view ontology/released/audio_features.n3 @ 2:79d564a2e96f tip

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author gyorgyf
date Thu, 23 Feb 2012 23:29:53 +0000
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@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix tl: <> .
@prefix time: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix event: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix vs: <> .
@prefix af: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix mo: <> .

# Ontology header
<> a owl:Ontology;
	dc:title "The Audio Features ontology";
	owl:versionInfo "Revision: 1.1";
	rdfs:label "The Audio Features ontology";
	dc:description """
		This ontology expresses some common concepts
		to represent automatically extracted features
		from audio signals. Therefore, it mainly relies 
		on the Event ontology, in order to classify particular
		parts of the timeline backing an audio signal. 
		Programs outputting RDF according to this ontology should 
		also describe the ouputted document to express some information
		about itself (estimated confidence, maintainer of the program, etc.)
	dc:creator <>;
	foaf:maker <>;
	dc:date "$Date: 2008/06/23 10:24:13 $";

# Status of terms
vs:term_status a owl:AnnotationProperty.

# PART 0
# - This part of the ontology deals with track-level features
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Signal-level feature";
	rdfs:subClassOf mo:Signal;
	rdfs:comment """
		A signal-like feature, holding dense data describing another signal.
		Examples of signal features include chromagrams, spectrograms, onset detection functions etc.
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Chromagram";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Signal;
	rdfs:comment """
		A chromagram feature.
af:DetectionFunction # Following Chris's suggestion at
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Detection function";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Signal;
	rdfs:comment """
		A detection function.
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Tempo detection function";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:DetectionFunction;
	rdfs:comment """
		A tempo detection function
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Onset detection function";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:DetectionFunction;
	rdfs:comment """
		An onset detection function
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Tonal change detection function";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:DetectionFunction;
	rdfs:comment """
		A tonal change detection function
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Tonal content space";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Signal;
	rdfs:comment """
		A 6-D tonal content space
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Amplitude";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Signal;
	rdfs:comment """
		Result of an amplitude following process
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Spectral centroid";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Signal;
	rdfs:comment """
		Spectral centroid
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_Status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Log-frequency spectral centroid";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:SpectralCentroid;
	rdfs:comment """
		Log-frequency spectral centroid
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Linear-frequency spectral centroid";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:SpectralCentroid;
	rdfs:comment """
		Log-frequency spectral centroid
	a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Zero-crossing counts";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Signal;
	rdfs:comment """
		Zero-crossing counts

	a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:domain mo:Signal;
	rdfs:label "signal-level feature";
	rdfs:range af:Signal;
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates an audio signal with a track-level signal feature.
		eg. a spectrogram, a chromagram, an onset detection function.
	a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:value; # Not sure about that bit 
	rdfs:domain af:Signal;
	rdfs:label "value";
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates a signal resource as defined in the Music Ontology to a literal: its actual value.
		For example, it can be used to link an onset detection function to a list of values.

	a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:domain af:Signal;
	rdfs:label "dimensions";
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates a signal with its dimensions, eg. "12 3546". Equivalent to the mpeg7:dim attribute of the mpeg7:Raw

# PART 1
# - This part of the ontology deals with classification of time intervals occuring on a timeline

af:Segment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Segment";
	rdfs:subClassOf event:Event;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for a temporal region corresponding to the output
		of an automatic process---an artificial cognitive agent.
	rdfs:subClassOf	[
		a owl:Restriction;
		owl:onProperty event:time;
		owl:someValuesFrom tl:Interval
af:StructuralSegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Structural Segment";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Segment;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier trying to capture the notion of structure in an audio piece.
		This classifier should be subsumed by more specific classifiers: speech/music
		segmentation, structural music segmmentation (intro, verse, chorus, etc.).
af:Point a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Point";
	rdfs:subClassOf event:Event;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for instants corresponding to the output of an automatic process---an
		artificial cognitive agent (should be associated to a time:Instant---DL version).
	rdfs:subClassOf [
		a owl:Restriction;
		owl:onProperty event:time;
		owl:someValuesFrom tl:Instant

# Speech-related part

af:SpeechSegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Speech";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:StructuralSegment;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier capturing the notion of an audio segment holding speech
af:Laugh a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Laugh";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:SpeechSegment;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for laugh content
af:Text a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Text";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:SpeechSegment;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier allowing to associate some text to a segment
af:EmotionSegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Emotion segment";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:SpeechSegment;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for emotional content
af:IdiomSegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Idiom segment";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:SpeechSegment;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for recognized idiom (English with Irish accent, etc.)
af:PersonSpeaking a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Person speaking";
	rdfs:comment """
			A classifier associating a FOAF description to a particular segment 
			(to classify genre, recognized speaker, etc.)
	rdfs:subClassOf af:SpeechSegment;

# Music-related part

af:MusicSegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Music";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:StructuralSegment;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier capturing the notion of an audio segment holding music.
		This classifier can be subsumed with more specific classifiers.

