annotate include/NetworkSend.h @ 124:23137a333c93 scope-refactoring

Implemented destructor of UdpServer which closes the socket
author Giulio Moro <>
date Sat, 22 Aug 2015 02:51:39 +0100
parents c692827083e1
children cce58e6ec2a2
rev   line source
andrewm@71 1 //scope.cpp
giuliomoro@109 2 #ifndef SCOPE_H_
giuliomoro@109 3 #define SCOPE_H_
giuliomoro@109 4
andrewm@71 5 #include <BeagleRT.h>
andrewm@71 6 #include <rtdk.h>
andrewm@71 7 #include <cmath>
andrewm@71 8 #include <UdpClient.h>
giuliomoro@111 9 #include <vector>
andrewm@71 10
giuliomoro@107 11 #define NETWORK_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE 302
giuliomoro@109 12
giuliomoro@109 13 struct NetworkBuffer{
giuliomoro@109 14 int channelNumber;
giuliomoro@109 15 int activeBuffer;
andrewm@71 16 int index;
giuliomoro@113 17 float buffers[2][NETWORK_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE];
giuliomoro@109 18 bool doneOnTime;
giuliomoro@109 19 bool readyToBeSent;
giuliomoro@111 20 static const int headerLength=2;
andrewm@71 21 };
andrewm@71 22
giuliomoro@111 23 class NetworkSend {
andrewm@71 24 int sampleCount;
andrewm@71 25 float sampleRate;
giuliomoro@111 26 UdpClient udpClient;
giuliomoro@111 27 static bool staticConstructed;
giuliomoro@111 28 static void staticConstructor();
giuliomoro@116 29 static AuxiliaryTask sendDataTask; //TODO: allow different AuxiliaryTasks for different priorities (e.g.: audio vs scope)
giuliomoro@111 30 static std::vector<NetworkSend *> objAddrs;
andrewm@71 31 public:
giuliomoro@109 32 NetworkBuffer channel;
giuliomoro@111 33 NetworkSend();
giuliomoro@111 34 ~NetworkSend();
giuliomoro@109 35 void setup(float aSampleRate);
giuliomoro@111 36 void setup(float aSampleRate, int aChannelNumber, int aPort, const char *aServer);
giuliomoro@109 37 void sendData();
giuliomoro@109 38 void log(float value);
giuliomoro@109 39 void setPort(int aPort);
giuliomoro@111 40 void setServer(const char* aServer);
giuliomoro@109 41 void setChannelNumber(int aChannelNumber);
giuliomoro@109 42 int getChannelNumber();
giuliomoro@111 43 static int getNumInstances();
giuliomoro@111 44 static void sendAllData();
andrewm@71 45 };
andrewm@71 46
giuliomoro@111 47 /**
giuliomoro@111 48 * An array of NetworkSend objects with some default parameters
giuliomoro@111 49 *
giuliomoro@111 50 * All sending on the same port (defaults to 9999)
giuliomoro@111 51 * All sending to the same server (defaults to
giuliomoro@111 52 */
giuliomoro@109 53 class Scope {
giuliomoro@111 54 std::vector<NetworkSend> channels;
giuliomoro@109 55 void deallocate();
giuliomoro@109 56 public:
giuliomoro@109 57 Scope(int aNumChannels);
giuliomoro@109 58 ~Scope();
giuliomoro@109 59 void log(int channel, float value);
giuliomoro@111 60 void setup();
giuliomoro@111 61 void setup(float sampleRate, int aPort, const char* aServer);
giuliomoro@109 62 void sendData();
giuliomoro@119 63 void setPort(int port);
giuliomoro@119 64 void setPort(int channel, int port);
giuliomoro@111 65 int getNumChannels();
giuliomoro@109 66 };
giuliomoro@109 67 #endif /* SCOPE_H */