoro@73 13 PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME=$2
giuliomoro@73 14 else
giuliomoro@73 15 #assume it's a key in .ssh
giuliomoro@73 16 PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME=$HOME'/.ssh/'$2
giuliomoro@73 17 fi
giuliomoro@73 18 shift
giuliomoro@73 19 shift
giuliomoro@73 20 continue
giuliomoro@73 21 fi
giuliomoro@73 22 if [ $1 = "-i" ]; then
giuliomoro@73 23 IP_ADDRESS=$2
giuliomoro@73 24 shift
giuliomoro@73 25 shift
giuliomoro@73 26 continue
giuliomoro@73 27 fi
giuliomoro@73 28 if [ $1 = "clean" ] ; then
giuliomoro@73 29 CLEAN=1
giuliomoro@73 30 shift
giuliomoro@73 31 continue
giuliomoro@73 32 fi
giuliomoro@73 33 #if we get here, then a wrong number or type of parameters have been passed
giuliomoro@73 34 echo "Generates a key pair (if does not exist) and copies it over to the host, saving the settings in the /.ssh/config file
giuliomoro@73 35 Usage:
giuliomoro@73 36 -i [ipAddress] sets the host to authenticate to (default:
giuliomoro@73 37 -k [filename] sets the key file to use for autentication
giuliomoro@73 38 (default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa)"
giuliomoro@73 39 exit 1;
giuliomoro@73 40 done;
giuliomoro@73 41 fi
giuliomoro@73 42
giuliomoro@73 43 if [ $CLEAN -eq 1 ] ; then
giuliomoro@73 44 printf "Cleaning ${PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME}, ${PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME}.pub, ${CONFIG_FILENAME} and bbb:~/.ssh/ . Are you sure? This might prevent you from accessing other services that use the same key or config files (y/n) "
giuliomoro@73 45 read sure
giuliomoro@73 46 if [ $sure = "y" ] ; then
giuliomoro@73 47 ssh root@ rm -rf .ssh &&\
giuliomoro@73 49 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
giuliomoro@73 50 printf "ERROR: error while cleaning"
giuliomoro@73 51 exit 4
giuliomoro@73 52 fi
giuliomoro@73 53 printf "Cleaning succesful"
giuliomoro@73 54 exit 0
giuliomoro@73 55 fi
giuliomoro@73 56 fi
giuliomoro@73 57 #printf "Pinging the Beaglebone on $IP_ADDRESS\n"
giuliomoro@73 58 #ping $IP_ADDRESS -w 1000 -c &>/dev/null 1 #returns 1 if ping is unsuccesful
giuliomoro@73 59 #if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then # $? is the return value of the last command
giuliomoro@73 60 # echo "Error: the Beaglebone is not alive, make sure it is connected and drivers are installed (MacOs and Windows only) or try again later" ;
giuliomoro@73 61 # exit 1
giuliomoro@73 62 #fi;
giuliomoro@73 63 #printf "...done\n"
giuliomoro@73 64
giuliomoro@73 65 mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh # create the ssh folder if it does not exist
giuliomoro@73 66 printf '\nHost bbb\nHostname '$IP_ADDRESS'\nUser root\nIdentityFile '$PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME'\n' >> $HOME/.ssh/config
giuliomoro@73 67
giuliomoro@73 68 printf "Generating key $PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME if it does not exist"
giuliomoro@73 69 ls $PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME &>/dev/null || ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME -q -P "" # the command after || will be executed only if the previous command fails (i.e. if id_rsa does not exist)
giuliomoro@73 70 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
giuliomoro@73 71 printf "\nERROR: an error occurred while creating key pair $PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME\n"
giuliomoro@73 72 exit 2
giuliomoro@73 73 fi
giuliomoro@73 74 printf "...Done\n"
giuliomoro@73 75
giuliomoro@73 76 printf "Type 'a' (without quotes) when prompted for a password: \n"
giuliomoro@73 77
giuliomoro@73 78 # StrictHostKeyChecking=no below will prevent the following message upon the first connection:
giuliomoro@73 79 # "The authenticity of host '' can't be established."
giuliomoro@73 80 # which would require the user to type 'yes'
giuliomoro@99 81 cat ${PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME}.pub | (ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no bbb 'mkdir -p .ssh; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys')
giuliomoro@73 82 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
giuliomoro@73 83 printf "ERROR: An error occurred while copying the public key to the BBB\n"
giuliomoro@73 84 exit 3
giuliomoro@73 85 fi
giuliomoro@73 86 printf "SSH setup complete. You can now ssh into the beaglebone with command: ssh bbb\n"
giuliomoro@73 87 exit 0