# Interval-based musical features

af:MusicStructuralSegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Music structural segment";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
	rdfs:comment """
		Classifier capturing the notion of chorus, verse, intro, bridge, phrase, etc.
af:ChordSegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for chords. Equivalent concept as the one
		in the Chord ontology.
	owl:equivalentClass <>;
	rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
af:KeySegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for keys.
		In case of a \"clean cut\", instances of such events
		should have one factor: the detected key (perhaps using the
		key ontology at
		In other cases, we can put several keys as a factor, maybe with different confidence
		factors, using event decomposition.
	rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
	rdfs:label "Key event";
af:TonicSegment a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for tonics.
		In case of a \"clean cut\", instances of such events have one
		factor. In other cases, this event can have several factors, each associated
		with a particular confidence using event decomposition.	
	rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
	rdfs:label "Tonic event";
af:Major a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for a major mode region.
		In case of a \"clean cut\", instances of such events have one
                factor. In other cases, this event can have several factors, each associated
                with a particular confidence using event decomposition.
	rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
	rdfs:label "Major segment";
af:Minor a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier for a minor mode region.
		In case of a \"clean cut\", instances of such events have one
                factor. In other cases, this event can have several factors, each associated
                with a particular confidence using event decomposition.
	rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
	rdfs:label "Minor segment";
af:Loudness a owl:Class;
        vs:term_status "testing";
        rdfs:comment "Event holding a loudness value";
        rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment; #or instant? or both?
        rdfs:label "Loudness event";
af:Pitch a owl:Class;
        vs:term_status "testing";
        rdfs:comment "Event holding a pitch value (for example coming from a monophonic transcription process)";
        rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
        rdfs:label "Pitch event";
af:Tempo a owl:Class;
        vs:term_status "testing";
        rdfs:comment "Event holding a tempo value (120bpm...)";
        rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
        rdfs:label "Tempo event";
af:Ornament a owl:Class;
        vs:term_status "testing";
        rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
        rdfs:label "Ornament event";
        rdfs:comment "Classifying a temporal region holding a musical ornament";
af:TimeSignature a owl:Class;
        vs:term_status "testing";
        rdfs:subClassOf af:MusicSegment;
        rdfs:label "Time signature";
        rdfs:comment "Classifying a temporal region with a particular time signature (what? there is something else than 4/4?? :-)";

# Point-based musical features

# An onset is the start of a musical event:
# {:evt a :Onset;event:time ?t1} => {_:me a :MusicalEvent; event:time ?t2. ?t2 tl:begins ?t1}
af:Onset a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Onset";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Point;
	rdfs:comment """
		A classifier corresponding to the output of an onset detection process.
af:TonalOnset a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Pitched onset";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Onset;
	rdfs:comment "A pitched onset";
af:NonTonalOnset a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Percussive onset";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Onset;
	rdfs:comment "A percussive onset";
af:Beat a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Beat event";
	rdfs:comment "A beat event (instantaneous)";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Point;
af:Pitch a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Pitch event";
	rdfs:comment "Associate a point to a particular pitch";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Point;
af:KeyChange a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Key change event";
	rdfs:comment "A key change event. The factor of such an event captures the key that holds after that event.";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Point;
af:TonicChange a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Tonic change event";
	rdfs:comment "A tonic change event. The factors of such events include the tonic that holds after the event.";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Point;
af:ModeChange a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Mode change event";
	rdfs:comment "A mode change event. The factors of such events include the mode that holds after the event.";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Point;
af:TonalChange a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Tonal change event";
	rdfs:comment "A tonal change event.";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Point;
af:ZeroCrossing a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Zero crossing";
	rdfs:comment "Classifier for a zero-crossing point";
	rdfs:subClassOf af:Point;

