annotate include/render.h @ 39:638bc1ae2500 staging

Improved readibility of the DIGITAL code in the PRU, using register names instead of aliases and expanding some of the macros, removing unused macros. Binaries were not modified
author Giulio Moro <>
date Wed, 13 May 2015 12:18:10 +0100
parents ad5cd8dd99b3
rev   line source
andrewm@0 1 /*
andrewm@0 2 * render.h
andrewm@0 3 *
andrewm@0 4 * Created on: May 28, 2014
andrewm@0 5 * Author: Victor Zappi
andrewm@0 6 */
andrewm@0 7
andrewm@0 8 #ifndef RENDER_H_
andrewm@0 9 #define RENDER_H_
andrewm@0 10
andrewm@0 11 // uint types
andrewm@0 12 #include <stdint.h>
giuliomoro@24 13 #include "Utilities.h"
giuliomoro@24 14 #include "digital_gpio_mapping.h"
giuliomoro@24 15 #include "RTAudioSettings.h"
giuliomoro@24 16
andrewm@0 17 // Mappings from pin numbers on PCB to actual DAC channels
andrewm@0 18 // This gives the DAC and ADC connectors the same effective pinout
andrewm@0 19 #define DAC_PIN0 6
andrewm@0 20 #define DAC_PIN1 4
andrewm@0 21 #define DAC_PIN2 2
andrewm@0 22 #define DAC_PIN3 0
andrewm@0 23 #define DAC_PIN4 1
andrewm@0 24 #define DAC_PIN5 3
andrewm@0 25 #define DAC_PIN6 5
andrewm@0 26 #define DAC_PIN7 7
andrewm@0 27
andrewm@0 28 #define ADC_PIN0 0
andrewm@0 29 #define ADC_PIN1 1
andrewm@0 30 #define ADC_PIN2 2
andrewm@0 31 #define ADC_PIN3 3
andrewm@0 32 #define ADC_PIN4 4
andrewm@0 33 #define ADC_PIN5 5
andrewm@0 34 #define ADC_PIN6 6
andrewm@0 35 #define ADC_PIN7 7
andrewm@0 36
giuliomoro@19 37 #define ANALOG_MAX 65535.0
andrewm@0 38
andrewm@13 39 extern int gNumAudioChannels; // How many audio channels are present
giuliomoro@19 40 extern int gNumAnalogChannels; // How many analog channels are present
giuliomoro@19 41 extern int gNumDigitalChannels;
giuliomoro@19 42 bool initialise_render(int numAnalogChannels, int numDigitalChannels, int numAudioChannels,
giuliomoro@19 43 int numAnalogFramesPerPeriod,
andrewm@0 44 int numAudioFramesPerPeriod,
giuliomoro@19 45 float analogSampleRate, float audioSampleRate,
giuliomoro@24 46 void *userData, RTAudioSettings *settings);
andrewm@0 47
giuliomoro@19 48 void render(int numAnalogFrames, int numAudioFrames, int numDigitalFrames, float *audioIn, float *audioOut,
giuliomoro@19 49 float *analogIn, float *analogOut, uint32_t *digital);
andrewm@0 50
andrewm@0 51 void render_medium_prio();
andrewm@0 52 void render_low_prio();
andrewm@0 53
andrewm@0 54 void schedule_render_medium_prio();
andrewm@0 55 void schedule_render_low_prio();
andrewm@0 56
andrewm@0 57
andrewm@0 58 void cleanup_render();
andrewm@0 59
andrewm@0 60 #endif /* RENDER_H_ */