annotate include/I2c_Codec.h @ 269:ac8eb07afcf5

Oxygen text added to each render.cpp file for the default projects. Text includes project explanation from Wiki, edited in places. Empty project added as a default project. Doxyfile updated. Each of the project locations added to INPUT configuration option. Consider just watching the whole project file so all new projects are automatically pulled through.
author Robert Jack <>
date Tue, 17 May 2016 15:40:16 +0100
parents 94751ad27fd6
rev   line source
andrewm@0 1 /*
andrewm@0 2 * I2c_Codec.h
andrewm@0 3 *
andrewm@0 4 * Handle writing the registers to the TLV320AIC310x
andrewm@0 5 * series audio codecs, used on the BeagleBone Audio Cape.
andrewm@0 6 * This code is designed to bypass the ALSA driver and
andrewm@0 7 * configure the codec directly in a sensible way. It
andrewm@0 8 * is complemented by code running on the PRU which uses
andrewm@0 9 * the McASP serial port to transfer audio data.
andrewm@0 10 *
andrewm@0 11 * Created on: May 25, 2014
andrewm@0 12 * Author: Andrew McPherson
andrewm@0 13 */
andrewm@0 14
andrewm@0 15
andrewm@0 16 #ifndef I2CCODEC_H_
andrewm@0 17 #define I2CCODEC_H_
andrewm@0 18
andrewm@0 19 #include "I2c.h"
andrewm@0 20
andrewm@0 21
andrewm@0 22 class I2c_Codec : public I2c
andrewm@0 23 {
giuliomoro@134 24 short unsigned int pllJ;
giuliomoro@134 25 short unsigned int pllD;
giuliomoro@142 26 short unsigned int pllP;
giuliomoro@142 27 short unsigned int pllR;
andrewm@0 28 public:
andrewm@0 29 int writeRegister(unsigned int reg, unsigned int value);
andrewm@0 30
andrewm@0 31 int initCodec();
andrewm@0 32 int startAudio(int dual_rate);
andrewm@0 33 int stopAudio();
andrewm@0 34
giuliomoro@96 35 int setPllJ(short unsigned int j);
giuliomoro@96 36 int setPllD(unsigned int d);
giuliomoro@142 37 int setPllP(short unsigned int p);
giuliomoro@142 38 int setPllR(unsigned int r);
giuliomoro@96 39 int setPllK(float k);
giuliomoro@134 40 int setAudioSamplingRate(float newSamplingRate);
giuliomoro@134 41 short unsigned int getPllJ();
giuliomoro@134 42 unsigned int getPllD();
giuliomoro@142 43 unsigned int getPllP();
giuliomoro@142 44 unsigned int getPllR();
giuliomoro@134 45 float getPllK();
giuliomoro@134 46 float getAudioSamplingRate();
giuliomoro@169 47 int setPga(float newGain, unsigned short int channel);
andrewm@0 48 int setDACVolume(int halfDbSteps);
andrewm@0 49 int writeDACVolumeRegisters(bool mute);
andrewm@0 50 int setADCVolume(int halfDbSteps);
andrewm@0 51 int writeADCVolumeRegisters(bool mute);
andrewm@0 52 int setHPVolume(int halfDbSteps);
andrewm@0 53 int writeHPVolumeRegisters();
andrewm@0 54
andrewm@0 55 int readI2C();
andrewm@0 56
andrewm@0 57 I2c_Codec();
andrewm@0 58 ~I2c_Codec();
andrewm@0 59
andrewm@0 60 private:
andrewm@0 61 bool running;
andrewm@0 62 int dacVolumeHalfDbs;
andrewm@0 63 int adcVolumeHalfDbs;
andrewm@0 64 int hpVolumeHalfDbs;
andrewm@0 65 };
andrewm@0 66
andrewm@0 67
andrewm@0 68 #endif /* I2CCODEC_H_ */