# PART 2
# - This part of the ontology defines some segment-specific concepts

# Custom concepts

# Speech-related

af:Idiom a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Idiom";
	rdfs:comment """
		Idiom (English with Irish accent, Austrian German, etc.)
af:EnglishIdiom a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "English idiom";
	rdfs:comment """
		English idiom
af:standard_british_english a af:EnglishIdiom;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	dc:title "Standard British English";
af:standard_us_english a af:EnglishIdiom;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	dc:title "Standard US English";
af:english_irish_accent a af:EnglishIdiom;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	dc:title "English with an Irish accent";
af:english_scottish_accent a af:EnglishIdiom;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	dc:title "English with a Scottish accent";
af:GermanIdiom a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "German idiom";
	rdfs:comment """
		German idiom
af:austrian_german a af:GermanIdiom;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	dc:title "Austrian German";
af:swiss_german a af:GermanIdiom;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	dc:title "Swiss German";
af:standard_german a af:GermanIdiom;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	dc:title "Standard German";
af:HungarianIdiom a owl:Class;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "Hungarian idiom";
	rdfs:comment "Hungarian idiom";
af:standard_hungarian a af:HungarianIdiom;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	dc:title "Standard Hungarian";

# Predicates

af:text a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	a rdf:Property;
	rdfs:comment """
		Relates a Text segment (classifying a time interval that can 
		be associated to some text) to a text string or other literals (number, etc.)
	rdfs:subPropertyOf event:hasLiteralFactor;
	rdfs:domain af:Text;
	rdfs:range rdfs:Literal;
af:idiom a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	a rdf:Property;
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates a segment which classify an idiom (English with Irish accent, etc.) to an actual idiom
	rdfs:subPropertyOf event:hasLiteralFactor;
	rdfs:domain af:IdiomSegment;
	rdfs:range af:Idiom;
af:person a owl:ObjectProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	a rdf:Property;
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates a segment classified as holding speech content to a FOAF
		profile (maybe holding information about genre, recognized speaker URI, etc.)
	rdfs:label "person";
	rdfs:domain af:PersonSegment;
	rdfs:range foaf:Person;
af:emotional_intensity a owl:ObjectProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	a rdf:Property;
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates an \"emotional intensity\" value to a 
		segment detected as being \"emotional\"
	rdfs:label "emotional intensity";
	rdfs:domain af:EmotionSegment;
	rdfs:range rdfs:Literal;

af:key a owl:ObjectProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:domain af:KeySegment;
	rdfs:range owl:Thing; # More specific...
	rdfs:subPropertyOf event:factor;
	rdfs:label "key";
	rdfs:comment "Associates a key event to the corresponding key";
af:new_key a owl:ObjectProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:domain af:KeyChange;
	rdfs:range owl:Thing;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf event:factor;
	rdfs:label "new key";
	rdfs:comment "Associates a key change event to the new key, holding after the change";
af:tonic a owl:ObjectProperty;
        vs:term_status "testing";
        rdfs:domain af:TonicSegment;
        rdfs:range owl:Thing;
        rdfs:subPropertyOf event:factor;
	rdfs:label "tonic";
	rdfs:comment "Associates a tonic event with the corresponding tonic";
af:new_tonic a owl:ObjectProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:domain af:TonicChangeEvent;
	rdfs:range owl:Thing;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf event:factor;
	rdfs:label "new tonic";
	rdfs:comment "Tonic that holds after the tonic change event";
af:new_mode a owl:ObjectProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:domain af:ModeChangeEvent;
	rdfs:range owl:Thing;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf event:factor;
	rdfs:label "new mode";
	rdfs:comment "Mode that holds after the mode change event";

# Literals associated with features

af:feature a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	a rdf:Property;
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates a segment classifying a feature to the actual feature---we should use mpeg7 sort-of datatypes here
	rdfs:label "feature";
	rdfs:subPropertyOf event:literal_factor;
	rdfs:domain af:Segment;
	rdfs:range rdfs:Literal;
af:tempo a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf af:feature;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "tempo";
	rdfs:domain af:Tempo;
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates a tempo event to the corresponding tempo value.
af:pitch a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf af:feature;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	rdfs:label "pitch";
	rdfs:domain af:Pitch;
	rdfs:comment """
		Associates a pitch event to the corresponding pitch

#af:mfcc_2_10 (mean/variance) should go there, as well as af:chroma ...

# Part III
# Generic things, related to outputs of automatic processes
# Most of these things should be elsewhere

af:confidence a owl:DatatypeProperty;
	vs:term_status "testing";
	a rdf:Property;
	rdfs:comment """
		A really generic property, allowing to associate a confidence to a document or to a particular
		resource (such as an automatically detected segment)
	rdfs:label "confidence";
	rdfs:range rdfs:Literal;