annotate examples/05-Communication/basic-midi/render.cpp @ 517:4656f886175e prerelease

reverted to bash, better handling of non existing IDE folder during update_board
author Giulio Moro <>
date Wed, 22 Jun 2016 15:21:58 +0100
parents 8fcfbfb32aa0
children 8f8809c77dda
rev   line source
robert@464 1 /*
robert@464 2 ____ _____ _ _
robert@464 3 | __ )| ____| | / \
robert@464 4 | _ \| _| | | / _ \
robert@464 5 | |_) | |___| |___ / ___ \
robert@464 6 |____/|_____|_____/_/ \_\
robert@464 7
robert@464 8 The platform for ultra-low latency audio and sensor processing
robert@464 9
robert@464 10
robert@464 11
robert@464 12 A project of the Augmented Instruments Laboratory within the
robert@464 13 Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of London.
robert@464 14
robert@464 15
robert@464 16 (c) 2016 Augmented Instruments Laboratory: Andrew McPherson,
robert@464 17 Astrid Bin, Liam Donovan, Christian Heinrichs, Robert Jack,
robert@464 18 Giulio Moro, Laurel Pardue, Victor Zappi. All rights reserved.
robert@464 19
robert@464 20 The Bela software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
robert@464 21 (LGPL 3.0), available here:
robert@464 22 */
robert@464 23
robert@464 24
robert@464 25 #include <Bela.h>
robert@464 26 #include <Midi.h>
robert@464 27 #include <stdlib.h>
robert@464 28 #include <rtdk.h>
robert@464 29 #include <cmath>
robert@464 30
robert@464 31 float gFreq;
robert@464 32 float gPhaseIncrement = 0;
robert@464 33 bool gIsNoteOn = 0;
robert@464 34 int gVelocity = 0;
robert@464 35 float gSamplingPeriod = 0;
robert@464 36
robert@464 37 void midiMessageCallback(MidiChannelMessage message, void* arg){
robert@464 38 if(arg != NULL){
robert@464 39 rt_printf("Message from midi port %d: ", *(int*)arg);
robert@464 40 }
robert@464 41 message.prettyPrint();
robert@464 42 if(message.getType() == kmmNoteOn){
robert@464 43 gFreq = powf(2, (message.getDataByte(0)-69)/12.0f) * 440;
robert@464 44 gVelocity = message.getDataByte(1);
robert@464 45 gPhaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * gFreq * gSamplingPeriod;
robert@464 46 gIsNoteOn = gVelocity > 0;
robert@464 47 rt_printf("v0:%f, ph: %6.5f, gVelocity: %d\n", gFreq, gPhaseIncrement, gVelocity);
robert@464 48 }
robert@464 49 }
robert@464 50 // setup() is called once before the audio rendering starts.
robert@464 51 // Use it to perform any initialisation and allocation which is dependent
robert@464 52 // on the period size or sample rate.
robert@464 53 //
robert@464 54 // userData holds an opaque pointer to a data structure that was passed
robert@464 55 // in from the call to initAudio().
robert@464 56 //
robert@464 57 // Return true on success; returning false halts the program.
robert@464 58 Midi midi;
robert@464 59 int gMidiPort0 = 0;
robert@464 60 bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
robert@464 61 {
robert@464 62 midi.readFrom(gMidiPort0);
robert@464 63 midi.writeTo(gMidiPort0);
robert@464 64 midi.enableParser(true);
robert@464 65 midi.setParserCallback(midiMessageCallback, &gMidiPort0);
robert@464 66 if(context->analogFrames == 0) {
robert@464 67 rt_printf("Error: this example needs the analog I/O to be enabled\n");
robert@464 68 return false;
robert@464 69 }
robert@464 70 gSamplingPeriod = 1/context->audioSampleRate;
robert@464 71 return true;
robert@464 72 }
robert@464 73
robert@464 74 // render() is called regularly at the highest priority by the audio engine.
robert@464 75 // Input and output are given from the audio hardware and the other
robert@464 76 // ADCs and DACs (if available). If only audio is available, numMatrixFrames
robert@464 77 // will be 0.
