annotate include/Utilities.h @ 34:46d87f680da5 matrix_gpio

Merged bbb_network and the so-called "matrix_gpio" branches
author Giulio Moro <>
date Mon, 11 May 2015 19:50:48 +0100
parents 83baffda5786
children 579c86316008
rev   line source
andrewm@0 1 /*
andrewm@0 2 * Utilities.h
andrewm@0 3 *
andrewm@0 4 * Created on: Oct 27, 2014
andrewm@0 5 * Author: parallels
andrewm@0 6 */
andrewm@0 7
andrewm@0 8 #ifndef UTILITIES_H_
andrewm@0 9 #define UTILITIES_H_
andrewm@0 10
andrewm@13 11 extern int gNumAudioChannels; // How many audio channels are present
giuliomoro@19 12 extern int gNumAnalogChannels; // How many analog channels are present
andrewm@13 13
giuliomoro@19 14 // Macros for accessing the analog values: usable _only_ within render()
andrewm@5 15
giuliomoro@19 16 // Read an Analog input from input pin p at frame f
giuliomoro@23 17 #define analogRead(p, f) (analogIn[(f)*gNumAnalogChannels + (p)])
giuliomoro@19 18 // Write an Analog output frame at output pin p, frame f, to value v
giuliomoro@23 19 #define analogWriteFrame(p, f, v) (analogOut[(f)*gNumAnalogChannels + (p)] = (v))
giuliomoro@23 20 #define analogWrite(pin, frame, value) \
giuliomoro@18 21 (({do {\
giuliomoro@19 22 for (int _privateI=(frame); _privateI<numAnalogFrames; _privateI++){ \
giuliomoro@23 23 analogWriteFrame(pin,_privateI,value); \
giuliomoro@18 24 }\
giuliomoro@18 25 } while (0);}),(void)0)\
andrewm@5 26
giuliomoro@16 27 #define setBit(word,bit) ((word)|(1<<(bit)))
giuliomoro@16 28 #define clearBit(word,bit) ((word)&~(1<<(bit)))
giuliomoro@16 29 #define getBit(word,bit) (((word)>>(bit))&1)
giuliomoro@16 30 #define changeBit(word,bit,value) ((clearBit((word),(bit))) | ((value)<<(bit)))
giuliomoro@19 31 //digital API:
giuliomoro@33 32 #define setDigitalDirectionFrame(pin,frame,direction) digital[(frame)]=changeBit(digital[(frame)],(pin),(direction)),void(0)
giuliomoro@33 33 #define setDigitalDirection(pin,frame,direction)\
giuliomoro@33 34 (({do {\
giuliomoro@33 35 for(int _privateI=(frame); _privateI<numDigitalFrames; _privateI++)\
giuliomoro@33 36 setDigitalDirectionFrame(pin,_privateI,direction);\
giuliomoro@33 37 } while (0);}), (void)0)
giuliomoro@19 38 #define digitalWriteAll(frame,value) digital[(frame)]=0xffff0000*(!(!value));
giuliomoro@16 39 //sets the bit in the high word, clears the bit in the low word (just in case the direction was not previously set)
giuliomoro@19 40 #define digitalWriteFrame(pin, frame, value) digital[(frame)]=( changeBit(digital[(frame)], (pin+16), (value)) & (0xffffffff-(1<<(pin))) ) //could have been done with two subsequent assignments
giuliomoro@18 41 #define digitalWrite(pin, frame, value) \
giuliomoro@18 42 (({do {\
giuliomoro@33 43 for (int _privateI=(frame); _privateI<numDigitalFrames; _privateI++) \
giuliomoro@18 44 digitalWriteFrame(pin,_privateI,value); \
giuliomoro@18 45 } while (0);}),(void)0)\
giuliomoro@18 46
giuliomoro@19 47 #define digitalRead(pin, frame) ( getBit(digital[(frame)], pin+16) )
giuliomoro@16 48
andrewm@0 49 float map(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max);
andrewm@0 50 float constrain(float x, float min_val, float max_val);
andrewm@0 51
andrewm@0 52 #endif /* UTILITIES_H_ */