annotate scripts/ @ 375:768acdeea362 prerelease

author Giulio Moro <>
date Fri, 10 Jun 2016 00:35:18 +0100
parents 6e428d6b57ef
children a430a16d2c02
rev   line source
andrewm@59 1 #!/bin/bash
andrewm@59 2 #
andrewm@59 3 # This script enables or disables running BeagleRT when the board starts
andrewm@59 4 # up.
andrewm@59 5
giuliomoro@363 6 [ -z "$BBB_ADDRESS" ] && BBB_ADDRESS="root@"
giuliomoro@363 7 [ -z "$BBB_BELA_HOME" ] && BBB_BELA_HOME="~/BeagleRT/"
giuliomoro@363 8 [ -z "$BBB_SCREEN_NAME" ] && BBB_SCREEN_NAME="BeagleRT"
giuliomoro@363 9 [ -z "$RUN_PROJECT" ] && RUN_PROJECT=1
giuliomoro@363 10 [ -z "$COMMAND_ARGS" ] && COMMAND_ARGS=
giuliomoro@363 11 [ -z "$RUN_IN_FOREGROUND" ] && RUN_IN_FOREGROUND=1
giuliomoro@363 12 [ -z "$RUN_WITHOUT_SCREEN" ] && RUN_WITHOUT_SCREEN=0
giuliomoro@363 13 [ -z "$BBB_PROJECT_HOME" ] && BBB_PROJECT_HOME="${BBB_BELA_HOME}/projects/"
giuliomoro@363 14 [ -z "$BBB_DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME" ] && BBB_DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME="scriptUploadedProject"
andrewm@59 16 ENABLE_STARTUP=1
andrewm@62 17 RUN_IN_LOOP=0
andrewm@59 18
andrewm@59 19 # This path is hard-coded in the BeagleRT image at present.
andrewm@59 20
andrewm@59 21 function usage
andrewm@59 22 {
andrewm@59 23 THIS_SCRIPT=`basename "$0"`
andrewm@62 24 echo "Usage: $THIS_SCRIPT [-b path-on-beaglebone] [-c command-line-args] [-n] [-l]"
andrewm@59 25
andrewm@59 26 echo "
andrewm@59 27 This script enables (by default) or disables running the BeagleRT
andrewm@59 28 project at startup. The -n option disables auto-startup, otherwise
giuliomoro@363 29 auto-startup is enabled. The -b option changes the name of the project to
giuliomoro@363 30 set on startup, which is otherwise $BBB_DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME. The -c option
giuliomoro@363 31 passes command-line arguments to the BeagleRT program; enclose the argument
giuliomoro@363 32 string in quotes.
andrewm@62 33 The -l option runs the BeagleRT program in a loop, restarting
andrewm@62 34 automatically in the event of a crash."
andrewm@59 35 }
andrewm@59 36
andrewm@59 37 OPTIND=1
andrewm@59 38
andrewm@62 39 while getopts "b:c:nlh" opt; do
andrewm@59 40 case $opt in
giuliomoro@363 41 b) BBB_PROJECT_NAME=$OPTARG
andrewm@59 42 ;;
andrewm@60 43 c) COMMAND_ARGS=$OPTARG
andrewm@60 44 ;;
andrewm@59 45 n) ENABLE_STARTUP=0
andrewm@59 46 ;;
andrewm@62 47 l) RUN_IN_LOOP=1
andrewm@62 48 ;;
andrewm@59 49 h|\?) usage
andrewm@59 50 exit 1
andrewm@59 51 esac
andrewm@59 52 done
andrewm@59 53
andrewm@59 54 shift $((OPTIND-1))
andrewm@59 55
andrewm@59 57 if [ $ENABLE_STARTUP -eq 0 ]
andrewm@59 58 then
andrewm@59 59 echo "Disabling BeagleRT at startup..."
giuliomoro@363 60 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "$MAKE_COMMAND nostartup"
giuliomoro@363 61 elif [ $RUN_IN_LOOP -eq 1 ]
giuliomoro@363 62 then
andrewm@59 63 echo "Enabling BeagleRT at startup..."
giuliomoro@363 64 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "$MAKE_COMMAND startuploop"
giuliomoro@363 65 else
giuliomoro@363 66 echo "Enabling BeagleRT at startup..."
giuliomoro@363 67 ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "$MAKE_COMMAND startup"
giuliomoro@328 68 fi