robert@464 78
robert@464 79
robert@464 80 enum {kVelocity, kNoteOn, kNoteNumber};
robert@464 81 void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
robert@464 82 {
robert@464 83 // one way of getting the midi data is to parse them yourself
robert@464 84 // (you should set midi.enableParser(false) above):
robert@464 85 /*
robert@464 86 static midi_byte_t noteOnStatus = 0x90; //on channel 1
robert@464 87 static int noteNumber = 0;
robert@464 88 static int waitingFor = kNoteOn;
robert@464 89 static int playingNote = -1;
robert@464 90 int message;
robert@464 91 while ((message = midi.getInput()) >= 0){
robert@464 92 rt_printf("%d\n", message);
robert@464 93 switch(waitingFor){
robert@464 94 case kNoteOn:
robert@464 95 if(message == noteOnStatus){
robert@464 96 waitingFor = kNoteNumber;
robert@464 97 }
robert@464 98 break;
robert@464 99 case kNoteNumber:
robert@464 100 if((message & (1<<8)) == 0){
robert@464 101 noteNumber = message;
robert@464 102 waitingFor = kVelocity;
robert@464 103 }
robert@464 104 break;
robert@464 105 case kVelocity:
robert@464 106 if((message & (1<<8)) == 0){
robert@464 107 int _velocity = message;
robert@464 108 waitingFor = kNoteOn;
robert@464 109 // "monophonic" behaviour, with priority to the latest note on
robert@464 110 // i.e.: a note off from a previous note does not stop the current note
robert@464 111 // still you might end up having a key down and no note being played if you pressed and released another
robert@464 112 // key in the meantime
robert@464 113 if(_velocity == 0 && noteNumber == playingNote){
robert@464 114 noteOn = false;
robert@464 115 playingNote = -1;
robert@464 116 velocity = _velocity;
robert@464 117 } else if (_velocity > 0) {
robert@464 118 noteOn = true;
robert@464 119 velocity = _velocity;
robert@464 120 playingNote = noteNumber;
robert@464 121 f0 = powf(2, (playingNote-69)/12.0f) * 440;
robert@464 122 phaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * f0 / context->audioSampleRate;
robert@464 123 }
robert@464 124 rt_printf("NoteOn: %d, NoteNumber: %d, velocity: %d\n", noteOn, noteNumber, velocity);
robert@464 125 }
robert@464 126 break;
robert@464 127 }
robert@464 128 }
robert@464 129 */
robert@464 130 /*
robert@464 131 int num;
robert@464 132 //alternatively, you can use the built-in parser (only processes channel messages at the moment).
robert@464 133 while((num = midi.getParser()->numAvailableMessages()) > 0){
robert@464 134 static MidiChannelMessage message;
robert@464 135 message = midi.getParser()->getNextChannelMessage();
robert@464 136 message.prettyPrint();
robert@464 137 if(message.getType() == kmmNoteOn){
robert@464 138 f0 = powf(2, (message.getDataByte(0)-69)/12.0f) * 440;
robert@464 139 velocity = message.getDataByte(1);
robert@464 140 phaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * f0 / context->audioSampleRate;
robert@464 141 noteOn = velocity > 0;
robert@464 142 rt_printf("v0:%f, ph: %6.5f, velocity: %d\n", f0, phaseIncrement, gVelocity);
robert@464 143 }
robert@464 144 }
robert@464 145 */
robert@464 146 // the following block toggles the LED on an Owl pedal
robert@464 147 // and asks the pedal to return the status of the LED
robert@464 148 // using MIDI control changes
robert@464 149 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; n++){
robert@464 150 static int count = 0;
robert@464 151 static bool state = 0;
robert@464 152 analogWriteOnce(context, n, 1, state);
robert@464 153 if(count % 40000 == 0){
robert@464 154 state = !state;
robert@464 155 midi_byte_t bytes[6] = {176, 30, (char)(state*127), 176, 67, 30}; // toggle the OWL led and ask for the led status
robert@464 156 midi.writeOutput(bytes, 6);
robert@464 157 }
robert@464 158 count++;
robert@464 159 }
robert@464 160 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++){
robert@464 161 if(gIsNoteOn == 1){
robert@464 162 static float phase = 0;
robert@464 163 phase += gPhaseIncrement;
robert@464 164 if(phase > 2 * M_PI)
robert@464 165 phase -= 2 * M_PI;
robert@464 166 float value = sinf(phase) * gVelocity/128.0f;
robert@464 167 audioWrite(context, n, 0, value);
robert@464 168 audioWrite(context, n, 1, value);
robert@464 169 } else {
robert@464 170 audioWrite(context, n, 0, 0);
robert@464 171 audioWrite(context, n, 1, 0);
robert@464 172 }
robert@464 173 }
robert@464 174 }
robert@464 175
robert@464 176 // cleanup() is called once at the end, after the audio has stopped.
robert@464 177 // Release any resources that were allocated in setup().
robert@464 178
robert@464 179 void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
robert@464 180 {
robert@464 181
robert@464 182 }